After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 15

Chapter 15: Bank Card

As they exited the mall, Wei Yuxian breathed a sigh of relief. After Mrs. Fu bought her some electronic devices, she didn’t purchase anything else. The setting sun in the distance was slowly sinking behind the mountains.

As they got into the car, her clothes were placed in the trunk of the bodyguard’s car, but there wasn’t enough space, so some items were also placed in the trunk of the car she was sitting in. One could imagine just how much Mrs. Fu had bought for her today.

He knew that Mrs. Fu wanted to be kind to her, to provide her with some useful things to make her life better. To Wei Yuxian, this amount of money was a considerable sum, but to the Fu family, it was nothing much; they had a generous background.

Wei Yuxian thought she should thank Mrs. Fu for buying her so many things, even though they weren’t what she wanted. However, she would use them in the future, so she should thank Mrs. Fu.

Such situations might happen many more times in the future. At present, she couldn’t accept it, but in the future… who knew?

No one knew what would happen in the future.

Wei Yuxian pondered how to speak up, tapping on her newly acquired, still warm phone. She glanced at the default wallpaper, then turned the screen off.

Taking a deep breath and summoning her courage, she said, “Mrs. Fu, thank you for providing me with these things.”

Mrs. Fu replied, “No need to thank family. If you need anything in the future, don’t hesitate to ask. Whether you talk to me or to Xuanyi, it’s the same. Yuxian, today it was Xuanyi who paid for your purchases. If you want to express gratitude, you should thank Xuanyi.”

Deep down, she wanted to matchmake them. Xuanyi hadn’t shown interest in any girl over the years. Though she didn’t know why he was willing to get involved with Yuxian, who now even had a child with him, it was clear that Xuanyi remained indifferent. He had reverted to his former disinterested self.

Thinking about it, Xuanyi probably won’t change his ways. It might be better to match him with Yuxian, especially since they have a child together.

Besides, after spending some time together, she could see that Yuxian is a good person, much better than those manipulative women outside.

The only downside is her background, which is vastly different from our Fu family. However, our family doesn’t really care about such things.

In terms of background, who in the capital can compare to the Fu family?

The Fu family doesn’t bother with using marriage alliances to strengthen their position; they value offspring more.

Encouraged by Mrs. Fu’s gaze, Yuxian slowly directed her eyes towards the indifferent man beside her and whispered, “Thank you… Master Xuanyi.”

That’s how the household servants, people outside, and even Xuanyi’s childhood friends address him, so Yuxian does the same.

But Mrs. Fu didn’t like this address. She said, “Why call him ‘Master Xuanyi’? That’s what outsiders call him. Just call him Ah Xuan or Xuanyi, it’s fine among family members. Remember that for next time.”

Yuxian smiled at Mrs. Fu without saying anything, unsure if she was agreeing or not.

The indifferent man beside them just made a sound of acknowledgment in response to her thanks.

Aunt Fu looked at her son’s cold demeanor, unsure how to make him smile. He was always like this, whether with outsiders or family, which was quite distressing.

Back home, it was dinner time. As soon as Aunt Fu saw them return, she hurriedly instructed the servants to bring the dishes to the table, saying, “Mrs. Fu, Master Xuanyi, dinner is ready.”

Not long after Mr. Fu arrived, he had to return home to handle some matters, so he didn’t get to see Yuxian.

After washing up, they sat down at the dining table. In front of Yuxian was a specially prepared nutritious meal, a pregnancy meal customized by the kitchen staff for her.

Her nutrition wasn’t very good, and she looked petite and frail, the kind that could be blown over by a gust of wind. If she didn’t start eating better soon, she would suffer when the baby in her belly grew bigger.

Today at noon, after receiving the notification, the kitchen quickly tailored a recipe for the lady. From now on, they would follow this recipe every day to ensure that both the lady and the little master in her belly were well taken care of!

Wei Yuxian noticed that her meal was different from others and looked at Aunt Fu with a puzzled expression, silently asking: Why is mine different? And why do I have to eat separately?

Aunt Fu, fearing she might misunderstand, explained, “Madam, this is a special nutritious meal prepared by the kitchen for you to supplement your nutrition. Your body needs extra nourishment.”

Wei Yuxian nodded and said, “Oh,” then added, “Thank you,” after a moment.

Mrs. Fu sat beside Wei Yuxian, while Mr. Fu sat across from her. Mrs. Fu said, “Yuxian, you should eat more. You’re too thin. Eating more will help you gain some weight.”

Wei Yuxian nodded, “Yes, Mrs. Fu.”

Wei Yuxian ate her nutritious meal, finding it surprisingly delicious compared to what she had imagined. It wasn’t bland at all; she quite liked the taste.

If she could eat meals like this in the future, it wouldn’t be bad at all. It could help improve her health.

Many illnesses are caused by dietary issues. Poor eating habits weaken the body and its immunity, making it more susceptible to illness.

Eating well and nurturing the body can boost immunity and reduce the likelihood of falling ill.

Wei Yuxian managed to eat most of her meal and wanted to finish the rest to avoid wasting it. However, her stomach was too full. She couldn’t take another bite without feeling like she would vomit, so she reluctantly watched as the servant cleared the table.

Mrs. Fu noticed her reluctance and advised, “Being full is good enough, Yuxian. Everything should be consumed in moderation. If overeating leads to stomach issues, the consequences could be costly.”

Wei Yuxian considered her words. It wouldn’t be worth it to risk getting sick and having to spend money on medical treatment.

Fu Xuanyi, having finished his meal, wiped his mouth with a napkin and took out a bank card from his pocket, sliding it across the table to Wei Yuxian. “Take it. There’s no password. Use it whenever you need to. Don’t hold back.”

His sudden gesture left Wei Yuxian stunned. She stared at the bank card on the table, unsure how to react.

Why would he give her a bank card out of the blue? Was he giving her money to spend?

However, she didn’t want to use Fu Xuanyi’s money. She had her own, even though it wasn’t much. She didn’t want to rely on his money.

Living in the Fu household already entailed many intangible financial benefits for her. She couldn’t ask Fu Xuanyi for more money.

Mrs. Fu took the bank card and placed it in Wei Yuxian’s hand without hesitation. “Just take what Ah Xuan gives you. Don’t feel burdened by it. This is what our family should provide for you.”

“It’s Ah Xuan’s card. Spend freely without worrying about limits. Buy whatever you like. Don’t worry about running out of money in the short term. Ah Xuan will deposit money into it every month, so there’s no need to worry.”

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