Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight
Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 69

Nuer, of course, had noticed the hundreds of human soldiers charging toward his side, but Nuer saw these humans in iron armor as no threat. In his eyes, at least a hundred cannibal demons were still capable of fighting, and the hundreds of human soldiers posed no more threat than a few strays.

Even if one or two human knights led the charge, Nuer’s warriors could hold them off briefly. After all, each cannibal demon warrior was individually as strong as a quasi-knight among humans, and some even stronger than the average knight.

A squad of elite quasi-knight warriors would not fear a lone knight, much less a handful. The most urgent task now was to eliminate this cavalry charge, especially the three knights leading the charge, who had already inflicted significant casualties on their fellow tribesmen.


Nuer leapt off the cart, his immense weight shaking the earth beneath his feet. The nearby cannibal demon warriors instinctively made way for him, allowing him to charge toward Richard and his companions. The hulking figure seated atop the cart had long since caught Richard’s attention.

A hulking warrior in full heavy armor like this could easily shatter the morale of ordinary soldiers if left unchecked, and it wasn’t impossible for an army with weak fighting spirit to be routed outright.

The three knights led by Richard exchanged a brief glance before turning their horses to meet the charge.


The knight captain’s sword clashed against the cannibal warrior’s weapon, and Richard barely managed to hold his own against the enemy before Ronen engaged him from the flank. Nuer quickly turned to intercept, but the thick wolf fang club in the cannibal warrior’s hands was surprisingly agile.


Another ear-piercing collision of metal rang out. Although Nuer managed to fend off the attacks from Richard and Ronen, his heart sank. Richard and Ronen might not be at the peak of knight power, but they were still top-tier knights, each possessing far greater strength and energy than any human knights Nuer had faced before.

If the third knight was also this formidable, Nuer would be lucky to escape with his life, let alone fight them all at once.

With a sharp sound of metal being pierced, Baron Bandel had silently made his way around to the back of the Ogre warrior and thrust his sword into Nuer’s lower back.

Feeling the chill of the blade, Nuer was at first surprised, but then he sighed in relief. Baron Bandel’s abilities were only average, and the energy he cultivated was also quite ordinary.

His energy-infused sword had barely pierced the one-inch-thick iron plate covering the Ogre warrior’s back, and the blade had already lost most of its momentum.

It had not managed to strike a vital organ, leaving the Ogre warrior unharmed save for a superficial wound, and had wasted a valuable opportunity.

After recovering from his momentary fear, Nuer turned, swinging his wolf fang club to drive Baron Bandel away.

Baron Bandel did not possess the strength of Richard or Ronen and could not directly block such an attack, so he retreated.

Nuer dared not pursue, however, as Richard and Ronen’s attacks grew increasingly fiercer.


Richard leapt from his horse, his green energy surging to new heights.

Nuer didn’t dare take this blow head-on, so he raised his wolf fang club with both hands to block Richard’s sword. He certainly wasn’t going to test the sharpness of Richard’s blade with his own head.

The force behind Richard’s downward slash was immense, and Nuer staggered back half a step after blocking it, exposing a clear vulnerability.


A second longsword pierced Nuer’s body from an awkward angle.

Without the speed advantage, staying on the horse became a hindrance, and Ronen dismounted the instant Richard launched himself forward.

In perfect coordination, the two Elven warriors attacked Nuer, who had been thrown off balance by Richard’s strike.

The angle from which the second sword stabbed into Nuer was extremely uncomfortable, and the force behind this blow was clearly stronger than that of Baron Bandel’s attack. Neither Nuer’s armor nor his thick skin could block this sword in the slightest; he could only twist his body violently to avoid being stabbed through vital organs.

Having barely escaped death once again, Nuer began to feel fear. At this rate, he would surely die; the next strike might not be so easily avoided.

Nuer began shouting for assistance from the man-eating demons besieging the Bande family’s cavalry. If only a handful of their warriors came to his aid, they could alleviate some of the pressure weighing down on him.

Richard and Ronen showed no signs of stopping, however, and continued their onslaught. Nuer, already wounded, was forced into retreat.

Yet the reinforcements he called for, who heard his cries and wished to come to his aid, were blocked outside the circle of battle by Baron Bandel and a handful of the Bande family’s quasi-knight candidates.

Although the baron’s abilities paled in comparison to those of a seasoned demon warrior, he had a decisive advantage over ordinary demon soldiers. At the very least, he could prevent them from approaching Nuer for a short time.

On the other side of the battlefield, the human foot soldiers engaged in their first clash with the demon forces.

Even though Nuer had outfitted himself with a full suit of heavy armor, it was rare for ordinary demons to don such protective gear. In the face of human ranged attacks, they relied on their thick skin and powerful muscles to block the assaults.

Yet the first volley fired by the marksmen at a hundred paces stunned these demon warriors—the arrows they had once regarded as harmless now became deadly projectiles.

Many of the careless orcs didn’t bother to dodge, and almost ten soldiers fell in the first round. In contrast, only a few unlucky humans were struck by the rocks the orcs had thrown and collapsed to the ground. The ratio of casualties was extremely favorable.

However, by the second round, the orcs began hiding behind their large war chariots or other cover, significantly reducing the damage dealt by the marksmen.


After several rounds, the two sides’ soldiers clashed, and the human marksmen ceased their volleys, instead picking opportune moments to land a stray arrow here and there, their frequency greatly reduced.

This was not a game, after all; when engaged in close combat, archers could not fire without regard for their own safety.

After being confined to their cover for a long while, the orcs finally seized an opportunity for close-range combat. They leapt from behind their vehicles, thinking that although they had been suppressed by these powerful arrows for a long time, once they closed the distance, these weak humans would be no match for them.

Even if the human forces outnumbered them several times over and even if their armor was as luxurious as if they were enveloped in iron, it wouldn’t matter.


The moment they clashed, the crusaders ignited their fighting spirits.

Over twenty sets of brilliant energy gathered together, drawing the focus of the entire battlefield away from Richard and his men.

Then came the sound of swords sinking into flesh…


Thank you very much for reading my translations.

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