Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army
Military Marriage in the ’70s: Her Popularity in the Family Compound After Joining the Army Chapter 25

Chapter 25

When Lu Weiguo returned home from training, he immediately noticed that the yard looked different. The previously tilled area was now neatly arranged into rows.

“Has my wife already planted all the vegetables?” he wondered.

Seeing Lu Weiguo return, Shi Tingyu hurried to the kitchen to serve the meal.

Lu Weiguo took the bowl from her hands but paused when he saw Shi Tingyu’s hand.

“What happened to your hand?” he inquired.

Shi Tingyu didn’t hide her hand and extended it towards him, saying, “I accidentally scraped it while planting today.”

Setting down the bowl, Lu Weiguo took her hand and examined it carefully. The blisters weren’t large, but they still made him feel uneasy.

“I’ll take care of these things from now on,” he assured her.

Glancing at his serious expression, Shi Tingyu’s heart fluttered inexplicably.

“Then wouldn’t you be at a loss for marrying me? I can’t help you with anything, and you have to do everything yourself,” she teased.

Lu Weiguo playfully tapped her head, “What are you thinking about all day? Marriage isn’t measured by who does what. As long as we’re happy together, that’s all that matters.”

Satisfied with his response, Shi Tingyu agreed, “Alright, I’ll leave the heavy work to you from now on.”

After hearing her decision, Lu Weiguo nodded and went to serve the food.

During the meal, Shi Tingyu brought up the idea of finding a job.

Lu Weiguo paused while picking up food and asked, “Why the sudden interest in working? You didn’t work before we got married.”

“Or is it that you need more money for something you want to buy?” he added.

Considering this, Lu Weiguo realized he shouldn’t have thought that way since he had already given her access to their finances.

Shi Tingyu thought to herself that the previous owner didn’t work, but she wanted to have her own job. Even though she couldn’t continue her previous career in painting, she felt it would be good to try something else.

She wasn’t one to socialize and chat with neighbors all day; staying at the military family residential area without work could become boring. In the short term, it was fine, but in the long run, she feared that Lu Weiguo might develop the expectation that she should serve him since she wasn’t doing anything at home.

Moreover, staying at home without work or going out could lead to mental fatigue and dullness.

“Just staying at home all the time can make a person lose their spirit. Working outside allows you to interact with others,” Lu Weiguo expressed his concerns.

He was worried that if she worked outside, she might encounter people who knew about their situation and cause her distress.

“Do you have any specific job in mind?” Lu Weiguo asked.

Even without him saying it, Shi Tingyu understood his concerns. She could almost see “worried about you” written on his face.

“I haven’t decided on anything specific yet. I enjoy painting, so I could work in the propaganda department of another unit, or I could try applying for a teaching position at a school,” she explained.

Seeing Lu Weiguo’s hesitation, Shi Tingyu reassured him, “Don’t worry, I have a high school diploma.”

Lu Weiguo was genuinely surprised this time.

He knew that his wife had returned from overseas a few years ago and hadn’t attended school in China.

Shi Tingyu chuckled as she explained, “I already graduated from university in the USA. After returning to China, due to the national situation, my parents were worried that my American degree might not be recognized, so I retook the high school exam. After passing the exam, I was issued a high school diploma.”

As a returning technical professional, the country’s policies were favorable, making it feasible to obtain certifications through exams.

“Alright, I’ll inquire about it for you later,” Lu Weiguo agreed, adding, “If you’re not happy with it, we can reconsider.”

Shi Tingyu agreed wholeheartedly. They weren’t in need of money, so if she wasn’t content with a job, she could always find something that brought her joy.

For military spouses, the country could arrange jobs, but the positions were limited, and selection was based on merit.

Shi Tingyu believed in her abilities and qualifications, making her confident about finding a suitable job.

After dinner, Lu Weiguo took the initiative to wash the dishes. Halfway through, he remembered the matter he wanted to discuss with his wife.

“Wife,” Lu Weiguo called out, finally voicing the term he had repeated in his mind many times.

Shi Tingyu was taken aback.

Both of them were momentarily stunned.

Clearing his throat, Lu Weiguo continued, “Um, wife, I have something to tell you.”

Once the term had left his lips, Lu Weiguo continued using it, feeling more comfortable with each repetition.

“Oh, what is it?” Shi Tingyu responded with a poised and attentive demeanor.

As Lu Weiguo got into the topic, the slight awkwardness on his face disappeared. “During the break, I called home, and my second uncle mentioned that your parents have already arrived at the former West Brigade. They are settled in.”

Excitedly, Shi Tingyu exclaimed, “Really? That’s wonderful.”

She had planned to have Lu Weiguo call and inquire in a few days, but he had taken the initiative to make the call himself.

Grateful, she thanked him, “We should thank you.”

Lu Weiguo looked at her and earnestly replied, “There’s no need for thanks. It’s my responsibility.”

In his simple view, being married meant taking care of each other’s families, and he felt obligated to fulfill certain duties.

“Alright, I won’t mention it next time,” Shi Tingyu agreed readily, her eyes sparkling with gratitude.

Caught off guard by her gaze, Lu Weiguo took a while to regain his composure.

That night, as they went to bed, Lu Weiguo couldn’t shake off the memory of her eyes.

Having shared a bed before, they were now more comfortable with each other’s movements. Shi Tingyu no longer held back, and Lu Weiguo wasn’t as formal as before.

Because they found that upon waking up, their bodies would often touch in some way.

Lu Weiguo silently encouraged himself; they had grown comfortable sleeping on the same bed, and the wedding night was approaching.

At times, he wondered how others had gone through this phase.

In today’s society, marriages were typically based on mutual agreement after getting to know each other. However, he felt that his relationship with Tingyu was different.

There was a part of him that felt unsatisfied, as if he wanted more. This uncertainty made him hesitant about taking the next step with her and made him prefer to take things slowly.

As for when the right time would be, even he wasn’t sure.

On the other hand, Shi Tingyu quietly pondered when this man would make a move on her. Would she have to take the initiative?

It wasn’t that she couldn’t do it, but she was concerned that it might be too overwhelming for him.

After all, in today’s era, even holding hands in public could draw criticism. Could Lu Weiguo, with his stoic demeanor but gentle heart, handle her boldness?

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