After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 24

Chapter 24: He Asked: Who Bullied You?

Ding Nana finally revealed her ultimate goal: “I warn you, don’t try to seduce Cheng Jingyao! Otherwise, I’ll make sure you regret it!”

Wei Yuxian was on the verge of laughing out of frustration! Had she ever seen someone so unreasonable?

When did she ever try to seduce Cheng Jingyao? Where did Ding Nana get the idea that she was trying to seduce him?

She must be out of her mind! She needed to see a doctor for that kind of illness!

But Wei Yuxian didn’t dare to say these words out loud. She could only curse Ding Nana silently in her heart while pretending to remain calm on the surface. “I haven’t seduced anyone. Everything is just your imagination.”

Now she understood. Ding Nana liked Cheng Jingyao, so she didn’t want anyone else to like him, including her.

But she didn’t like Cheng Jingyao either! Why was Ding Nana so confident that she was trying to seduce him?

She admitted that she had been getting closer to Cheng Jingyao recently, but it was only within the bounds of friendship. She hadn’t done anything out of line.

Ding Nana said angrily, “You still won’t admit it?! Why else would you dress up so flamboyantly if not to seduce Cheng Jingyao? Don’t think I can’t see through you!

Is it because the old man can’t satisfy you anymore? Or is it because he’s getting tired of you, so you’re looking for a new benefactor?

Everyone knows Cheng Jingyao comes from a wealthy family, and he’s handsome too. How many people want to be friends with him? But he sticks to you like glue. If you’re not trying to seduce him, then what are you doing?”

Wei Yuxian was done talking to her. Their minds were completely out of sync!

Right now, Ding Nana was stubbornly convinced that she was seducing Cheng Jingyao, and nothing she said would change her mind.

But she had to say it anyway, “Cheng Jingyao and I are just friends, believe it or not. Anyway, I haven’t seduced anyone. As for where my clothes come from, it’s none of your business.”

Ding Nana gritted her teeth maliciously, “I don’t care if what you’re saying is true or not. You better just be friends with Cheng Jingyao. If I find out you have ill intentions toward him, don’t blame me for being rude to you!”

Wei Yuxian shook off her hand, cursing her in her mind, and went back to her seat, tidying up the table.

Ding Nana kept on cursing endlessly, “Wei Yuxian, a poor wretch like you shouldn’t dream of becoming a phoenix perched on a branch. You’ll always be someone’s third-rate option in life!”

“Don’t think that just because you’ve found an older man, you’ve found a backing. They’re just playing you, saying they like you on the surface but secretly looking down on you. You’d better have some self-awareness and not think too highly of yourself!

No one will ever like you in your life! You’re just a pitiful wretch, a poor wretch that no one loves! You can’t even afford to eat!”

Wei Yuxian chose to block out her curses, went to the balcony to wash the thermos, quickly got into bed, pulled the curtains, put on her headphones, and shut out all those ugly insults.

Listening to upbeat music, she breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, she didn’t have to listen to that unpleasant voice anymore.

Despite appearing unresponsive, those insults really affected her mood. At least, before the argument with Ding Nana, she was in a good mood.

Her mood had been quite good today, and she had hoped it would last the whole day. However, it was interrupted right at noon.

Ding Nana’s unreasonable accusations about being kept and seducing Cheng Jingyao, along with her insults about how Wei Yuxian would never amount to anything, cut deep into her heart like a knife!

Whose heart isn’t made of flesh? Who could hear such words without being affected? Certainly not Wei Yuxian.

While relaxing music played in her ears, Wei Yuxian couldn’t shake off the heaviness in her heart. She was just not feeling happy.

Amidst the soothing melodies, she eventually forgot all her troubles and drifted off to sleep.

Her world finally quieted down completely.

Over an hour later, driven by her internal clock, Wei Yuxian woke up. It was time to get up, freshen up, and head to her next class.

After getting up, her mood remained as bad as it was before falling asleep, with Ding Nana’s words occasionally lingering in her mind.

With this mood weighing on her, Wei Yuxian endured two more classes until it was time to go home.

Her brows furrowed, she slung a large canvas bag over her shoulder and hurried outside the school gates. Walking into a nearby alley, her eyes scanned the familiar surroundings until she spotted Fu Xuanyi’s car parked there.

Quickening her pace, she approached the car and opened the passenger door, greeting Fu Xuanyi with a curt “Master Xuanyi.”

“Hmm,” came the man’s indifferent voice, his expression as stoic as ever. His face showed no emotion, making him seem like an emotionless robot.

Seeing his face, Wei Yuxian felt even more exhausted. She didn’t want to be in the same space as someone so oppressive.

She just wanted to find a quiet place to be alone for a while, without anyone disturbing her. She needed some peace and quiet, away from troublesome thoughts and troublesome people.

Leaning her head against the car window, she listened to the sound of the engine starting, closing her eyes.

Fu Xuanyi drove steadily, sensing the low mood of the person beside him.

Her current state was like a stray cat hiding in a corner, licking its fur alone. It looked pitiful.

Fu Xuanyi’s aura became even heavier unconsciously, and he asked, “Who bullied you?”

Wei Yuxian momentarily thought there might be an issue with her ears, otherwise why would she hear Fu Xuanyi’s voice?

During this past month, they hadn’t exchanged a single word on their way back. Yet today, he asked: “Who bullied you?”

Wei Yuxian opened her eyes and looked at the man beside her. From her angle, she couldn’t see his face directly, only his profile.

His profile was also very handsome. No matter from which angle one looked at him, he was flawless and impeccable.

She wasn’t quite sure if she had misheard, hesitating for a moment before asking softly, “Are you talking to me?”

Fu Xuanyi turned his head to give her a confirming glance with a simple “Hmm.”

Only then did Wei Yuxian dare to confirm that Fu Xuanyi had indeed spoken just now.

He asked her if she had been bullied.

Was her mood so apparent that even Fu Xuanyi could tell she wasn’t feeling well?

No, that wasn’t the point. The point was, why would Fu Xuanyi care whether she was in a good mood or not? And why did he inquire about the reason for her bad mood?

Wei Yuxian looked at the man’s almost ethereal profile, carefully considering her response before saying, “No one bullied me, it’s just… today’s classes were a bit difficult, and I didn’t fully understand. I’ll review the textbook when I get back.”

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