After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 21

Chapter 21: She Was Different from the Beginning

After spending more than a month together, he had a basic understanding of Wei Yuxian and knew what kind of person she was.

She was a beautiful but tragically principled and strong little white rabbit. Her actions and expressions were instinctively cute, setting her apart from other women.

He had some inkling as to why he had broken his own rules that night—it was because she had always been different from the start. In his eyes, she was truly special.

For the past twenty-nine years, he had been indifferent to the outside world and had no interest in or desire for women. However, her appearance shattered the principles he had upheld for nearly three decades.

A month ago, he had only brought her into his home because of the two children in her belly, without any other feelings towards her. But now, he found himself increasingly attentive to her.

Sometimes, he wondered what she did at home and at school. He even had the servants report her daily activities to him, just to satisfy his curiosity. He couldn’t help but think of her.

This was a profoundly unfamiliar feeling for him; he had never been so preoccupied with anyone before.

However, she seemed to be afraid of him. Whenever he was at home, she would hide in her room and refuse to come out.

How could he make her less afraid of him?

With inscrutable eyes, Fu Xuanyi absentmindedly rubbed the prayer beads in his hand with his thumb.

Meanwhile, Wei Yuxian proceeded to her classroom as usual, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the full schedule on Monday. Perhaps it was also due to her pregnancy, which seemed to sap her energy more than usual.

She had heard that after becoming pregnant, it would be easier to feel tired, and she might experience increased drowsiness and loss of appetite. Initially, she thought it was exaggerated, but now that she experienced it firsthand, she realized it was all true.

She also worried about having less energy to balance her studies as the pregnancy progressed.

Moreover, there were pregnancy symptoms to consider—poor appetite, disrupted sleep—just thinking about them was terrifying.

She feared experiencing these symptoms, knowing they would hinder her ability to focus on her studies.

Fortunately, so far, aside from feeling a bit tired, she hadn’t experienced any other symptoms. That was a stroke of luck.

She hoped that her pregnancy symptoms wouldn’t be too severe.

Making her way to the classroom, she took her seat at the front and listened attentively to the lecture. Time passed swiftly when she was engrossed in something, no matter what it was.

As the second class began, Wei Yuxian hurried to the next classroom and was greeted by a familiar face—Cheng Jingyao.

Since they exchanged contact information last time, their relationship had improved somewhat. He was Wei Yuxian’s only friend at school.

“Yuxian, nice to see you again!” Cheng Jingyao greeted her warmly.

“Hi, long time no see, Classmate Cheng.” Wei Yuxian returned the greeting.

Cheng Jingyao said, “I’ve told you not to call me Classmate Cheng anymore. It sounds too formal. We’re so close now, Yuxian, just call me Ajing.”

Wei Yuxian felt that this nickname was too intimate. She didn’t think her relationship with Cheng Jingyao had reached that level yet, so she continued to address him as Classmate.

But since he brought it up again today, she decided to go along with it. There was no harm in improving their relationship over time.

“Good morning, Ajing,” she said.

Cheng Jingyao was finally satisfied, smiling as he replied, “Good morning, Yuxian.”

With two minutes before class, Cheng Jingyao seized the opportunity to chat with her. “Yuxian, how about we grab lunch together after class? I’ve invited you several times already.”

This time, Wei Yuxian still declined, explaining her reason, “Sorry, Ajing, my family sends me meals, so I won’t be eating at the cafeteria.”

Cheng Jingyao sighed with some regret, asking, “Does your family send you meals every day?”

Wei Yuxian nodded, “Yes, because my health isn’t great, so my family is taking care of me by providing home-cooked meals every day.”

She fabricated a small lie, actually, she wasn’t unwell but pregnant. However, it was all about taking care of her health.

Cheng Jingyao felt quite disappointed, saying, “I was hoping we could have lunch together. Since that’s not possible, how about I treat you to bubble tea instead? What do you think, after  today’s lunch?”

Wei Yuxian immediately waved her hand in refusal, saying, “No, I can’t drink bubble tea. If I drink it, I’ll have trouble sleeping at night.”

Bubble tea was delicious, sweet and creamy, and she quite enjoyed it. She had tried it a few times before, but every time she drank it, she couldn’t sleep at night, which was quite distressing for her.

Luckily, she didn’t have a craving for bubble tea, so she could do without it. Besides, bubble tea was not cheap, so she rarely indulged in it.

Cheng Jingyao continued, “If you can’t drink tea, that’s okay. There are also fruit juices in the bubble tea shop. Let me treat you, can you do me this favor?”

Wei Yuxian still hesitated, but Cheng Jingyao persisted with a few more requests. Helpless, she could only agree to go for fruit juice with him at noon.

Cheng Jingyao was very happy and exclaimed, “Great!”

The bell rang as they were talking, and they stopped chatting. Cheng Jingyao was very considerate and didn’t disturb Wei Yuxian during class, sitting quietly on the side, occasionally stealing glances at her.

In the back row of the classroom, Ding Nana, Chen Wei, and Feng Yiyi were still sitting together, watching Wei Yuxian and Cheng Jingyao sitting together, itching with jealousy!

Chen Wei said, “Nana, this poor Wei Yuxian is trying to get close to Cheng Jingyao again. Could they be dating?”

Feng Yiyi added, “Nana, Wei Yuxian has been doing better lately. She wears different clothes every day, eats well, and even has a real pineapple phone!”

Through their observations over these days, they found that Wei Yuxian’s phone was genuine, not the counterfeit they had assumed. Additionally, they noticed that Wei Yuxian’s daily diet was very rich and not cheap. Many of the ingredients were high-end supplements!

So, they gradually began to suspect that the branded clothes Wei Yuxian wore were also genuine!

Otherwise, how could she afford to wear different clothes every day, all from the same brand?

Even if she bought knock-offs, she couldn’t possibly buy so many!

So, what exactly was happening with Wei Yuxian? They were very eager to find out!

Ding Nana gritted her teeth and said, “I’ve also noticed that she’s gained some weight recently and looks much livelier than before. How did she suddenly become so rich overnight?”

Chen Wei was equally puzzled and said, “She’s even moved out of the dormitory! Given her previous situation, how could she afford these things? I think she must be kept by someone!”

Feng Yiyi voiced her speculation, “Could she be with Cheng Jingyao? They always sit together during class! Could they be dating?”

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