After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 19

Chapter 19: Hello, My Name is Cheng Jingyao

Ding Nana squinted her eyes and said, “Take another careful look, especially at her clothes. Don’t they seem different?”

The two girls looked again, this time focusing on Wei Yuxian’s attire, and indeed noticed that her clothes were different from before.

They remembered very clearly the kind of clothes Wei Yuxian used to wear—baggy and cheap-looking, as if they had been worn for a long time.

But today, what she was wearing was noticeably different!

Very different!

One of the girls asked, “When did she buy new clothes? And this style looks familiar, it seems to be the latest limited edition from XX brand!”

The other girl widened her eyes and said, “It really seems like it! I’ve been eyeing this outfit for so long but couldn’t afford it!”

Ding Nana also noticed, but she thought that what Wei Yuxian was wearing must be fake, probably bought from some cheap online platform.

The genuine version of this outfit cost 20,000 yuan! Even she couldn’t afford it, let alone Wei Yuxian, who couldn’t even afford to eat. How could she afford such expensive clothes?

She sneered and said, “This pauper buys knock-offs and still tries to pretend she’s wearing designer brands? With her poor appearance, no matter what she wears, it’s still a poor look. I can smell her sourness from here.”

The two girls nodded in agreement, saying, “Exactly, it must be fake. How could this pauper afford the real deal? Hey Nana, this pauper hasn’t been in the dormitory for the past couple of days, she hasn’t even come back to sleep!”

Ding Nana recalled this as well, saying, “Yeah, we haven’t seen the pauper’s shadow for the past two days. Where did she go? Could she be out fooling around with some wild guy?”

One of the girls chimed in, “I think so too, Nana, look at her, she’s been gone for two days and comes back in a new outfit. With her situation, how could she afford new clothes? It must be some wild guy buying them for her!”

Ding Nana smirked and said, “I’d like to see which idiot has such poor taste, actually falling for Wei Yuxian, this pauper. With that money, he could find a better woman, couldn’t he?”

The girl remarked, “Anyone who would be interested in Wei Yuxian probably isn’t a good person either, maybe he’s also a pauper! Paupers match with paupers, it’s a perfect match!”

The three girls in the back row chuckled quietly, covering their mouths to stifle their laughter, afraid of being heard by the teacher. After all, it was class time.

Wei Yuxian didn’t know what the people behind her were gossiping about, nor did she want to know. During class, she wanted to focus on her studies, learn all the knowledge, and not miss a single lesson.

Her major was complex and difficult, and if she didn’t pay attention in class, it would be hard to catch up later. She didn’t want to waste time and money retaking courses.

Throughout the entire class, which lasted ninety minutes with a ten-minute break in between, Wei Yuxian remained fully focused. She took meticulous notes on what the teacher covered, highlighting areas that required further study or would be tested.

After this class, there was a twenty-minute break, but Wei Yuxian didn’t relax. Instead, she quickly packed her textbooks into her large canvas bag and hurried off to the next classroom for her next lesson.

She had two classes in the morning and two in the afternoon, so it was a busy day.

When she arrived at the next classroom, there were still five minutes before class. She took a seat in the front row and pulled out her water bottle for a drink.

This class was a big one, with several classes combined, so everyone wanted to sit in the back. But with limited space and many students, the front rows were also occupied.

About a minute after she sat down, a male student took the seat next to her. They were in the same major but different classes. Wei Yuxian remembered him because they had sat together several times before, and he would often chat with her.

The boy had a youthful and trendy undercut hairstyle, and he was good-looking, which made him quite popular among the students, with many girls having a crush on him.

“Hey, classmate, nice to see you again,” the boy said, tilting his body slightly and propping his chin on his hand as he smiled at Wei Yuxian.

Wei Yuxian returned his smile and replied, “Long time no see.”

The boy ruffled his slightly messy hair and said, “We’ve met so many times, but I still don’t know your name. I’m Cheng Jingyao. What about you?”

“I’m Wei Yuxian. Nice to meet you, Classmate Cheng Jingyao,” she politely responded.

“So, your name is Wei Yuxian. It suits you well. Yuxian… Can I call you Yuxian?” he asked sincerely.

Wei Yuxian nodded, taking out the books she would need for class and replied, “Sure.”

Cheng Jingyao smiled, pleased that their relationship was getting closer, and suggested, “Since we’ll be in class together in the future, why don’t we exchange WeChat? It’ll be easier to stay in touch.”

Wei Yuxian hesitated for a moment before taking out her phone to add him on WeChat, setting a nickname for him.

Just as she finished, it was time for class, and the teacher entered the room. Cheng Jingyao had wanted to chat with her a bit more, but seeing that she was already focused on the class, he remained silent.

Wei Yuxian wasn’t particularly adept at chatting with strangers anyway, so she felt relieved when the teacher arrived to start the class. She could now concentrate on the lesson.

The teacher lectured tirelessly from the platform, while the classroom was filled with students, although it was unclear how many were actually paying attention. Some were busy with their phones, while others dozed off.

As time ticked away, the teacher’s enthusiasm for lecturing remained unchanged, and Wei Yuxian continued to fill page after page of her notes, keeping her focus entirely on the class.

Beside her, Cheng Jingyao occasionally glanced at the person next to him, diligently taking notes during the lecture. The more he looked, the more he felt a certain charm emanating from her—an indescribable allure that drew him in.

He had noticed her during their first class together; she was undeniably attractive, albeit a bit slim. Over the following weeks, he had observed her from afar and found himself becoming increasingly interested in her. It was only today that he finally had the chance to formally introduce himself.

Today, she seemed different. Dressed in an outfit that suited her perfectly, her entire demeanor had transformed, making her even more attractive and captivating. Cheng couldn’t help but direct more of his attention towards her.

As he continued to watch, lost in his thoughts, Cheng barely paid attention to the class for a few minutes before it was time to dismiss.

Wei Yuxian packed up her things, bid farewell to those around her, and then headed towards the exit. As she walked, she contacted Aunt Fu on her phone, inquiring about her current whereabouts and confirming the meeting point to pick up the meal.

Lost in his reverie, Cheng didn’t snap out of it until Wei Yuxian had already made her way to the classroom door along with the crowd. He quickly gathered his belongings and caught up to her, squeezing in beside her.

“Yuxian, want to grab a meal together? There’s this amazing stir-fry place at the third canteen!” he invited her.

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