After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 42

Chapter 42: She Was Determined to Ruin Wei Yuxian’s Reputation!

Days passed by leisurely, and Wei Yuxian had almost nothing to worry about. Her condition was getting better, and she was slowly regaining some weight.

Just when she thought life would continue like this forever, an unexpected event quietly unfolded!

One day, on the campus forum of Jingdu University of Finance and Economics, a post suddenly appeared with the title: “Shocking! Student in the Finance Department Kept by Sugar Daddy, Leading to Pregnancy and Leave of Absence!”

People nowadays had too much time on their hands, glued to their phones all day long. As soon as the post was made, curious onlookers clicked to read.

The post roughly recounted: Wei Yuxian was once a penniless student, working part-time every day to earn money. To save on food expenses, they included a picture of Wei Yuxian when she first entered the campus, wearing worn-out clothes, looking thin and malnourished.

Then, the next picture showed Wei Yuxian living the high life, dressed in designer clothes, holding a high-end smartphone, looking healthier and more affluent.

The contrast between the two images was striking.

The original poster claimed that these were the days Wei Yuxian lived after being maintained by an older man. They alleged that she had a personal food delivery service every day, eating only the finest ingredients and so on.

Towards the end, the poster mentioned witnessing Wei Yuxian packing her bags to leave the school, being picked up by the older man. Furthermore, they stated that Wei Yuxian was pregnant at the time, attributing her leave of absence to her pregnancy as she was allegedly vomiting every day in the restroom.

Unfortunately, there were no photos taken at that time, but the poster insisted that everything they said was true. They warned of divine retribution for any falsehoods!

Additionally, the poster exposed Wei Yuxian because they couldn’t stand seeing her being maintained by someone yet still trying to flirt with men at school, seeking another partner. Therefore, they urged male students to be vigilant when seeking a partner.

The article concluded here, leaving all who read it shocked and appalled.

[I never imagined such a scandal would happen at our university! This juicy gossip is so satisfying to read! Truly, there are all sorts of people in this world.]

[The contrast between these two pictures is so obvious. It seems like Wei Yuxian really was being kept by someone, otherwise, how could she have made such a fortune in such a short time!]

[I think there’s no doubt she was being kept. She’s wearing the limited edition of XX brand clothes, and her phone is the latest model from Pineapple, both not cheap!]

[You know what, this girl is pretty good-looking. No wonder she got kept by an older man. If I had some spare cash, I’d do the same thing haha—]

[Is she really pregnant? Oh my, how old is she? Why is she so reckless? Even if she’s short on money, she shouldn’t do that.]

[Maybe she’s just that vain. Some people, when they’re poor, can’t resist money, especially if it’s such an easy way—just sleep and earn cash.]

[I don’t know this person, but this gossip has genuinely shocked me!]

[Sigh! Are female university students really willing to degrade themselves for money? Is it a loss of morals or the extinction of humanity?! To sell oneself for a little money?]

[Exactly! With hands and feet, what couldn’t she do? Why choose to be a third party? I despise people like this the most!]

[Damn, it’s really disgusting. Just having her in my phone makes it feel dirty. How did I become a fellow student with someone like her?]

[We’re even in the same major. I have a big class with her on Monday, just the thought of breathing the same air as her feels unlucky!]

[If this gossip is true, then I can only say this girl is really vain.]

[Guys, she’s really good-looking. In bed, she must be something! Just wonder if the old man can satisfy her hehehe~]

[The person above, haven’t you seen women before? Pregnant women are so desperate for food?]

[Bro, you don’t understand. That’s exactly what makes it exciting!]


The comments under the post kept pouring in, gaining more traction and soon reaching the top spot!

As more and more people saw the post, they were shocked beyond belief. They began criticizing Wei Yuxian’s actions vehemently.

While there were some vulgar comments, the majority were insults, labeling her as a prostitute, a woman who was obsessed with vanity.

People, unaware of the truth and the full story, picked up their keyboards, thinking themselves as divine judges, condemning ordinary people.

As the post gained more and more popularity, the happiest person was undoubtedly the one who posted it, Ding Nana.

At this moment, Ding Nana lay on her dormitory bed, scrolling through the post, reading each comment that insulted Wei Yuxian. Satisfaction surged in her heart with every derogatory remark!

Yes, this post was posted by her using an anonymous account. Ever since her argument with Cheng Jingyao that day, she had been planning this.

She was determined to ruin Wei Yuxian’s reputation, unable to bear seeing her live well! Who allowed her to leave school and still try to seduce Cheng Jingyao?

She deserves all of this! It serves her right!

Not a single word in the post is wrong! Wei Yuxian is just a despicable person, a despicable person who got pregnant by being kept by an old man!

If she hadn’t done these things, Ding Nana wouldn’t have been able to fabricate such a realistic story!

This despicable person, daring to seduce men! Daring to seduce Cheng Jingyao!

Let’s see if you survive this time!

I told you, Wei Yuxian, since you started it, don’t blame me for being unjust!

After a year, let’s see if you still have the face to come back to school?

You’d better stay well and let the old man keep you!

In the male dormitory of Jingdu[1]I’ll be using Jindu instead of capital Finance University, Cheng Jingyao was completing the PPT assigned by the teacher, searching for materials that were driving him crazy.

Suddenly, his roommate beside him tapped him and said, “Cheng Jingyao, take a look! Shocking gossip! It’s about our school! It’s on the top of the campus forum!”

Cheng Jingyao was already feeling irritated, not particularly interested in gossip like this, and he shrugged off his friend’s hand, saying, “Don’t bother me, I’m busy!”

But his roommate wouldn’t give up and insisted on sharing this shocking gossip with him.

“You’ve got to hear this, it’s about someone in our major. There’s this girl who’s being kept by an older man, and now she’s pregnant and taking a leave from school. Man, she’s not bad-looking at all, I mean, I couldn’t help but…”

Before he could finish his sentence, Cheng Jingyao impatiently interrupted, “What’s her name?!”

Upon hearing the keywords from his roommate, he immediately recalled what Ding Nana had told him a few days ago. The information matched exactly with what she had shared!

Seeing his interest piqued, his roommate held up the phone to him and said, “Her name is Wei Yuxian, and this is her photo. Isn’t she pretty? How come we didn’t know we had such a beauty in our major? Do you know her, Cheng Jingyao?”

As Cheng Jingyao saw the person in the photo, his heart sank. He snatched his roommate’s phone and began reading the post from the beginning!


1 I’ll be using Jindu instead of capital

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