After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 25

Chapter 25: Changing the Address, Call Him Ah Xuan

She concealed the fact that she had been bullied and offered him an excuse instead.

Dealing with Ding Nana’s bullying had been going on for quite some time, but it hadn’t caused her any financial harm, so she could bear with it. She didn’t feel the need to burden Fu Xuanyi with these matters; after all, he was a busy man, unlikely to concern himself with such things.

Moreover, she didn’t want to tell him.

Fu Xuanyi turned to look at her again, his eyes holding a depth of meaning that made Wei Yuxian nervous, unsure whether he believed her words or not.

If Fu Xuanyi didn’t believe her and decided to investigate within the school, what would she do? With his status, investigating such matters would be effortless; a simple phone call would have people scrambling to provide him with information.

But she really didn’t want Fu Xuanyi to get involved in school affairs, nor did she want anyone to know that her recent changes were influenced by him.

The man turned his head back, focusing on the road ahead, driving carefully.

Afraid that he wouldn’t believe her, Wei Yuxian made an effort to sound calm and said, “Perhaps the teacher wasn’t in the best mood today, and didn’t explain things thoroughly, so they asked us to review the material ourselves… Master Xuanyi, could you help me go over it tonight?”

She chose to jump from one fire pit to another, just to make Fu Xuanyi believe that she really didn’t do well in class, which affected her mood.

Asking Fu Xuanyi to teach her was because she thought as the CEO of the Fu Corporation, he must be proficient in finance, so maybe he could help her.

The content the teacher covered today was indeed challenging, coupled with her afternoon mood, she couldn’t fully absorb it.

She didn’t know what was wrong with her recently; her mood always tended to become low easily, even over trivial matters.

Take, for example, what Ding Nana said to her at noon; in the past, she wouldn’t have taken it to heart. She might have felt sad for a while, but she would have quickly adjusted her mood. But today…

It had been an entire afternoon, and she still couldn’t shake off her bad mood.

She didn’t know that this was the nature of pregnant women, prone to overthinking and uncontrollable emotions.

Fu Xuanyi tightened his grip on the steering wheel, his tone unchanged as he uttered a simple “Hmm.”

However, his inner world was far from calm.

He believed her words.

Wei Yuxian breathed a sigh of relief, at least she wouldn’t arouse his suspicion anymore, which was a relief.

The drive back home was silent, with neither of them speaking again.

Back home, it was already dinner time. The housekeeper welcomed Wei Yuxian at the door, taking her canvas bag and reminding her to change her shoes before washing up for dinner.

Wei Yuxian softly expressed her gratitude and waited for Fu Xuanyi to change his shoes before joining him to wash up and sit down for dinner.

The maid brought out the dinner, and Wei Yuxian glanced at it. It was another array of different dishes, all looking appetizing.

During her time at the Fu residence, she had been served nutritious meals, each one different from the last. She wondered where the chef sourced their recipes from, as they managed to create unique dishes every day without repetition.

This spoke volumes about the skill of the chefs at the Fu residence; their culinary prowess was exceptional, offering a variety of delicious dishes.

In just over a month, Wei Yuxian had noticeably gained some weight, her figure becoming more rounded. However, she wasn’t overly obese, but rather perfectly proportioned.

Wei Yuxian felt her belly had grown a little, showing signs of pregnancy. People often said that the baby bump becomes visible at around three months, and counting the days, it was about time.

After a hearty dinner, Wei Yuxian returned to her room to sit for a while, reading a book. After about half an hour, there was a knock on the door.

Thinking it might be Fu Xuanyi outside, she felt a bit nervous and said, “Come in.”

The door opened, and indeed it was Fu Xuanyi. He had taken off his coat, wearing a comfortable home outfit, which made him appear less imposing.

Wei Yuxian relaxed a bit and called out, “Master Xuanyi.”

As Fu Xuanyi walked in, he uttered a soft “Hmm.” Wei Yuxian quickly moved a chair next to her and gestured for him to sit down.

After sitting down, Fu Xuanyi took Wei Yuxian’s textbook and flipped through it, asking, “What don’t you understand?”

Wei Yuxian’s notebook was neatly organized with rows of notes for every topic covered by the teacher, which looked quite pleasing to the eye.

Fu Xuanyi found it very comfortable to read and glanced at her handwriting a few more times, noting its neatness in regular script.

After a brief scan, he placed the book back on the table. Wei Yuxian picked it up and turned to the section that she didn’t understand from the teacher’s lecture that afternoon.

Pointing at the content in the book, she said, “I didn’t quite grasp this chapter. I appreciate your help, Master Xuanyi.”

Fu Xuanyi felt a twinge of annoyance hearing Wei Yuxian repeatedly call him ” Master Xuanyi.” He couldn’t quite understand why, but he found himself disliking this form of address from her.

When others called him by that title, he didn’t mind at all; in fact, he felt it was appropriate. But coming from Wei Yuxian…

In the past, she had also addressed him in this way, and he hadn’t thought much of it. But now, he didn’t like it when Wei Yuxian called him that; it made them seem distant.

Fu Xuanyi understood the reason behind this, it was because of his emotional shift towards Wei Yuxian, and he didn’t want their relationship to feel distant.

This title, like any other, didn’t please him.

He didn’t look at where Wei Yuxian pointed out, but instead, he looked into her eyes and said, “Change the title.”

“Huh?” Her mind couldn’t keep up with Fu Xuanyi’s rapid change of thought.

After a moment, she understood the meaning behind Fu Xuanyi’s words, feeling a bit taken aback.

Fu Xuanyi wanted her to change how she address him? He didn’t want her to call him Master Xuanyi anymore?

Wei Yuxian looked into Fu Xuanyi’s eyes, trying to discern if he was joking, but how could Fu Xuanyi joke with her?

Fu Xuanyi’s expression remained as impassive as ever, devoid of any hint of jest. Well, someone like him wouldn’t joke around anyway.

She asked, “How do you want me to address you then?”

She assumed Fu Xuanyi simply didn’t like the title and didn’t want to hear it, so he asked her to change it.

Fu Xuanyi calmly uttered two words: “Whatever you like.”

Whatever I like—

Wei Yuxian pondered for a moment, recalling what Mrs. Fu had once said. Mrs. Fu mentioned that there was no need to address him as “Master Xuanyi,” just calling him “Ah Xuan” would suffice.

But would calling him “Ah Xuan” be too intimate?

Fu Xuanyi was from a completely different world than her. Would such a term be too abrupt?

Wei Yuxian couldn’t make up her mind for a moment, feeling hesitant. Meanwhile, Fu Xuanyi continued to gaze at her intently, as if insisting that she come up with a new title.

She could only steel herself and cautiously utter, “…Ah Xuan?”

Fu Xuanyi readily accepted it, showing no signs of dissatisfaction whatsoever. Hearing this title, his mood improved considerably.

Ah Xuan.

He had never thought those two words sounded so pleasant before.

Why did they sound so nice coming from her mouth?

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