After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 44

Chapter 44: Half of the Post Is True, Half Is False

The post wasn’t very long. She finished reading it in less than two minutes. Despite its brevity, its words pierced her heart like countless knives!

Without needing to think, she knew who had posted the article. Who else but Ding Nana could it be!

She had only one arch-enemy at school, and that was Ding Nana.

But why would she do this? Why expose these things? Half of the post was true and half was false, all fabricated by Ding Nana!

But even the half that was true made her extremely anxious!

Her hands trembled as she dropped the phone onto the blanket. When she lifted her tear-streaked face, it was a picture of sorrow.

Covering her face with her hands, she sobbed quietly, her restrained cries were so heartbreaking!

It wasn’t just her hands trembling; her whole body shook!

Why? Why was this happening?

She had already taken leave from school, why wouldn’t Ding Nana let her go? Why treat her like this!

What did she do to Ding Nana? Why was she targeted from the very beginning?

Is it just because she’s poor? Just because she can’t afford to eat or buy luxury goods, she doesn’t fit into their world, so she has to be treated like this?

Does Ding Nana have a conscience at all? Doesn’t she feel any guilt for saying such things?!

Wei Yuxian went from sitting and crying to lying down, wrapping herself completely in the blanket because she felt so cold—her body, her heart… even colder!

In the small space under the blanket, she felt a little safer. Her crying became slightly louder, but she still restrained herself, not daring to cry out loud, not daring to let the servants outside hear.

She thought that the days ahead would be a bit easier, the pressure would slowly disappear, and the baby would become healthier. But in just a few days, this happened again!

This post has been spread throughout the entire school. Beneath it, all there is are insults directed at her—no one is speaking up for her. That’s what’s chilling her the most!

Yes, she’s pregnant, and it’s because of the pregnancy that she had to take a leave of absence. But it was out of necessity!

If it weren’t for the severe morning sickness, why would she have taken a break from school?

And as for what the post claims—being financially supported by an older man, being materialistic, and seducing men—those are all baseless accusations!

Wei Yuxian has never seduced anyone! That night with Fu Xuanyi was a mutually consensual transaction! There was never any seduction involved!

As for being materialistic, that’s even more unfounded! Wei Yuxian, despite being poor, has her pride! None of the clothes or luxury items she possesses—did she ever buy any of them willingly?

No, not a single thing was something she desired to purchase!

And as for being financially supported, she’s simply residing in the Fu residence to nurture her pregnancy. It was Fu Xuanyi’s insistence that she move in; it wasn’t her choice!

Fu Xuanyi hasn’t provided her with any financial support either. That bank card—she hasn’t touched a penny of it!

She didn’t know how long she had been crying. Wei Yuxian’s face felt numb from the tears, and her pillow was soaked with her own tears.

Despite being under the covers, she couldn’t feel any warmth. Despite being in a well-heated environment, she was breaking out in cold sweat.

Faced with this post, she felt powerless. Even if she were to post a clarification herself, no one would believe her words; they would only believe what they wanted to believe.

The only way to resolve this matter would be for Ding Nana to post a clarification. That way, it might make the netizens believe that she wasn’t that kind of person.

But knowing Ding Nana, would she post such a clarification?

No, she wouldn’t. She’d probably want others to condemn her even more fiercely!

After all, in Ding Nana’s eyes, Wei Yuxian was just garbage, a clown who would never amount to anything!

Once she had cried enough, Wei Yuxian, with a heavy heart, hid under the covers and sent a message to Cheng Jingyao: [Thank you for letting me know about this.]

If it weren’t for Cheng Jingyao, she would still be in the dark, unaware of the slanderous remarks circulating about her in school.

What kind of looks would she receive from others when she returned to school next year?

Regardless, she had to thank Cheng Jingyao.

Cheng Jingyao immediately replied to her message: [Yuxian, how do you plan to handle this? Do you know who posted this thread? I have a suspicious candidate in mind!]

Wei Yuxian sniffled, blinked uncomfortably, and replied: [I haven’t figured out how to deal with it yet. I have a vague idea of who posted it, but I don’t have any evidence.]

Or rather, she had no solution at all and could only let things unfold as they may.

Cheng Jingyao: [My suspicion falls on Ding Nana. Although I don’t know why she would post such a thread, it’s highly likely it was her.]

Just as she had thought.

But why would Cheng Jingyao also suspect Ding Nana? She recalled they had no connection.

Although Ding Nana had harbored feelings for Cheng Jingyao for a while, she had never confessed to him or interacted with him in any way. She simply admired him silently, unsure of what she was waiting for.

Could something have happened between them during her absence from school that she was unaware of?

But Wei Yuxian didn’t have the energy to dwell on such thoughts now. The mere thought of Ding Nana made her feel nauseous.

She replied to Cheng Jingyao with a simple “Hmm,” nothing more.

Cheng Jingyao: [Yuxian, if you need anything from me, you must tell me. If I can help you, I will definitely do so!]

Wei Yuxian: [Okay, thank you.]

Putting down her phone, Wei Yuxian turned over, lying down with her head poking out from under the covers, breathing in the air around her.

She thought to herself: she didn’t need Cheng Jingyao’s help anymore. No one could help her in this matter.

She had only one solution: time.

Time could fade everything away. So she would let time fade this incident away too. She still had a year before returning to campus. By then, everyone would have forgotten about this, and she would be safe.

She could only pin her hopes on time because she couldn’t do anything else.

Just as Ding Nana had said, she was nothing but a useless person.

But what could she do? She didn’t choose the family she was born into, nor could she choose her parents.

The blame lay in her bad luck, in being born into the wrong circumstances, into a family without wealth.

If she were born into a wealthy family, would Ding Nana still look down on her? Would she still humiliate her for being poor?

No, she wouldn’t.

Nothing would happen.

She gazed quietly at the ceiling, pristine and clean, without a speck of dust. Yet, the world outside was dirty.

As she continued to gaze, tears unknowingly flowed from her eyes, soaking the entire pillow.

Before she could fully comprehend her sadness, a wave of nausea surged through her body. She covered her mouth and rushed to the bathroom to vomit, tears streaming even more fiercely!

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