After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 16

Chapter 16: Has Someone Entered My Room While I Was Sleeping?

Holding the bank card in her hand, Wei Yuxian felt like she was holding a hot potato, thinking to herself: Is this really nothing to worry about?

The question wasn’t whether she should be worried but whether she should even accept it!

There must be a lot of money in this card. It could easily be tens or even hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions!

And she remembered, Fu Xuanyi had just used this card to pay!

Feeling embarrassed, she said, “Mrs. Fu, I’d better not take this card. Everything here is fine, and I don’t need to buy anything. I won’t spend any money.”

She quickly put the bank card back on the table.

Mrs. Fu once again put the bank card into her hand and said, “Just take it. What if you need money unexpectedly? Listen to me, Yuxian, take it. This is our Fu family’s goodwill.”

Goodwill? Well, this goodwill was certainly generous enough that she dared not accept it.

She wanted to push back again but inadvertently glanced at Fu Xuanyi, who still had that expressionless face that seemed rather terrifying.

In an instant, she dared not utter another word of refusal. Wei Yuxian quickly took the card and said, “Then I’ll take it.”

Take it and be done with it. If she didn’t use it, it wouldn’t matter.

If she didn’t spend money, could they force her to do so?

Seeing her accept the card, Mrs. Fu smiled and said, “That’s right, don’t worry. Yuxian, you need to slowly adapt to the life of the Fu family. In the future, your days in the Fu family will only get better and better.”

“I’m putting my words here today. Anyone who dares to treat you poorly will be considered an enemy of the Fu family. For the rest of your life, the Fu family will ensure your well-being.”

These words, spoken by Mrs. Fu herself, were too solemn. Wei Yuxian knew they were genuine. Mrs. Fu wasn’t just speaking casually; she meant what she said.

This was what Wei Yuxian wanted. She wanted a worry-free life, and this was her choice.

She no longer wanted to live through the ups and downs of the past.

Even if there were no Fu family in the future, she would create such a life for herself!

“Thank you, Mrs. Fu,” she said sincerely to Aunt Fu.

Aunt Fu gently touched her cheek and said, “You’re a good child.”

Mrs. Fu stayed at Fu Mansion for a while to accompany Wei Yuxian, then returned to the old Fu residence, leaving the mansion for the two of them to bond. However, chances were they wouldn’t bond at all.

Indeed, as she anticipated, there was no emotional exchange between them, not even a single word spoken.

Wei Yuxian was afraid of his overpowering presence and didn’t want to face his cold demeanor. After Mrs. Fu left, she returned to her own room.

As for what Fu Xuanyi would do, she didn’t care.

Sitting in her room, she read a book for a while and even managed to do some homework. Then, she thought about going downstairs to ask Aunt Fu about the events of the afternoon.

After waking up in the afternoon, Wei Yuxian had intended to find Aunt Fu to inquire about the situation. However, she was intercepted halfway by Mrs. Fu and taken shopping.

Now, she still hadn’t forgotten about this matter.

After finishing her homework, she got up, stretched lazily, and walked out of her room to look downstairs. Not seeing Fu Xuanyi’s figure, she relaxed and continued downstairs.

Once downstairs, she looked around but didn’t see Aunt Fu anywhere. She wondered where she had gone.

Spotting a servant within the mansion, she stopped them and asked, “Excuse me, do you know where Aunt Fu is?”

The servant quickly greeted, “Madam, how may I assist you?” before responding to her question, “Aunt Fu, the housekeeper, is in the garden. Does Madam need to see her? I’ll contact her right away.”

Wei Yuxian nodded, saying, “Thank you.”

The servant replied, “You’re welcome, Madam. Please have a seat on the sofa. I’ve informed Aunt Fu, and she’ll be here shortly.”


Wei Yuxian sat down on the sofa, feeling a bit bored. She took out her phone to check if her teachers had posted any assignments in the group chat.

After only a minute of sitting down, a servant brought a plate of sliced fruits and placed it in front of her, respectfully saying, “Madam, please enjoy the fruits.”

“Thank you,” Wei Yuxian replied, picking up a fork and starting to eat the fruits.

The fruits were very sweet, and their taste and texture were somewhat different from what Wei Yuxian had eaten before. For instance, the grapes she had previously tasted had a hint of bitterness, which was absent in these grapes.

Perhaps it was due to the variety; this particular type of grapes had a better taste, albeit at a higher price.

In the Fu family, there had been a qualitative change in Wei Yuxian’s life. There was no best, only better!

After playing with her phone for a while and waiting, Aunt Fu hurriedly returned from outside, a thin layer of sweat on her forehead. She respectfully inquired, “Madam, did you need something?”

Wei Yuxian was slightly taken aback and replied, “Um, you didn’t have to rush back; I’m not in a hurry.”

Aunt Fu smiled nonchalantly and said, “I’ll take my time next time. Madam, please feel free to give your orders.”

Wei Yuxian stood up and was about to address the matter at hand when Aunt Fu interjected, “Madam, you can stay seated; there’s no need to stand.”

Resuming her seat, Wei Yuxian proceeded, “Aunt Fu, I just wanted to ask if someone entered my room while I was sleeping this afternoon.”

Realizing the topic, Aunt Fu replied, “Yes, madam. While you were sleeping, Mrs. Fu, Master Xuanyi, and I went in.”

Wei Yuxian had assumed it was only the servants who entered, not expecting Mrs. Fu and Fu Xuanyi to be there too!

She inquired, “Did Mrs. Fu or Master Xuanyi turn on the air conditioner in my room?”

Aunt Fu responded, “It was Mrs. Fu who instructed me to turn it on. Madam, it’s necessary to have the air conditioner on in your room. It wouldn’t be good if you felt stifled. The servants’ quarters in the mansion also have air conditioning, and everyone uses it.”

“So, madam, you don’t need to worry.”

Wei Yuxian pondered for a moment, then dismissed Aunt Fu, continuing to contemplate while seated on the sofa.

Both Mrs. Fu and Master Xuanyi went into her room, but how come she didn’t hear any movement? She must have been sleeping deeply.

She felt somewhat embarrassed.

Then she remembered the air conditioner.

Looking up at the spacious hall, equipped with central air conditioning, cold air blew down from above. Even when no one was around, it remained on to maintain a comfortable room temperature.

No one knew when the master of the house would be in the living room. If the master felt hot, it would be a dereliction of duty on the part of the servants. Therefore, except during sleeping hours at night, the air conditioning in the living room was always on.

The Fu family indeed didn’t lack a bit of electricity, Wei Yuxian thought.

Apart from the air conditioning, there were no other cooling tools in the room. If she didn’t turn on the air conditioning, she would have to endure the heat all night.

She didn’t even know how many times she would wake up throughout the night.

With these considerations in mind, Wei Yuxian sighed and reluctantly decided to turn on the air conditioning.

She was deceiving herself like this. The entire Fu Mansion was so large, consuming a lot of electricity and money. What she used was just a small part, insignificant. So, she might as well just turn it on.

And so, Wei Yuxian made her decision.

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