After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 45

Chapter 45: She Can’t Do Anything, Only Rely on Time

She retched in the bathroom for several minutes before the vomiting subsided. What she had eaten for lunch came back up, leaving her stomach empty.

Her throat felt raw, the taste of stomach acid was unpleasant, even burning her throat a bit. After freshening up, she looked at herself in the mirror.

In less than half an hour, she had returned to her haggard appearance, her eyes swollen and red, clearly showing signs of recent crying.

Wasn’t it just a short while ago that she felt better, about ten days ago?

No, it wasn’t. She thought she could peacefully focus on her pregnancy without worries for the next few days, but now…

She tried hard not to dwell on that post or the comments below it, but the more she tried not to think about it, the more those thoughts invaded her mind!

Her once pleasant mood plummeted instantly, and even the sight of the sun, which had finally appeared, failed to lift her spirits.

Dejectedly, she left the bathroom and sat down on the edge of the bed. When she glanced at her phone lying on the bed, those comments flooded back into her mind.

The tears that had just stopped threatened to spill once again.

She sniffled and lifted her gaze to the ceiling, trying to prevent the tears from falling.

This tactic had some effect; eventually, her tears stopped flowing, though they still welled up in her eyes.

After a few minutes, she managed to regain control of her emotions. She realized she couldn’t continue like this; if she kept on, she might cry herself into oblivion.

Such deep despair wasn’t good for her body and could affect the baby in her womb.

The depression she had just managed to shake off might resurface again!

To avoid these thoughts, Wei Yuxian needed to find something to occupy herself, to distract her mind. Otherwise, her brain would keep dwelling on those matters.

After some consideration, she decided to distract herself by reading. There was a book in Fu Xuanyi’s study that she hadn’t finished yet. She sat down at the desk, picked up the book, and resumed reading.

It was a classic novel she had been enjoying before, eagerly anticipating the unfolding plot. But now, as she read, she found it lacking in excitement.

Every word in the book was familiar to her, but she couldn’t bring herself to continue reading. It was due to her mood—she wasn’t in the right frame of mind to patiently engage with the dry, lifeless text.

Reading didn’t seem to be an effective way to distract herself.

After a few minutes, Wei Yuxian’s book remained open on the same page, her gaze fixed on the third paragraph, but her eyes were vacant, lost in thought.

The dense, tangled words on the page only exacerbated her restlessness, making her unwilling to continue.

Despite trying to force herself to read for a while, Wei Yuxian found she couldn’t continue. She gave up, slumping in her chair, devoid of interest in anything.

When feeling down, everything seemed dull and uninteresting. Despite this, she still felt the urge to find something to occupy her time.

That was how Wei Yuxian felt at that moment.

Since reading didn’t work, perhaps playing with her phone would suffice. Anything to distract herself.

With this in mind, Wei Yuxian lethargically stood up, returned to her bed to retrieve her phone, and then sat back down in her chair, opening a video app.

Upon entering, the system automatically pushed her favorite finance-related content, but she wasn’t in the mood for that. She wanted something lighter.

So, she opened the search bar and typed in “funny videos,” clicking search. Soon, a plethora of funny videos popped up.

Wei Yuxian clicked on the first one and started watching.

The funny videos were indeed amusing. If Wei Yuxian were in a good mood, she’d probably be laughing until her stomach hurt. But now, they had no effect whatsoever.

In fact, they made her feel even more agitated. She exited the app and tossed her phone onto the desk.

She sighed, resting her head on the chair and gazing at the beautiful weather outside.

In winter, catching a glimpse of warm sunshine is truly rare. With such beautiful weather, it would be a shame not to go out for a walk.

Maybe she should go out, clear her mind, and try to relax a bit.

Having a thought means taking action. Without hesitation, Wei Yuxian got up, put on thick clothes, and prepared her gloves, scarf, and hat—winter here wasn’t a joke!

Back in her hometown, winters weren’t as cold, but in the capital, it was a different story. Going out meant bundling up tightly to fend off the chill.

After getting dressed and ready, she grabbed her phone, left her room, and headed downstairs. The two caregivers were chatting, and upon seeing her dressed warmly, they approached.

Aunt Sun asked, “Madam, are you going out? Where are you headed?”

Wei Yuxian replied, “It’s too stuffy in the room. Since the weather is nice today, I’ll just walk around inside the mansion.”

The two caregivers quickly got up and said, “Madam, please wait a moment. We’ll put on some clothes and accompany you.”

Their task was to take good care of Madam. If Madam went out, they had to follow along.

Wei Yuxian was accustomed to having someone accompany her every time she went out. She nodded and sat down on the sofa, waiting for them to change.

As soon as she sat down, a servant came over with a plate of sliced fruits and said, “Madam, have some fruits.”

After having vomited for a while, Wei Yuxian’s stomach felt empty, and she felt like eating something to fill it up. She thanked the servant and began eating the fruits.

The weather was cold, so the fruits were soaked in warm water, not too cold, just right.

Wei Yuxian had eaten half of the fruits when the two maids came out dressed. She told the servant not to take away the fruits and to leave them for her to continue eating after her walk.

The servant replied, “Madam, I’ll put the fruits in the thermostat box. I’ll serve them to you when you come back. If you come back later, the fruits will have cooled down.”

Wei Yuxian nodded in agreement and walked out of the door.

The two maids noticed her red eyes and felt a bit worried, but they didn’t dare to ask too much, afraid of asking something they shouldn’t.

“Ah! I wonder what’s wrong with Madam. Her eyes are all red after waking up. What could have made her cry like this?” they thought.

The weather outside was really nice, with warm sunlight shining down, making one feel like turning into a cat and curling up to sleep.

Wei Yuxian’s heart felt a bit lighter, and her mood improved slightly as she looked at the winter scenery outside, temporarily forgetting about the post.

It’s best to pretend it doesn’t exist. After all, she’s not at school, and won’t be for the next year. No one will come looking for her.

And a year from now, there will be plenty of new things to overshadow this, fading from people’s memories.

So Wei Yuxian, just don’t mind it. A year from now, you’ll still be yourself! You can still shine brightly at university!

After about an hour or so, Wei Yuxian started sweating a bit, and the maids promptly handed her a towel to wipe it off.

The towel was soft and thick, making it very comfortable to wipe her face with. Wei Yuxian took deep breaths of the fresh air outside, finding little fault with it except for the chill.

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