Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army
Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army Chapter 3

Chapter 3

“That evening, Shi Tingyu said she would go hide the books and carried some out.

Her father wanted to help but she refused.

“The fewer people know about this, the better. If the Red Committee asks, it’ll be easier to bluff through.”

“You’ve dealt with academics all your life. Your face shows every lie. It wouldn’t be good if it’s exposed later.”

Shi Tingyu’s parents exchanged glances, seeing a hint of guilt in each other’s eyes.

Finally, Shi Tingyu hugged a stack of books and walked into the night.

They lived in the residential area of the research institute, guarded at the gate, so safety wasn’t a concern, and Shi Tingyu didn’t leave the residential area.

After making sure no one was around, she quietly stored the items in her space. Then she strolled around the compound, pretending to take a walk.

Seeing that it was almost time, Shi Tingyu returned.

Seeing her return empty-handed, her parents knew she had hidden the books. They remembered her words and didn’t ask again.

The next day, Shi Tingyu’s parents went to work at the institute.

At home, Shi Tingyu stored everything in her space.

When her parents returned from work, their jaws almost dropped.

So many books…

Shi Tingyu explained, “Don’t worry, I’ve handled everything properly.”

Her father wandered around the room again, checking every nook and cranny. Once he confirmed there were no more items left, he remained silent.

He trusted his daughter. She would never do anything uncertain.

Shi Tingyu cooked dinner. Her parents didn’t cook; they were always busy. Even if they tried, the taste wouldn’t be up to par.

For the sake of her own appetite, the eldest brother of the Shi family and the original host had learned to cook well. This relieved Shi Tingyu; she didn’t have to worry about her cooking skills being exposed to her family.

Even though the original host did all the housework, she didn’t have a good reputation in the residential area.

The neighbors said she was too lazy.

But the truth was, the original host didn’t like working in an office. Previously abroad, and now in tense times, her parents worried she might say something inappropriate at work, so they didn’t let her work.

The Shi family was special, brought back by the state to serve as high-tech talents. Otherwise, without a job, the original host would have had to go to the countryside as a educated youth.

Shi Tingyu’s culinary skills were forced out of her.

Once an orphan, she lived alone after graduating from college and couldn’t eat out every day. She honed her cooking skills.

At that time, with the advanced network, whether on TikTok or Little Red Book, all kinds of dishes could be found. Initially, she followed the video, and later she could improvise.

Sitting at the dinner table, Shi Tingyu’s parents, as usual, praised her culinary skills.

They were very grateful to have such a daughter.”

“Their parents couldn’t cook for their daughter, so they enjoyed the fruits of her labor. The only thing they could do was give her positive and affirming feedback.

Listening to her parents’ praise, Shi Tingyu wondered if the original host had lost herself in these compliments, sprinting ahead on the path of culinary skills.

The atmosphere during meals at the Shi household was pleasant, with light-hearted topics discussed.

Any important matters were never brought up at the dinner table to avoid affecting the quality of the meal.

After dinner, Shi Tingyu’s parents pulled her aside on the couch, hesitating as they looked at her.

“Mom and Dad, is there something you want to talk about?”

Finally, it was her mother who spoke up, “Today at the institute, we received a call from your brother. He’s coming back tomorrow.”

“That’s good news.” Shi Tingyu’s elder brother hadn’t been back for over a year.

“Your brother’s comrade-in-arms is also coming, just a day later than your brother,” her father added.

Whenever someone was singled out like this, there was always a purpose behind it. Especially when her father mentioned that comrade-in-arms.

She recalled and found some images in the corner of her memory.

The comrade-in-arms her father mentioned was Shen Ziming, who partnered with her brother and had visited their home before, showing some interest in the original host.

The original host also had some fondness for him; after all, he had a handsome face.

Shen Ziming’s ability to make the original host blush unexpectedly touched her.

However, life in the camp was busy, so their relationship was still in its early stages, and neither had spoken about it.

Seeing her daughter’s silence, her mother said, “Your brother mentioned that Xiao Shen is interested in you. He’s coming over this time to get to know you. If things work out, you two can get married soon, and you won’t have to be sent away with us.”

This was their plan for their daughter.

Shi Tingyu didn’t object to this proposal.

Regardless of the original host, she herself couldn’t endure hardship. Especially with her appearance, she couldn’t risk her life. She had finally been given another chance to live; she wasn’t satisfied yet.

Shi Tingyu’s reaction was within her parents’ expectations.

They also noticed some clues between their daughter and Xiao Shen.

Her mother urged her to rest early, “Tomorrow, let your brother take you to buy some clothes. Dress nicely for the blind date the day after tomorrow.”

Shi Tingyu obediently agreed.

The next day, Shi’s elder brother, Shi Muhuan, returned just in time for dinner.

Shi Tingyu had prepared a table full of delicious dishes.

Watching her elder brother enter, Shi Tingyu slowly merged his image with the memories of the original host.

Shi Muhuan was twenty years old this year, tall and slender, with clear eyes and a bright complexion. From afar, he had the look of a starry moon, with an outstanding temperament that should have had a hint of celestial grace. But it was his pair of peach blossom eyes that broke the distance and added a charming quality.

Seeing his sister, Shi Muhuan smiled, “Why are you staring stupidly?”

Shi Tingyu snapped out of her daze and hurried forward to help Shi Muhuan with his backpack, but he dodged.

“Your little arms and legs, go play on the side. This bag is heavy.”

After a night on the train plus a morning, Shi Muhuan was already hungry. Seeing the meal his sister had prepared, he didn’t hesitate to start eating.

Perhaps due to the lingering consciousness of the original host, Shi Tingyu didn’t feel awkward or unfamiliar with Shi Muhuan. They got along harmoniously.

When Shi Muhuan slowed down his eating, Shi Tingyu finally asked about his life over the past year.”

The responses he got were all positive, typical of reporting good news without mentioning worries.

After eating their fill, Shi Muhuan tidied up his bowl and chopsticks, then began talking to Shi Tingyu about Shen Ziming.

“As for Ziming, I won’t say much else. He’s my brother’s longtime partner, and his character is passable,” Shi Muhuan said, with a hint of bitterness in his tone.

If the situation weren’t urgent now, he wouldn’t have arranged for the two of them to meet so soon.

Leaving aside economic conditions for now, just in terms of appearance, Shen Ziming isn’t someone ordinary can compare to.

Both he and his sister inherited their mother’s peach blossom eyes, sparkling and exceptionally beautiful. With a straight nose, when not smiling, they’re as cold as autumn rain, but when they do smile, their dimples hold a sweetness. Their curved eyebrows and eyes make one forget all worries.

With such looks, which man wouldn’t be captivated?

If Shen Ziming hadn’t hinted several times in front of him about his thoughts regarding his younger sister, he wouldn’t have known his brother had such intentions.

However, given their current situation, marrying Shen Ziming might be the only way out of their predicament.

Shen Ziming’s father is the regimental commander in their camp, and their family holds some influence within the military. At the very least, this marriage could ensure his sister isn’t implicated in their parents’ forced relocation.

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