After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 26

Chapter 26: Don’t Go to School Today, Rest at Home

Wei Yuxian breathed a sigh of relief, thinking it was good that he accepted it. From now on, she would call him that way.

Anyway, they didn’t have many opportunities to talk. At most, it was just a greeting each day, and then it was over. Just a name, nothing more. Calling him that a few more times would become a habit.

Wei Yuxian opened the book again and placed it in front of Fu Xuanyi, pointing to the parts she didn’t understand. “I don’t get this part.”

Fu Xuanyi took the book and looked at the areas she indicated, studying them carefully for a while before starting to explain, beginning with the simplest points.

His voice was pleasant to listen to—not rough or sharp, but rather deep, magnetic, and mature, distinct from a nasal sound. His explanations were also clear, and Wei Yuxian could understand them right away, realizing that what the teacher had said in class actually meant these things.

Fu Xuanyi gradually increased the difficulty, explaining even the more challenging parts. Wei Yuxian listened attentively, momentarily forgetting her fear of him.

She immersed herself in the ocean of knowledge, like a sponge absorbing water continuously.

Before she knew it, two hours had passed, and Fu Xuanyi had finally broken down all the parts Wei Yuxian didn’t understand, embedding them into her mind.

Wei Yuxian looked at Fu Xuanyi, feeling very grateful that he was willing to spend time explaining things to her tonight. Seeing his throat was somewhat dry, she got up to pour him a glass of water.

“Have some water,” she said.

Fu Xuanyi picked up the glass and drank it, feeling his parched throat ease a bit.

The words spoken tonight could rival those spoken by him in a week.

It was also the first time Wei Yuxian had heard him speak so much, and although his tone remained icy, there was no hint of impatience.

Suddenly, Fu Xuanyi didn’t seem as intimidating as Wei Yuxian had imagined. He was just a person, not the king of hell.

Wei Yuxian’s gloomy mood from the afternoon had improved after absorbing knowledge, and she no longer dwelled on what Ding Nana had said.

It was Ding Nana’s prerogative to say whatever she wanted. After all, her mouth was her own; Wei Yuxian couldn’t physically stop her from speaking.

With a faint smile on her face, Wei Yuxian said, “Thank you, I understand everything now.”

“No need,” Fu Xuanyi replied. “If you have any questions next time, come to me.”

Wei Yuxian nodded. “Alright, I will.”

Fu Xuanyi wasn’t as difficult to get along with as Wei Yuxian had imagined. In fact, he had a bit of kindness in him, despite his stern demeanor.

Perhaps it was just his personality; he naturally kept his emotions in check and didn’t express them outwardly.

He seemed content with very little, which explained his rarely changing facial expressions.

Wei Yuxian noticed the string of black Buddhist beads he often held in his hand, showing a fondness for them. This further supported the idea that he had few desires.

There were even online rumors about him being a celibate Buddhist monk, and his behavior seemed to corroborate this.

Fu Xuanyi stood up, finding no reason to stay any longer. “Get some rest,” he said before leaving.

Wei Yuxian nodded and got up to see Fu Xuanyi off at the door, thanking him as he left.

After he departed, Wei Yuxian glanced at the time. It was almost ten o’clock. She had spent two hours alone with Fu Xuanyi!

Before this, she had been worried that Fu Xuanyi would be difficult to deal with, but now she didn’t feel that way anymore.

At least Fu Xuanyi wasn’t as difficult to get along with as she had imagined.

This just showed how important communication was; it could solve many problems and bring people closer together, helping them understand each other better.

Humming a favorite old song, Wei Yuxian tidied up her books, putting them away in the cabinet on her desk. She then took out the books she would need for class tomorrow and placed them in her canvas bag.

As it was getting late, she took a shower and then rested for a while. Feeling sleepy, she yawned and didn’t delay going to bed. Closing her eyes, she soon fell asleep.

The room was warm and cozy with the heating on and the floor heating providing warmth throughout. Wei Yuxian found it extremely comfortable to sleep in and didn’t feel like getting up.

She had a very comfortable sleep, and the next morning, as the sky began to lighten, her phone alarm went off. It was the alarm she had set.

Groggily, she opened her eyes, turned off the alarm, and didn’t feel like getting out of bed because her blanket was too comfortable.

She lingered in bed for a couple of minutes before mustering the courage to get up, freshen up, and then go downstairs for breakfast.

The maid brought breakfast, and she sat face to face with Fu Xuanyi. The breakfast was still the same nutritious meal, and it looked delicious.

Wei Yuxian picked up the spoon, ready to dig in and finish her breakfast before heading to school. But just as she lifted a spoonful of porridge to her mouth, she suddenly caught a nauseating smell!

Almost instantly, she dropped the spoon and covered her mouth, rushing to the nearest bathroom, gagging along the way!

Her sudden movement alarmed everyone in the Fu residence, and Fu Xuanyi and Aunt Fu followed her footsteps into the bathroom.

With a stern expression, Fu Xuanyi looked at Wei Yuxian, who was retching over the washbasin, then shot a sharp glance at Aunt Fu, asking, “What was madam’s breakfast today?”

Aunt Fu, visibly nervous, replied, “Madam’s breakfast today was fish porridge. It seems that madam’s pregnancy has triggered morning sickness.”

Fu Xuanyi furrowed his brows, approaching Wei Yuxian but unsure of how to ease her discomfort.

After a while, Wei Yuxian finally felt the nausea subside. She lifted her head and washed her hands and face with water.

She had only dry heaved and hadn’t vomited anything, but the strong urge to vomit lingered.

Earlier, she had intended to eat breakfast, but the smell of fish suddenly triggered her reaction, prompting her to rush in the toilet.

She heard Aunt Fu’s explanation and realized that it was indeed morning sickness.

She knew that pregnant women experienced morning sickness, but she hadn’t expected it to be like this—just a hint of an unusual smell triggered uncontrollable dry heaves.

This was just the beginning, but what if it continued… What would she do at school?

Before she could dwell further on these thoughts, a voice beside her interrupted her train of thought. “How are you feeling? Still uncomfortable?”

It was Fu Xuanyi’s distinctive, clear, and mature voice, highly recognizable.

She looked at the person beside her, grabbed two tissues to wipe her hands and face, and replied, “Much better.”

She walked outside, with Fu Xuanyi trailing beside her, observing her complexion.

Back at the dining table, she cautiously sniffed the porridge. This time, she felt no urge to vomit, so she ate with relief.

Across from her, Fu Xuanyi remained still, his gaze deep as he pondered.

After a while, he said, “Don’t go to school today. Rest at home.” He was concerned about her health.

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