Please, I Beg You! This Is a Dating Simulation Game
Please, I Beg You! This Is a Dating Simulation Game Chapter 52

  Some people saw that Shen Xin began to brush the NPC’s good feelings and determined that there must be something strange.
  The players learned to be smart and began to copy homework.
  Shen Xin saw that individual players looked flustered and rushed to other places.
  Obviously, someone had discovered the secret of the main quest.
  She didn’t know if the other quests were difficult or not. She had to quickly increase the NPC’s favorable impression.
  It was time to test his family.
  Shen Xin took out a small notebook, which recorded the rules of brushing good feelings that she had summarized during this period of time.
  After inquiring and experimenting, except for NPCs like Uncle Li and Old He who needed special means to improve their favorability, most NPCs could improve their favorability by talking or giving gifts.
  Dialogue adds little goodwill, and gifts come in three levels.
  Disgust, common, love.
  If you accidentally send something that the NPC hates, your favorable impression will decrease by a whole heart.
  Give ordinary things, good feelings can increase one eighth of the heart.
  Only by giving NPC favorite items can we add half a heart.
  NPCs usually only liked two or three things, and it was not easy to try them out.
  In addition, each NPC will only accept gifts once a day, whether they like it or hate it, and they can’t send it again after they are sent on the same day.
  Some players who came into contact with the Favorability System for the first time didn’t understand the trick and stepped on a mine coincidentally, giving an NPC something they hated.
  In the end, the goodwill that he had gained from completing missions and conversations was instantly cleared.
  it’s over. i copied my homework and failed.
  After Shen Xin finished sending a circle of gifts, he was still dissatisfied with the impression, so he planned to go to the bulletin board to do the task, but he did not expect to meet an acquaintance in the bulletin board.
  ”Yang Zhi?” Shen Xin saw the person in front of the bulletin board and couldn’t help but call out the name.
  Yun Yuwei looked up.
  ”Oh, it’s you. Your hair grows quite fast.” Shen Xin looked at him and still wondered,” How come you haven’t seen Water Margin?”
  ”Water Margin” in Yang Zhi because his face long palm-sized pigmentation spots, so called green-faced beast.
  Although Tony had a way to extend hair for Yun Yuwei, he was unable to remove the black ink, so there were still many black patches on his face.
  Of course, Yun Yuwei knew who the green-faced beast Yang Zhi was. His face instantly darkened.” Hmph, I wanted to sell you something good, but seeing that you’re so tactless, forget it!”
  ”Good stuff?” Shen Xin casually asked,” What good things can you have?”
  ”Don’t use goading. I won’t buy it.” Yun Yuwei wanted to express his attitude, but he saw Shen Xin’s expression of “not provoking, you are a real vegetable.”
  Yun Yuwei was speechless.
  Damn, that’s even more exciting.
  ”I really do!”
  ”Yes, yes, yes.” Shen Xin no longer paid attention to him, dismounted and began to read the mission.
  ”I have an umbrella that can block the sun! I’m the only one selling umbrellas in town!” Yun Yuwei took out his parasol, while Shen Xin only looked back and turned back.
  “?”Yun Yuwei reached out and tugged at her.”What’s wrong? Don’t you want to buy an umbrella?”
  Shen Xin took out his straw hat and put it on.
  Yun Yuwei: “The hat shading effect is not as good as the umbrella!”
  Shen Xin took out a glass of frozen juice.
  Yun Yuwei was speechless.
  It’s a complete failure.
  Damn it, can’t I just let this annoying guy lose at my hands once!
  When Yun Yuwei fell into self-doubt, Shen Xin had already left.
  The NPCs ‘quest requirements were more or less suggestive.
  For example, the carpenter’s wife often issued a notice is “daughter wants to eat bass, high price to buy bass.”
  Shen Xin tried to send a carpenter daughter bass and found that she really liked it.
  Relying on this rule, Shen Xin made a list of items that NPC might like.
  Her priorities were the owners of a few shops in town, followed by everyone else.
  Unfortunately, there were two NPCs that Shen Xin thought were mission targets with five hearts of goodwill, but they did not trigger the main story.
  If you are unlucky, you can brush it tomorrow.
  But few of the residents ‘favorite flowers remain.
  Most of the flowers harvested in spring were sent to npc, and some were dyed. Shen Xin had to focus on the flowers planted not long ago.
  Lavender, honeysuckle and carnations planted in summer are in full bloom and begin to produce honey.
  Although Shen Xin had never drunk any of the three nectars and could not imagine what they tasted like, the hive did work.
  And tomorrow is the day of honey.
  Shen Xin plans to pluck the flowers after receiving the first wave of honey, collect the seeds and expand the seeds.
  After confirming that all NPC Affinity had been brushed, Shen Xin went to Zhuang Yi’s place to get dinner, and then rode to the cave.
  Only Shen Xin did not expect to meet Mingyue in the monster cave.
  With Mingyue are Zhou Yi and Qin Chengyue.
  Shen Xin was not surprised that the other two people appeared in the cave. After all, these two people were playing quite actively.
  And who is Mingyue?
  How does he look like he’s here to play games? Those who didn’t know would think that he was hiding in the mountain forest and getting an expert.
  Since entering the game to now, Shen Xin has seen him twice.
  I don’t know how he survived alone for so long.
  At this time, Mingyue came to visit the door… To be precise, he came to visit the hole.
  He and Zhou Yi also moved into Monster Cave for summer vacation.
  Two teams, one on the left and one on the right, live in the cave next to them in Shen Xin.
  The monster cave was almost turning into a hotel, and it was the kind that didn’t cost anything.
  Mingyue came to visit the cave, looking for Jing Yan.
  He threw out a few weapons and asked Jing Yan,”Is there anything more powerful? I’ll trade these with you.”
  Shen Xin looked familiar. These seemed to be the weapons she had sold before. What was going on? How did it end up in Mingyue’s hands? Are the other players this fanatical? Even life-saving weapons were given to idols?
  Weapons were naturally not gifts from players.
  Even if they wanted to, they had to find out where Mingyue lived.
  Mingyue explained calmly: “I went out for a walk and picked it up.”
  So it was picked up.
  Shen Xin looked at more than ten weapons on the ground.
  That’s quite a haul.
  However, Shen Xin and Jing Yan each had a piece of the Level 2 weapon they had caught before. As for the Ice Lake, Shen Xin had not caught a new weapon in it.
  Mingyue didn’t react after listening, so he withdrew his weapon and left.
  ”I didn’t expect to have neighbors now.” Jing Yan smiled and took the food brought by Shen Xin, and stuffed a bag of things into Shen Xin.
  ”Gunpowder?” Shen Xin looked at the black powder in the paper bag, looked up at both sides, and asked Jing Yan in a low voice,”Where did it come from?”
  ”The new monster bomb dropped.” Jing Yan displayed his inventory. There were 96 packets of gunpowder in it.” Bomb monsters have extremely high HP and are difficult to kill. According to the designer’s thinking, players should be able to kill the monster before it explodes and then obtain gunpowder… Of course, this is a normal strategy.”
  Shen Xin was speechless.
  Shen Xin: “That is not conventional?”
  Didn’t you use fluorescent fish to add nausea to your weapon?” Jing Yan winked.” I’ve tried it. Bomb monsters that are affected by nausea will spit out three to four gunpowder. After it is exhausted, you can hit it casually. Even if it explodes, it will be a squib.”
  Shen Xin felt that he gradually got used to the way Jing Yan did not take the usual path. If he played games according to the rules one day, Shen Xin was abnormal.
  Suddenly wanted to connect with him in other games.
  This person’s thinking was too lively. Shen wanted to see how he could make things work in some difficult games.
  Seeing Shen Xin suddenly silent, Jing Yan waved his hand in front of her.” What’s wrong?”
  ”Ah? It’s fine.” Shen Xin came back to God and suddenly asked him,”Have you heard of the game I made with my feet when I dreamed?”
  Jing Yan suddenly choked.
  ”Cough cough, what?”
  ”A game, but the name doesn’t sound serious.” Shen Xin understood. She had the same reaction the first time she saw the game.
  Although the name of this game seemed very casual, the content of the game was worth mentioning.
  About two years ago, a small game studio released this sandbox game, relying on wild design ideas and strange synthesis recipes to create a dream world.
  The game has only one main thread, which is to enter deeper dreams.
  Shen Xin has been exposed to dream games in the past to escape from dreams-based, always let the protagonist wake up from the dream.
  This game is different. It tries to get the player into different dreams layer by layer.
  Players play various roles in dreams, sometimes as warriors, sometimes as aliens, sometimes as babies, sometimes even as bacteria. The specific game style of each layer is different.
  Overall, playing is a cool word.
  The picture is cool, the game feels cool, and the game content is even more cool, very decompressed.
  Shen Xin felt that the designer’s brain hole was too big when he was doing the live game. The players almost did what they wanted. Everything was so absurd, but it was reasonable to follow.
  Only the players could not think of it. There was nothing that the designer did not consider.
  It can be said that the designers spent a lot of effort in the idea…except for the game name.
  In front of Jing Yan, Shen Xin praised and praised this game.
  After she finished her praise, Jing Yan’s eyes lit up.” Have you played this game before?”
  ” Uh…” Shen Xin didn’t forget her character design of ” not playing games.” She found a reason: ” I haven’t played before. I’m just watching the real situation.”
  ”Oh.” Jing Yan thought for a moment.”Is it the reality of ‘My parents won’t let me play games’? The game flow you mentioned is very similar to how he plays it.”
  ”Cough, it’s her.” Shen Xin pretended to take over naturally.” Have you seen it?”
  ”Look.” Jing Yan nodded.” I’ve watched him live every season. It’s very interesting. I can feel his love for games, not his enjoyment in the sense of entertainment… How should I put it? I like his attitude towards games and his opinions. They often inspire me.”
  Shen Xin was a little embarrassed to hear the party praise himself so much.
  ”Unfortunately, he’s too mysterious.” Jing Yan said regretfully,” I’ve been following him for many years. I’ve tried to send private messages to communicate with him, but he never seems to read them. I can’t get in touch with him except in games…”
  Shen Xin nodded slightly.” Indeed.”
  She could see countless private messages in her external account every day. It was impossible to read them one by one.
  ”Try it next time. Maybe she’ll watch the live broadcast and reply to you later.”
  Shen Xin was thinking about how to tell which private message was from Jing Yan.
  ”Maybe.” Jing Yan smiled, his eyes revealing a cunning look.” But I already have a way to contact him.”
  ”Huh?” Shen Xin was curious.” What method?”
  ”I can’t tell you for the time being.” Jing Yan paused.”Do you want to add a friend after we go out? If I successfully contact him, I’ll tell you right away. Maybe I can get you an autograph?”
  ”Sure.” Shen Xin smiled.


Thank you very much for reading my translations.

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