After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 13

Chapter 13 Clothes

Wei Yuxian took a deep breath, thinking to herself, “Yes, it’s just a mall. Nothing special. The customer is God.”

 In the future, when she earns her own money, does she still have to fear such places?

She smiled at Mrs. Fu beside her and said, “Nothing’s wrong, Mrs. Fu.”

“Yes, that’s right.” Mrs. Fu took her inside.

The mall was divided into several floors, with numerous shops inside, each offering different things.

The clothing section was on the second floor. They took the elevator up, and what caught their eyes were rows of shops, each displaying a variety of clothes.

Wei Yuxian looked at the names of the shops, some of which she had heard of before and some she hadn’t, but they all shared a common characteristic—they were expensive.

A piece of clothing probably cost several hundred to thousands of dollars.

Mrs. Fu didn’t look at other clothing brands but took Wei Yuxian to her favorite one, where she felt the clothes were the most comfortable and the designs suited her taste.

Wei Yuxian had no choice but to follow wherever Mrs. Fu went.

Fu Xuanyi followed behind them, not saying a word, with several bodyguards trailing behind him.

Upon entering the clothing store, the saleswoman immediately recognized Mrs. Fu and hurriedly informed the manager, who came to greet them.

The manager was a woman in her early forties, dressed sharply, with an air of sophistication.

Looking at the person in front of her, dressed in a stylish uniform, beautiful and confident, Wei Yuxian couldn’t help but feel a twinge of envy. She admired her confidence and success.

At the same time, she couldn’t help but imagine herself wearing a suit and going to work formally.

The manager greeted them with a smile, saying, “Mrs. Fu, you’re here. What can I help you with today? We have some new styles that would suit you very well. Would you like to take a look?”

Mrs. Fu returned the smile and replied, “Not today. Let’s see what clothes are suitable for her.”

Mrs. Fu looked at Wei Yuxian beside her and patted her hand.

The manager was astute and knew not to ask about things she shouldn’t. Without inquiring about Wei Yuxian’s identity, she continued, “This young lady is really beautiful. Mrs. Fu, if you trust me, I’ll take care of her clothes today. I guarantee you’ll be satisfied!”

Mrs. Fu said, “Alright, I’ll leave it to you. I trust your taste, so make sure to dress her up beautifully.”

The manager replied, “Mrs. Fu, rest assured, you’ll see a completely transformed person.”

She glanced at Wei Yuxian’s outfit, a loose white T-shirt and black pants, both looking worn out from repeated washing.

Despite thart, not once did she show any hint of negligence or disrespect because of Wei Yuxian’s simple attire.

Come on, this was someone personally brought by Mrs. Fu herself. How could she dare to be negligent?

She cautiously glanced at the man sitting on the sofa, wearing a string of smooth black Buddhist beads on his wrist. Who else could it be but the stern Mr. Xuanyi, the formidable scion of the Fu family?

The fact that Mrs. Fu and Mr. Xuanyi came together specifically to buy clothes for this woman speaks volumes about her identity. How could her identity be anything but significant?

The manager dared not slack off in the slightest. With a courteous smile, she said to Wei Yuxian, “Miss, please follow me over here. Mrs. Fu, would you like to come along as well?”

She added the question casually.

Mrs. Fu replied, “Yes, let’s go together. Xuanyi, you come too.” She called over Fu Xuanyi, who was sitting on the sofa.

Fu Xuanyi set down the fashion magazine in his hand without a word and got up to join them. He wasn’t interested in this at all, his cold indifference chilling to the bone.

The manager led the trio to the tops section, where new arrivals were displayed. She picked up a piece and gestured, “Miss, this garment suits you very well.”

Mrs. Fu released Wei Yuxian’s hand and approached, saying, “Indeed, it suits you. Yuxian, do you like it?”

Wei Yuxian looked at the delicate garment in the manager’s hand and thought, How could I not like it? Who wouldn’t like such a nice item?

But then she remembered catching a glimpse of the price earlier, although she didn’t see it clearly, she saw many zeros.

She replied, “I don’t think it suits me. I don’t like wearing this kind of clothing.”

The manager returned the garment and said, “It’s alright, Miss. We have many styles, there’s bound to be one you like.”

Mrs. Fu added, “Yes, with so many clothes, there’s surely one you’ll like.”

Wei Yuxian quietly bit her lip and murmured, “Mm-hmm.”

The manager quickly found another attractive garment and placed it in front of Wei Yuxian, saying, “This one also suits you well, it looks fresh and elegant. Do you like it?”

Wei Yuxian carefully examined the garment for a while and shook her head.

On to the next one then. The manager diligently continued to find clothes for Wei Yuxian, asking if she liked each one. After trying several pieces, Wei Yuxian’s answer was still the same: she didn’t like them.

But looking at her expression, it was obvious she did like one of them. Her eyes were glued to it, yet she still said she didn’t like it.

Mrs. Fu understood what was going on. This child must be reluctant to buy these clothes.

Having been thrifty all her life, she naturally wouldn’t want to buy such expensive clothes.

But this child would soon be considered part of their Fu family. How could she wear such inferior clothes? Mrs. Fu would never agree to it.

Fu Xuanyi also sensed her thoughts and felt a bit annoyed. When would she finally make a decision?

He approached Wei Yuxian, staring into her eyes with an overwhelming pressure, and said in a cold tone, “You choose, or I’ll choose.”

Five words, forcing Wei Yuxian to make a choice, neither of which she wanted to make.

Couldn’t they just not buy any clothes? Her current clothes were perfectly fine, clean, and intact, and could last a long time.

These were non-essential items; there was no need to buy so many. Although her clothes were indeed inferior compared to those of the Fu family.

Fu Xuanyi’s icy stare made her feel as though she was being watched by a venomous snake, sending shivers down her spine.

At this moment, she had to make a choice.

If she chose herself, she could at least pick out something she liked. But if Fu Xuanyi chose… who knows, he might just buy out the entire store.

Therefore, weighing her options, Wei Yuxian whispered, “I’ll choose myself.”

She kept her head down, too afraid to meet Fu Xuanyi’s gaze.

Any longer and she’d start trembling uncontrollably, trembling with fear.

Fu Xuanyi said nothing, walking back and taking off the Buddhist beads from his wrist, playing with them between his fingertips.

From then on, Wei Yuxian cooperated more, sincerely expressing her likes for clothes she found appealing and dislikes for those she didn’t. Mrs. Fu’s face also noticeably brightened with smiles.

The manager… also breathed a sigh of relief.

After picking out five liked items, Wei Yuxian saw the manager about to fetch another one and quickly said to Mrs. Fu beside her, “Mrs. Fu, it’s enough, I won’t be able to wear them all.”

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