After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 20

Chapter 20: Roommate’s Ridicule

Wei Yuxian smiled lightly and politely declined, “Sorry, Cheng, my family packed me lunch, so I’ll pass on going with you.”

Cheng Jingyao could only express some regret, “Okay then, we’ll make plans for another time.”

He had hoped that sharing a meal would help bring them closer, but it seemed like it wasn’t meant to be.

Wei Yuxian parted ways with him and headed to the prearranged meeting spot with Aunt Fu. When she arrived, she spotted a black sedan parked under a tree, from which Aunt Fu emerged, carrying a thermos.

This place is secluded, with hardly anyone passing by, especially during lunchtime when it’s deserted.

To avoid being noticed, Wei Yuxian deliberately chose such a location, feeling it was safe.

“Aunt Fu, thank you for your hard work,” Wei Yuxian said as she took the thermos from Aunt Fu.

Aunt Fu smiled and addressed her as “Madam,” saying, “It’s no trouble, it’s my duty. After you finish eating, just bring the thermos back tonight. Tomorrow, at this time, I’ll be here waiting for you, Madam.”

“Okay, thank you, Aunt Fu. If there’s nothing else, I’ll head back to the dormitory,” Wei Yuxian replied before departing.

“Take care, Madam.”

Wei Yuxian carried her meal back to the dormitory. As she entered, she saw her three roommates sitting in their respective places, eating.

Without a word, she didn’t bother to greet them, just returned to her spot to eat.

Ding Nana threw her spoon into her bowl and taunted, “Oh, the pauper finally decided to show up. Been fooling around with some wild guy these past few days? Even wearing new clothes now. Did someone ruin your old ones, so you had to get them replaced?”

“Hahaha—” echoed three hearty laughs in the dormitory. But to Wei Yuxian’s ears, these sounds were so grating and unpleasant.

She could tell, Ding Nana’s words had a double meaning!

Still, she remained silent, treating their words as if they were just a breeze passing by, and continued with her own tasks.

She placed her phone on the table, pretending not to hear their voices.

Feng Yiyi, one of the two girls, happened to notice Wei Yuxian’s phone on the table and remarked, “Look at her phone, Nana. She even got herself a new phone!”

The other girl, Chen Wei, who was closest to Wei Yuxian, saw clearly what kind of phone she had.

After recognizing the phone model, her eyes widened, “Nana, her phone is the latest Pineapple model! It costs over ten thousand yuan!”

Wei Yuxian quickly flipped her phone over, covering the back, to prevent them from seeing it.

She hadn’t anticipated that her phone would also cause her trouble.

Unable to eat anymore, Ding Nana stood up and asked, “Are you sure it’s the Pineapple phone? The latest model?”

Chen Wei nodded firmly, “I’m sure! My brother uses the same one. I wouldn’t mistake it!”

Ding Nana walked over, picked up Wei Yuxian’s phone, and examined it. Wei Yuxian quickly turned her head away, saying, “Give it back to me.”

Ding Nana felt the quality of the phone. It didn’t seem fake; it looked almost identical to a real one. But where did this poor girl get the money from?

She asked, “Is this phone real or fake? It looks just like the real thing.”

To avoid trouble, Wei Yuxian replied, “It’s fake.”

Ding Nana scoffed and tossed the phone back onto the table, saying, “I knew it. How could a poor girl like you afford a real Pineapple phone?”

She herself used a Pineapple phone, but not the latest model. It was the previous version, which cost her 8,000 yuan to buy!

She returned to her meal, ignoring Wei Yuxian. For Wei Yuxian, this was a relief. She put her phone aside and began to eat the nutritious meal Aunt Fu had brought her.

Fortunately, their teasing was just that, and they didn’t press further.

Faced with the bullying from these three, she chose to endure it, pretending not to hear.

She had thought about standing up for herself, but it didn’t work. She had resisted before, but it only led to more severe bullying from others!

Given the personalities of Ding Nana and the other two, if she resisted, they would surely escalate!

For now, they were only saying hurtful words, not causing her any substantial harm. She could endure it.

After all, in her four years of university, they would only spend three years together. Moreover, in the future, she would only come back for lunch, spending her evenings at the Fu mansion, reducing her time with them even further.

After finishing the nutritious meal Aunt Fu had sent over, she cleaned the thermos and placed it on the table before heading to bed.

The first afternoon class started at three o’clock, so Wei Yuxian woke up at half past two, quickly freshened up, and left for the classroom, arriving just in time.

After two classes, when it was time to finish school, she grabbed her books and headed straight for the school gate without returning to the dormitory.

As she reached the alley where she had arranged to meet Fu Xuanyi, she noticed his car was already parked there, though she wasn’t sure how long he had been waiting.

She hastened her steps, got into the car, and greeted the man in front, “Master Xuanyi.”

“Mmm,” the man responded, then started the car and drove back home.

Back at the house, it was dinner time. Wei Yuxian and Fu Xuanyi washed their hands and sat face to face for the meal, not uttering a single word.

Wei Yuxian didn’t know what to say to him. There was nothing to talk about, and besides, she still felt intimidated by Fu Xuanyi, so she had even less to say.

After dinner, she returned to her room to do homework, then took a shower and went to bed. And thus, another day passed.

From then on, except for holidays, Fu Xuanyi personally picked her up and dropped her off for school every day, without fail.

Gradually, Wei Yuxian got used to his daily routine of driving her. However, the atmosphere between them remained somber, with little conversation beyond exchanging greetings each day. On this day, as usual, Fu Xuanyi drove Wei Yuxian to school. It was mid-November, and the weather was gradually turning cold. Wei Yuxian put on the new coat provided by the Fu family.

Over the past month, she had been eating well and sleeping well at the Fu residence. Besides studying, she had nothing to worry about, so she had gained some weight, with a bit of flesh appearing on her body, and her belly protruding slightly.

Wei Yuxian felt fortunate that it was now winter. With her belly growing, she could hide it under thick clothes, preventing others from noticing her pregnancy.

She didn’t want anyone at school, especially not the trio of Ding Nana and her friends, to discover her condition. If they found out, who knew what gossip they would spread.

Before getting out of the car, Wei Yuxian bid Fu Xuanyi goodbye as usual, saying, “Goodbye, Master Xuanyi.”

On a normal day, Fu Xuanyi would typically respond with a cold “Hmm” before bidding farewell, but today, for the first time, he uttered a rare “Goodbye.”

However, Wei Yuxian didn’t pay much attention and didn’t notice any difference. She simply opened the car door and got out.

Fu Xuanyi continued to watch her until her figure disappeared into the school, just like he always did.

In the past, his gaze toward Wei Yuxian had always been icy, but now, much of that coldness had dissipated from his eyes.

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