After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 35

Chapter 35: Wiping Her Hands

Wei Yuxian’s hand was continuously warmed by Fu Xuanyi’s large hand. Coupled with the warm air in the car, she soon began to sweat a little.

She wanted to retract her hand again, wipe off the sweat, which felt sticky and uncomfortable, but Fu Xuanyi still didn’t let go of her hand.

He even noticed her hand sweating, so he pulled out a wet wipe from the car and carefully wiped her hand, bowing his head.

Wei Yuxian looked at the man beside her in astonishment, unable to believe it was real!

But it was indeed real! Fu Xuanyi was actually wiping her hand! He even wiped between her fingers meticulously!

Could this be the same Fu Xuanyi who was known for his ruthlessness and cunning in the capital? Could he have been possessed by someone else?

How could the esteemed Young Master Fu do such a thing? Wiping someone else’s hands, especially those of a humble girl like her!

It was too unbelievable!

She couldn’t fathom why Fu Xuanyi would do such a thing because in her mind, Fu Xuanyi was incapable of such actions!

Fu Xuanyi was like an emotionless robot, speaking and behaving with coldness. How could he do something so warm-hearted?

Wei Yuxian couldn’t understand why Fu Xuanyi would wipe her hand. What had she done to deserve such a gesture from him?

She wanted to pull her hand back, feeling frightened by Fu Xuanyi’s actions. It seemed as if he was cleaning her hand, preparing for something sinister to come.

Fu Xuanyi, however, wouldn’t allow her to retract her hand, saying, “Don’t move.”

Those cold words made Wei Yuxian instantly freeze, fearing that if he became unhappy, he might actually chop off her hand.

She pitifully looked at her hand, feeling like a fish on a chopping board, ready to be carved up.

Unaware of her inner turmoil, Fu Xuanyi only wanted to wipe her hand clean so that holding it would be more comfortable.

He meticulously wiped it with a wet tissue and then gently with a soft tissue, making Wei Yuxian’s hand dry and just as comfortable to hold as before.

Even though her hand had sweated, he was reluctant to let go. Now that it was clean and comfortable, he was even more unwilling to release it.

He continued holding her hand, not allowing her to pull it away.

Wei Yuxian sighed with relief as she saw him finally stop, her tense heart relaxing. Her hand was safe.

She dared not move recklessly anymore, nor entertain thoughts of retracting her hand, fearing to provoke the man’s anger.

Fu Xuanyi’s temper was unpredictable, with mood swings from one moment to the next.

Of course, these were all things she had read online. Most of what she knew about Fu Xuanyi was from the internet.

Now, as they spent time together, she found that he was indeed as described online.

Today was indeed strange. Fu Xuanyi’s behavior was unusual, not only holding her hand but also wiping her sweat. It was all too peculiar.

Perhaps Fu Xuanyi was in a good mood today, which prompted these unexpected actions.

Or maybe he found it intriguing, a spontaneous impulse.

After all, Fu Xuanyi had never been involved with other women before, known to all as a celibate Buddhist.

It’s possible that after some time, the novelty would wear off, and things would return to normal.

Wei Yuxian reassured herself in her mind, rationalizing Fu Xuanyi’s peculiar behavior.

Little did she know, a certain celibate buddhist was willing to break his vows for her!

As the car arrived back at the Fu Residence, Wei Yuxian thought that he would finally let go of her hand now that they were home. To her surprise, he still didn’t release it, leading her into the house.

Aunt Fu and the driver unloaded her luggage and took it to her room. Aunt Fu even arranged for someone to unpack for Wei Yuxian, sparing her any effort.

Following Fu Xuanyi into the spacious living room, Wei Yuxian saw two people sitting on the sofa. One was the elderly Mrs. Fu, whom she knew, and the other was an unfamiliar elderly man.

However, she could also guess the identity of the elderly man, Fu Xuanyi’s father. There was a resemblance between him and Fu Xuanyi, especially in their sharp features; their eyes and brows were almost identical!

It seemed that Fu Xuanyi’s fierce demeanor was indeed inherited. But what about the children she might have with him? Would they also inherit such a fierce and cold appearance?

Wei Yuxian dared not imagine.

Putting aside these thoughts, she followed Fu Xuanyi to sit on the sofa. He calmly addressed the elderly couple, “Father, Mother.”

Mr. and  Mrs. Fu’s response was not particularly warm, just a simple “Hmm,” as they all spoke in a subdued tone.

Under pressure, Wei Yuxian tentatively addressed them, “Master, Madam Fu.”

Calling them this way was perfectly fine, as it was how the servants of the Fu Manor addressed them. Moreover, she couldn’t think of a more suitable title to use.

Mr. Fu responded with another subdued “Hmm,” but Mrs. Fu attitude was much warmer. She smiled and uttered an “Oh” when she noticed their joined hands, her eyes gleaming with delight at seeing their close relationship.

Seeing her son willingly holding hands with someone was a rare sight, considering his usual aloof demeanor.

As for the distance between Wei Yuxian and her prospective daughter-in-law? It was practically nonexistent!

As long as her son was willing to take a step forward, to stop obsessing over those Buddhist beads and ascetic practices, the chances of having a daughter-in-law would increase significantly!

All that talk about asceticism and austerity could be tossed aside. Her son’s future wife was the most important thing!

Although she didn’t want to interrupt their hand-holding, Mrs. Fu had to intervene at this moment. She patted the seat beside her and said, “Yuxian, come and sit here.”

Wei Yuxian felt relieved as if granted clemency. She stood up eagerly, ready to walk over to Mrs. Fu side. But just as she took a couple of steps, her movement halted abruptly because her hand was still in Fu Xuanyi’s grasp.

He held her hand tightly, refusing to let go or allow her to walk over. When she looked back, her eyes met Fu Xuanyi’s. She used her gaze to signal him to release her hand so she could go and sit beside Mrs. Fu.

But Fu Xuanyi seemed oblivious, merely locking eyes with her without making any movement. His grip remained firm.

Wei Yuxian started to feel anxious. Not only was she embarrassed by being watched while holding hands, but now that Mrs. Fu had spoken and asked her to come over and sit, it was even more awkward that he still hadn’t let go of her hand!

Yet, she didn’t dare to say anything or express any dissatisfaction to Fu Xuanyi. All she could do was direct her pleading gaze toward Mrs. Fu, hoping for some intervention.

She hoped that Mrs. Fu could rescue her from this situation and convince Fu Xuanyi to let go of her hand.

God only knew how nervous she felt being held by Fu Xuanyi!

Mrs. Fu also looked at Fu Xuanyi and gestured with her eyes for him to release his grip. Fu Xuanyi, however, fearlessly maintained eye contact with his mother, clearly indicating that he had no intention of letting go.

With a sense of resignation, Mrs. Fu looked at her stubborn son. She wished he had become more sensible earlier; perhaps then, her grandchildren would be playing by now.

She had no choice but to speak up. “Xuanyi, let go. Let Yuxian come over and sit for a while. Mom needs to talk to her.”

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