After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 43

Chapter 43: Jealousy Can Blind One’s Eyes

Every word in the post was meant to degrade Wei Yuxian, and the logic seemed flawless, appearing entirely genuine!

Cheng Jingyao’s immediate reaction was disbelief!

Yuxian could never be the person described in the post! Nor was she the kind of person described in the comments, driven by vanity!

They knew nothing about Yuxian; they simply drew conclusions from this baseless post! How dare they make such accusations!

“Do they know Yuxian? Have they ever met her? Do they know what kind of person she is?

No, they don’t understand! They haven’t met her! They don’t know!

They know nothing; all they know is to tap on their keyboards, freely degrading and insulting others!

His roommate, thinking he was genuinely interested, remarked, ‘You just said you weren’t going to look, and now you’re eager to read it. Indeed, no one can resist gossip and spectacle. We’re the most enthusiastic spectators.’

Cheng Jingyao couldn’t care less about his roommate’s words. With a stern face, he handed the phone back and demanded, ‘Send me that post right now!'”

Seeing his roommate’s full-blown anger, he finally sensed something amiss and asked, “What’s wrong? Do you know Wei Yuxian?”

While speaking, he forwarded the post to him.

Cheng Jingyao looked at his roommate and said, “Yuxian is not like that; she’s a good girl!”

However, his roommate didn’t quite believe him. He trusted what was in the post even more because it seemed flawless, and there were pictures as evidence, solid proof!

He responded, “Cheng Jingyao, you’re not being deceived by this girl, are you? She doesn’t strike me as a good person, and the post says it all. She’s cunning and knows how to seduce men the most.”

Cheng Jingyao suppressed his anger and asked, “Do you really know her? Have you ever met her? Do you know what kind of person she really is?”

The roommate shook his head, also getting a bit angry. He said, “Why are you yelling at me? Do you like her? That’s why you’re shouting so loudly.”

Cheng Jingyao didn’t deny it and directly said, “Yes, I like her. I know what kind of person she is. She’s definitely not like what the post says!”

The roommate was even more shocked and said, “Cheng Jingyao, are you being deceived by her? The post says this woman is very scheming. You’ve never been in a relationship before. You’re not really being deceived, are you?”

Cheng Jingyao replied, “Impossible! Yuxian is a good person! It’s all rumors from this post!”

The roommate asked, “How can you prove that this post is spreading rumors? Why would the poster spread rumors? Didn’t Wei Yuxian take a leave of absence from school?”

Cheng Jingyao didn’t want to answer any more of his questions. He figured that apart from himself, no one else in the school would believe that Yuxian wasn’t like that.

Damn it! What was the intention of posting this? Who posted this? Why target Yuxian?

An image of a person popped into Cheng Jingyao’s mind—Ding Nana. She was very likely the one who posted this!

A few days ago, he heard these words directly from Ding Nana’s mouth. Cheng Jingyao didn’t believe for a second that she wasn’t involved!

But weren’t Ding Nana and Yuxian roommates? Why would she target Yuxian? What did Yuxian do to her?

Cheng Jingyao couldn’t fathom that the trigger for Ding Nana posting this article was himself.

Because Ding Nana liked him, but he liked Wei Yuxian. Ding Nana thought that Wei Yuxian was trying to seduce him, so this post was born.

Jealousy can blind one’s eyes..

Cheng Jingyao wished he could rush to Ding Nana right now and harshly interrogate her about whether she posted the article and why! Why degrade Wei Yuxian!

But he didn’t know where Ding Nana was at the moment, nor did he have her contact information. He didn’t know where to find her.

Also, relying solely on himself to defend Yuxian would be futile, like a mantis trying to stop a chariot.

With so many people condemning Yuxian, the entire comment section is filled with criticism. If he were to speak up in defense of her, he would surely be subjected to online harassment by netizens!

So, what should he do?

Oh, does Yuxian know about the existence of this post? She’s on leave from school, probably not paying attention to what’s happening there. Even if she were at school, she probably wouldn’t browse the campus forum.

After all, Yuxian is someone who loves learning very much; her time is devoted to studying. She wouldn’t have the mood to look at these things.

Then… should he forward this post to Yuxian?

Yuxian is the one involved; she should have the right to know! She shouldn’t be kept in the dark!

Maybe Yuxian has a solution to this.

So Cheng Jingyao forwarded the post to Wei Yuxian.

Fu Residence.

At this moment, Wei Yuxian had just finished lunch. She had planned to read for a while to aid digestion, but as soon as she finished eating, she felt drowsy. It was the kind of drowsiness that she couldn’t resist, so she had no choice but to go to her room to sleep.

It was so distressing, constantly feeling drowsy without any control, drowsiness striking at any time and anywhere.

But there was no solution; besides sleeping, there was nothing else she could do.

Fortunately, she didn’t have much to do these days. She could do whatever she wanted every day, without anyone restricting her.

Therefore, when Cheng Jingyao sent her a message, she was sleeping, with her phone in airplane mode, unable to receive any messages.

About an hour later, Wei Yuxian woke up, feeling groggy as she sat up in bed. She leaned against the bed and pulled the blanket up, unwilling to get out of bed.

She picked up her phone and checked the time. It was past two in the afternoon. Turning off airplane mode, after about two seconds, Cheng Jingyao’s message popped up.

Curious about why Cheng Jingyao was contacting her again, she clicked on the message and saw a post with a simple and clear title, but suddenly, a bad feeling welled up in her heart!

The title seemed to imply that she was the protagonist of the post.

Wei Yuxian was immediately frightened awake, her fingers trembling as she clicked into the post, her heart pounding faster as she prayed that the protagonist inside wasn’t her.

Her fingers trembled even more than before, but ultimately, she couldn’t resist scrolling down to read the content.

The room was incredibly quiet, not a sound to be heard, and Wei Yuxian’s breath seemed to have disappeared.

Despite the room’s heater being on full blast, Wei Yuxian felt as if she were plunged into an icy abyss! Her whole body felt cold to the bone!

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