After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 18

Chapter 18: Have you noticed that Wei Yuxian is a bit different today?

The sun was shining outside, making it quite hot, and Aunt Fu was even more determined not to let he  go and walk outside.

She said, “Madam, please listen to me. The sun is too strong outside, and you might get sunburned. Just sit here and relax for a while. The car will be here soon.”

Wei Yuxian could only sit quietly in the pavilion, waiting for the car to arrive.

She hadn’t expected to need a car even within the house.

This was the kind of thing that only happened in TV dramas, but now it was happening to her.

After about ten minutes, the servant arrived with the car. Aunt Fu hurriedly asked Wei Yuxian to get in. It was too hot here; she could practically take a bath with the sweat dripping from her body.

In the car, the air conditioning was on full blast, making it incredibly refreshing. Wei Yuxian couldn’t help but let out a contented sigh.

After another ten-minute drive, the servant parked the car, and Wei Yuxian got out and returned to her room, taking out her book to continue reading.

She would likely spend the entire day reading today because she didn’t have anything else to do.

For lunch, Fu Xuanyi didn’t come back, so Wei Yuxian ate alone. It was still a delicious and nutritious meal, and she felt satisfied after eating.

After lunch, she took a short nap and then continued reading until it was time for dinner.

This time, she saw Fu Xuanyi’s figure during dinner. He came back to eat.

But whether he came back or not didn’t make much of a difference to Wei Yuxian. Apart from greeting him, she didn’t exchange any other words with him.

After dinner, she returned to her room, not wanting to stay in the same space as Fu Xuanyi.

Once she left, Fu Xuanyi called Aunt Fu over and asked about Wei Yuxian’s day.

Aunt Fu reported everything Wei Yuxian did today in the mansion, including her walks and reading. She even mentioned how much Wei Yuxian had eaten.

Fu Xuanyi listened without much reaction and dismissed Aunt Fu afterward.

The next day, Monday, Wei Yuxian had her first class in the morning at eight o’clock. It took twenty minutes by car from the villa area to the school, so she needed to leave half an hour early.

She got up at seven o’clock, quickly freshened up, had breakfast downstairs, and then got into Fu Xuanyi’s car.

The man in the driver’s seat still had a cold expression, not saying a word. As soon as Wei Yuxian got into the car, he started the engine and drove off.

Wei Yuxian remained silent too, sitting in the back seat. The atmosphere inside the car was very quiet, and the tension was palpable. She felt extremely oppressed being in the same space as Fu Xuanyi, not daring to make a sound.

Why did this man exude such a strong sense of oppression? Wei Yuxian had never encountered someone with such a powerful presence before.

She wondered if his imposing aura was innate or cultivated through training. If it was cultivated, how did he achieve it?

Wei Yuxian shook off these thoughts and said, “Master Xuanyi, you can drop me off at the alley outside the school. I’ll walk in by myself.”

She didn’t want Fu Xuanyi to attract attention by driving to the school gate or inside the school premises.

If anyone she knew saw her getting out of such a car, she didn’t know what they would say.

Fu Xuanyi grunted in acknowledgment.

Wei Yuxian continued, “Could you arrange for the driver to pick me up in the future? It’s too much trouble for you to come yourself.”

One reason was indeed the inconvenience, but the more important reason was that she didn’t want to be in the same oppressive space as Fu Xuanyi!

Just being with Fu Xuanyi made her extremely uncomfortable, let alone being alone with him.

In order to make herself more at ease in the future, she decided to make this request to Fu Xuanyi.

She thought Fu Xuanyi would agree. After all, chauffeuring her every day was indeed tiring, and he had work to attend to.

However, Fu Xuanyi’s response was, “Not troublesome.”

This meant he didn’t agree with her request and would still personally pick her up and drop her off at school.

Wei Yuxian: “…”

She dared not speak any further or try to persuade him. She feared Fu Xuanyi would get angry.

Even when this man wasn’t angry, he had a cold demeanor that seemed terrifying. If he did get angry, it would be even scarier!

Well, if he insists on personally chauffeuring her, then so be it. She’ll just divert her attention to other things in the future.

When they arrived at the alley near the school, Fu Xuanyi stopped the car. Wei Yuxian was about to get out when the person in front said, “Aunt Fu will bring your lunch at noon.”

Wei Yuxian was taken aback for a moment, then replied, “Okay,” and got out of the car. She added, “Goodbye, Master Xuanyi,” without looking back, and walked briskly into the school to attend her classes.

Fu Xuanyi watched her until she disappeared from view, ensuring her absolute safety, before leaving for the company.

Wei Yuxian hurriedly rushed to the classroom and arrived just in time. She quickly took her seat at the front, and the bell for class rang.

The teacher also entered the classroom at this moment and began to take attendance.

Wei Yuxian caught her breath and adjusted herself for a moment before opening her textbook and flipping to the material for today’s lesson.

Luckily, this classroom was very close to the school gate; otherwise, she wouldn’t have made it in time.

Very few people sat in the front rows; most students preferred to sit at the back for convenience, allowing them to slack off. However, Wei Yuxian was different. Every time, she chose to sit in the front row, where she was alone.

Her three roommates often sat together at the back. She had a very poor relationship with them, to the extent that she didn’t want to interact with them at all. Sitting in the front row meant she didn’t have to hear their hurtful remarks.

Her relationship with other classmates wasn’t great either. Ding Nana often spoke ill of her and even persuaded other classmates to distance themselves from her. As a result, she felt even lonelier.

But it didn’t bother her. She didn’t care much about having someone to talk to. Most of the time, she had lived like this before, and she had long been accustomed to it. Having or not having friends made no difference to her.

Moreover, her main purpose in coming to school was to study. As for friends… if she couldn’t make genuine friends, then it was better not to have any.

After the teacher finished taking attendance, the class began. Wei Yuxian listened attentively, focusing on taking thorough notes.

In the back row, Ding Nana and her two roommates sat together, goofing off and playing on their phones.

Tired of playing on her phone, Ding Nana lifted her head and stretched her neck. She noticed a figure sitting in the front row, looking somewhat familiar. However, the person was dressed too nicely, making it difficult for her to confirm if it was Wei Yuxian.

She nudged her two companions and asked, “Do you guys think that’s Wei Yuxian sitting in the front?”

Her roommates glanced over and replied, “Yes, it’s her. I recognize that silhouette too well, and besides, she’s the only one who sits in that position in the whole class.”

Ding Nana nodded and asked, “Have you noticed anything different about her today?”

Her roommates carefully observed but couldn’t find anything unusual. One of them said, “No, what could be different about her?”

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