Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight
Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 7

Greatstone Castle, the birthplace of the House of Willem, had been named for the massive stone upon which it was built. The castle stood seventy feet tall, its thick stone walls and excellent defensive design making it a formidable fortress, a nightmare for most raiders.

Inside Greatstone Castle, important members of the House of Willem gathered in the great hall.

According to the customs of the House of Willem, any member of the clan who had reached the rank of quasi-knight was allowed to participate in council meetings. At present, nearly twenty people sat in the great hall; indeed, the House of Willem possessed much greater resources than those of the House of Hunter.

It was little wonder that the House of Hunter had long been held in check by the House of Willem. Although both noble houses only possessed one knight, knights served as strategic deterrence for these minor nobles. In times of full-scale war, they would be reluctant to commit their knights without careful consideration.

In terms of quasi-knightly power, the House of Willem held a clear advantage. However, since Richard had assumed control over the House of Hunter, life had become increasingly difficult for the House of Willem.

Now not only had the Weylin family lost their timber trade, but many of their subjects had also fled to the Hunter family’s territory. The primary defensive force of the Hunter family, meanwhile, had shifted from peasant soldiers to a group of soldiers clad in white armor.

These soldiers were not only well-trained, they were also vicious fighters, and small squadrons of them dared to provoke the quasi-knight sons of the Weylin family. The Weylin family’s quasi-knight sons, for their part, could not easily cross the border to pursue the escaped serfs.

Thus, the conflict between the Weylin and Hunter families dominated the former’s internal discussions of late. The conflict had long since been open, and yet a full-scale clash had not erupted—only the restraint of both families’ leaders had prevented it. After all, each family had only one knight, and neither was confident in their ability to emerge victorious.

A series of recent events, however, compelled Viscount Weylin to reconsider his position.

Viscount Weylin, seated in the chief seat, wore a splendid brocade robe. He clapped his hands, and the noisy Boule Chamber instantly fell silent.

As head of the Weylin family and its sole knight, Viscount Weylin commanded absolute authority within his clan.

All eyes turned toward the chief seat, awaiting his next words.

“Recently, I have received word that the Hunter family has discovered an iron ore vein within the ironwood forest.”


His words were like a stone tossed into still water, and the quiet that followed was soon disturbed, as whispers filled the hall.

The members of the Weylin family even breathed a little heavier, their eyes red, greedy, and furious.

The importance of iron ore to a fief could not be overstated, and the Weylin family believed the entirety of the Hunter fief should rightfully belong to them—they should own the iron ore as well.

“Is this information reliable?”

“I’ve already sent a scout to confirm. We’ve located the ore vein.”

“Bang! Dage, let’s go make them hand over the ore vein right now.”

Amid the clamor, this Weylin quasi-knight banged his fist on the table.

“That’s right, we also have a claim on the ironwood forest’s lumberyard.”

Viscount Weylin nodded in satisfaction at the enraged crowd; this was exactly the reaction he wanted.

“Dage, that rascal from the Hunter family has a bellyful of plots and schemes—could this be another trick?”

Although the Weylin family was largely composed of brutish men, they were not short on cunning.

“Ha ha, of course it could be. He thinks I’m a fool, but I’ll give him a surprise.”

Viscount Weylin had considered the possibility that this might be a trick, which was why he had sent men to investigate and confirm the existence of the ore vein. If there was a trick here, it would be an aboveboard scheme, carried out in broad daylight.

If they didn’t commit to action, the Hunter family would develop their resources for a few more years, and the Weylin family would be forever under their control, reduced to mere vassals.

“Come here, Tas.” Tas was the second son of Viscount Weylin, and had demonstrated exceptional talent since his youth, making him the most valued son of the viscount.

“Father.” Tas respectfully approached Viscount Weylin. Unlike the warm atmosphere of the Hunter family, the Weylin family placed a greater emphasis on hierarchy and seniority.

“Show everyone your capabilities.”

“Yes, Father.”

Tas turned around, and blue-grey energy ignited around his body.

After a brief moment of stunned silence, the hall erupted in an eruption of cheers.

“Congratulations, congratulations!”

“Our Tas is truly a genius.”

“The Weylin family has a successor.”

The atmosphere in the hall grew even more fervent, and even those who were apprehensive at first now felt their confidence swell. The Weylin family’s military power was slightly stronger than the Hunter family’s, and with the addition of Tas as a knight, their advantage in this regard became even more pronounced.


Viscount Weylin’s cough silenced the crowd once more.

“Return to your manors and make your preparations. Gather your personal guards and peasant soldiers, and be ready to march in ten days’ time. If the Hunter family does not know its place, we shall turn their lands to ash.”

Viscount Weylin wanted to send the troops as soon as possible, but unlike the Hunter family, the Weylin family did not have a standing army of professional soldiers. They still relied on the traditional system of peasant soldiers, with each quasi-knight commanding his men from their respective villages.

Only a few personal guards stayed with them year-round, while the rest of the peasant soldiers were mobilized only when needed. Considering the time it took to assemble the peasant soldiers and travel to Greatstone Castle, ten days was quite a swift mobilization.

After receiving their orders, everyone dispersed to make preparations, leaving only Viscount Weylin and Tas behind in the hall.

“Are there any concerns you have about this operation, Tas?”

Once everyone else had left, Viscount Weylin put away his confident demeanor and turned to Tas with a frown.

“What is there to worry about, Father?”

“That Richard Hunter boy is no easy opponent. I’m sure he’s up to more than meets the eye.”

“Then I am the piece he overlooked, and I will personally cut off his head.”

Tas and Richard were both geniuses of the younger generation, and as their territories bordered each other, they were often compared. Tas was a few years older than Richard, but in the eyes of many, he ranked below the other young man, which was a thorn in the side of the prideful knight. This time, he intended to pull that thorn out once and for all.

“Very well. You may go make your preparations.”

“Regardless of whether we’re knights or quasi-knight, we are all stronger than the Hunter family. There’s no need for you to worry, Father.”

With that, Tas left the great hall.

Only Viscount Weylin remained in the hall, still uneasy.

He even considered the ridiculous possibility that Richard could become a knight at such a young age, then shook his head. How many knights under the age of seventeen existed in the entirety of the Golden Dragon Kingdom?

Even if Richard did somehow become a knight, the Weylin family’s quasi-knight still maintained an absolute advantage. This operation was more than feasible.

A gust of cold wind swept through the hall, causing the chandeliers to sway violently.

Viscount Weylin held down the hem of his cloak, tightened his grip on the sword at his waist, and pushed aside his strange unease.

No matter what plots you scheme, he thought, they will crumble before our superior strength.


Thank you very much for reading my translations.

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