Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight
Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 28

By the time Lint arrived outside the Boule Chamber, a heated dispute had already broken out.

“You’re abandoning the northern lands and its people!”

“People? They’re paying taxes to their own noble lords, not yours. There’s no harm in sending reinforcements only after the man-eating demons have crossed into Lancelot Family territory.”

“You… you’re truly shameless!”

“Hmph, I’m only looking out for the Lancelot Family.”

Both parties had their supporters. Meanwhile, Marquis Wade remained seated on the dais, allowing both sides to argue until their faces turned red.

Unobtrusively, Lint entered the Boule Chamber and took a seat, quietly listening to both factions’ opinions.

One side advocated for the Northern Expeditionary Army to mobilize immediately and repel the enemy in the Wilderness. Ideally, this would force the man-eating demons to retreat before they even reached the borders of the northern lands.

The other side argued that fighting a massive army of man-eating demons in the open would result in too heavy casualties, and that it would be better to hunker down behind castle walls and let the enemy starve. After all, man-eating demons were not good at laying siege.

However, this strategy amounted to abandoning many small nobles’ territories. Even if man-eating demons were ill-suited to castle assaults, smaller fortifications could not withstand them, especially during planting season when many villages could not be evacuated.

After weighing the options, Lint leaned toward taking the initiative to attack. If they sat by and allowed the northern lands to fall into chaos, the consequences next year might prove even more disastrous.

However, the thought of deploying troops troubled Lint. Something about this invading tribe seemed strange, and Lint’s instincts told him there was a conspiracy afoot.

“Xiao-Si, what are your thoughts?” asked Marquis Wade, interrupting Lint’s thoughts.

The attention of everyone at the table shifted to Lint.

Those present weren’t ignorant fools like the ones outside; they recognized Lint’s capabilities from his accomplishments over the past few years. No one dismissed him as worthless trash incapable of cultivating.

Realizing all eyes were on him, Lint felt compelled to share his views.

Glancing at the two factions debating, he asked quietly, “If the orcs breach the territories bordering the wilderness and continue their advance eastward, what then? If they decide to stay, rather than leave, what then? Do we plan to hide within our walls for our entire lives?

“Don’t imagine that the demons will retreat just because we’ve cleared out our borders. Think about why they’re called demons.”

The principle of protecting one’s interests by aiding one’s neighbors was universal. Once those noble families close to the Wilderness could no longer hold, the tribes of the Wild would likely ravage the lands of Snowfall City directly.

Moreover, while clearing out the villages and strengthening the borders might seem like a viable option at first glance, the northern lands contained many villages with populations too large to be relocated into the cities; these people would become little more than sustenance for the demonic armies.

Lint’s meaning was clear: he supported the Northern Expeditionary Army taking the initiative to strike first.

Marquis Wade nodded from his place of honor, though he said nothing, it was clear he approved of Lint’s view.

“Then I suggest we have the lords of each territory defend their castles for a short while, until they’re on the verge of collapse, and then we will intervene.”

“Uncle Dao En’s suggestion makes sense.”

“That’s right, we can’t so easily commit ourselves to action. These people don’t contribute a single copper to Snowfall City’s coffers.”

“They need to feel pain first before they can appreciate our assistance.”

The crowd murmured in agreement, most expressing support for Dao En’s suggestion.

Although the Lancelot Family was widely acknowledged as the most powerful noble clan in the northern lands, each noble family had been granted their titles by the kingdom. In theory, the Lancelot Family had no direct authority over them.

The tribes of cannibals had crossed several territories belonging to other noble families before making camp near the Lancelot Family’s territory. Most of the Lancelot Family opposed taking the initiative to act against them.

Frowning, Lint kept his opinions on the matter to himself. Dao En’s suggestion seemed more beneficial to the Lancelot Family, so he chose not to voice his objection outright.

“I think we should support these territories with some supplies first, to give them a chance to hold out against the cannibals.”

“Then we can divide them into several battle zones and have them choose their own commander, cooperating to defend against the enemy while the Northern Expeditionary Army stands behind them.”

As soon as Dao En finished speaking, several others chimed in with agreement.

“Good idea. It’ll help them hold out for longer.”

Upon hearing Dao En’s words, Lint glanced over, his eyes flickering with a flash of suspicion. Just how much benefit has this old man gained?

During wartime, the Marquis Estate held command over all northern lords. Dao En’s suggestion did not break this rule; after being divided into battle zones, the nobles would indeed be able to select their own commander, but it would be done at their own discretion.

However, if they didn’t appoint a commander satisfactory to the Lancelot Family, they could forget about receiving any support from them.

It didn’t take long for Lint to assess the situation and recognize that this proposal would most certainly be accepted. It required little investment from the Lancelot Family but would significantly enhance their influence over the other lords of the northern lands. Marquis Wade would not pass up this opportunity.

The Lancelot Family would merely need to provide a single feather, and someone else would take it and run with it, using it as an excuse to do as they pleased.

As Lint considered this, he was reminded of Richard, who had made a deep impression on him. Perhaps he could help this young man; it would certainly be interesting to see what sort of game could be played with a feather if it landed in his hands.

In fact, Lint found himself looking forward to it.

Now that the basic outline of the operation had been approved, the discussion shifted to finer details, and the atmosphere in the Boule Chamber grew more relaxed.

Although a super-sized tribe of man-eating demons merited Snowfall City’s attention, the Lancelot Family felt no real sense of crisis.

If they were willing to accept some losses, the Northern Expeditionary Army’s hundred-thousand-strong troops would have no trouble defeating such a tribe under normal circumstances.

Only Lint sensed something amiss, though he couldn’t quite pinpoint the danger.

“Very well, let’s proceed with this plan, everyone. You may all withdraw to prepare.”

In the end, it was Marquis Wade who decided on the final course of action.

The twenty or so territories that might be targeted by the giant man-eating demon army were divided into five war zones, and the Northern Expeditionary Army’s eighty thousand troops were deployed to await orders.

Aside from those needed to maintain order in their home territories, nearly the entire Northern Expeditionary Army mobilized, ready to pounce like a lion taking down a rabbit.

“Sander, summon the Dark Rider Legion.”

The more Lint thought about it, the more uneasy he felt. Although the cannibals were savage, they were not mindless beasts. An enormous cannibal tribe could not possibly be unaware of the power of the Marquis of the Northern Lands.

These raiders must have either the capability to hold their own against the Northern Expeditionary Army or some reason they could not pass up the opportunity to attack.

Without more information, Lint couldn’t make a definitive judgment, so all he could do was gather as much of his own strength as possible, in preparation for the worst.

“The Dark Rider Legion is still dispersed among the merchant caravans. If we recall them all, it will significantly impact trade.”

“Delay the merchant caravans’ activities for now. The Dark Rider Legion must be assembled before the Northern Expeditionary Army deploys.”

“Yes, my lord.”

Though Sander was always fond of expressing his own opinions, whenever Lint made a decision, Sander would execute it without question, no matter whether he understood it or not.

The Dark Rider Legion was a secret elite force that Lint had trained himself, numbering only three hundred but with each member possessing the strength of a quasi-knight or greater.

They rode only the expensive river valley steeds, and their influence could tip the scales in a small to midsize battle. 

Even someone as intelligent yet frail as Lint naturally felt insecure, and thus would always keep some cards hidden up their sleeve—like Lint’s Dark Rider Legion. As Sander left to carry out the orders, Lint finally managed to push aside his unease somewhat.

“I hope I’m just scaring myself,” Lint muttered under his breath, then settled himself to leisurely prepare a pot of light tea.


Thank you very much for reading my translations.

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