After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 39

Chapter 39: She Would Fight to the Death to Defend Her Clothes!

Soon, the thighs were also coated, and Fu Xuanyi was about to move on to her armpits and buttocks when only one button was undone, and Wei Yuxian grabbed his hand.

She opened her eyes, her face as red as a tomato, and asked, “Where else do you need to apply?”

Why did he need to unbutton more?!

Fu Xuanyi looked at her honestly and said, “Underarms, buttocks.”

Wei Yuxian: “!!!”

What?! Underarms and buttocks need to be applied too?!

If she didn’t know that Fu Xuanyi was celibate, she would have thought he was taking advantage of the situation!

No, no, no! These two areas are absolutely off-limits! Even if she doesn’t apply, she won’t let Fu Xuanyi help her apply!

Especially the buttocks, how embarrassing is that? Fu Xuanyi is a man!

Wei Yuxian held onto her nightgown tightly, refusing to let him unbutton it!

Fu Xuanyi: “Just these two areas left.”

Wei Yuxian shook her head vigorously, ignoring how terrifying Fu Xuanyi might be. She was determined to defend her clothing at all costs!

“No, I won’t apply anymore. Let the stretch marks come, I don’t care.”

She would rather have stretch marks than let him apply!

She was already too embarrassed by what happened to her belly and thighs earlier. She absolutely refused to continue!

Fu Xuanyi faced her in a standoff. Usually, she would have given in after a while, but today, her gaze was incredibly resolute, unwavering!

Her determination was firm, adamant about not letting him apply in those two areas.

Fu Xuanyi didn’t insist further. He thought to take it one step at a time. Just being able to touch her belly today made him content.

He stepped back and said, “You do it yourself. Do you remember the technique I showed you just now?”

Even if she didn’t remember, she had to say she did. Wei Yuxian nodded repeatedly, “I remember, I remember it all!”

Great! He finally stepped back. She successfully defended her clothing!

Wei Yuxian felt like crying on the inside.

Fu Xuanyi washed his hands in the basin and noticed the water had cooled down. He said, “I’ll go change the water.”

After drying his hands and seeing Wei Yuxian nod, he stood up, carried the basin and towel, and headed to the bathroom to change the water and towel. The towel he used earlier was stained with oil.

Wei Yuxian covered her face with both hands, feeling like her blood was boiling!

So strange! So strange! Fu Xuanyi today was just too strange! What was he up to?!

Why was he suddenly so close to her?

Did he develop a liking for some other young lady recently, so he’s just practicing on her?

Otherwise, why would Fu Xuanyi, who is not interested in women, do this? Isn’t he indifferent to women?

Wei Yuxian couldn’t make heads or tails of it, covering her face as she recalled Fu Xuanyi’s actions just now.

Forget it, forget it. It didn’t matter who Fu Xuanyi liked; they wouldn’t end up together anyway. With Fu Xuanyi’s status and position, there was no young lady in the capital who could match him.

She never imagined she would be the one Fu Xuanyi, the lofty master, liked.

Given her family background, how could she match someone like Fu Xuanyi? Besides, she didn’t want to live with someone as cold as Fu Xuanyi.

It would freeze her to death, or scare her to death.

Because Fu Xuanyi is just too cold and domineering!

Lost in thought, the sound of water in the bathroom ceased, and Fu Xuanyi emerged, placing the hot water and new towel in their previous spots, casting a glance at the figure on the bed.

Wei Yuxian remained quite shy, biting her lip.

This small gesture appeared exceptionally cute in Fu Xuanyi’s eyes, making him want to lean in and kiss those lips.

A strange impulse welled up within him, reminiscent of that night at the bar!

But now was not the time; she was pregnant and it wouldn’t be appropriate…

He restrained himself and said, “I’ll leave first. Call the maids in to tidy up after you finish applying the oil.”

With that, he strode out of the room and returned to his own, opting for a cold shower despite the chilly weather.

Recalling that wonderful feeling from that night, he found it addictive.

Wei Yuxian had been contemplating how to ask him to leave, but he left on his own, which suited her just fine. It saved her the trouble of arguing.

She sat up, moved to the edge of the bed, and followed Fu Xuanyi’s earlier actions, soaking her hands in warm water for a while. Once her hands warmed up, she dried them and began applying the prenatal oil.

The underarm area was relatively easier to handle, but when it came to the buttocks, it was a bit more challenging, taking a bit more time. Nonetheless, she managed to finish applying the oil.

Blushing, she washed her hands in the water but found them still not clean enough. She then went into the bathroom and used body wash to clean them thoroughly.

Next time, she would do everything herself! She couldn’t let Fu Xuanyi help again!

After taking a leave from school, Wei Yuxian’s stress drastically reduced, and she felt much more relaxed. She could sleep better at night too.

In just a few days, her condition visibly improved, much to the delight of everyone in the Fu residence.

Also, her morning sickness had eased up recently. While she could eat things without much trouble, there were still times when she vomited, but it was much better than before.

Wei Yuxian now smiled every day, feeling much better overall and no longer gloomy like before.

However, there was one thing that troubled her immensely, making her blush every time.

That was Fu Xuanyi helping her apply the pregnancy oil. Ever since that night, he came to her room every evening to apply it for her.

She told him she had learned how to do it herself and could manage, but he insisted on doing it for her, especially on her belly and thighs.

She couldn’t refuse him, and although she tried to chase him away, he always ended up helping her.

Luckily, there was one thing: he didn’t insist on helping her apply oil to her armpits and buttocks. Otherwise, she would have dug a hole and buried herself!

Without school, Wei Yuxian had nothing much to do at home every day. After getting bored for a few days, she found it hard to focus on her textbooks; they were too dense and difficult to understand.

Suddenly, she remembered the three bookshelves full of books in Fu Xuanyi’s study. She had glanced at them briefly before and noticed many classics among them. Perhaps she could borrow some to read.

To alleviate her boredom and prevent herself from becoming a couch potato, that evening after Fu Xuanyi helped her apply the pregnancy oil, she blushed and said, “Ah Xuan, I want to borrow some books from your study.”

Fu Xuanyi had been in a good mood these days, seeing the little one’s health improving day by day. Being able to touch the little one’s belly every day made him extremely happy.

He replied, “Take whatever you want, help yourself.”

Wei Yuxian nodded happily and said, “I promise not to rummage through your things or stay too long. I’ll just take the books and leave.” She assured him.

Isn’t it often said in TV dramas that there are many secrets in the study? Like confidential documents and business secrets that must not be disclosed.

Fu Xuanyi is the CEO of the Fu Corporation, so there must be plenty of confidential information in his study!

If something were to go missing, she wouldn’t have enough heads to compensate for it!

So, in the future, when she entered Fu Xuanyi’s study, she would have to be extremely careful!

However, Fu Xuanyi didn’t think much of it. He didn’t believe that the little kitten would do anything harmful to him. He said, “Stay as long as you want.”

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