After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 49

Chapter 49 I haven’t been working… I’ve been attending university.”, I Don’t Have Money

Look, is this something a mother says to her child? This isn’t a parent, it’s an enemy!

At times, Wei Yuxian truly wonders if she was even born to her parents!

Otherwise, why doesn’t she feel like a human being in that household?

But now isn’t the time to dwell on those thoughts. What she needs to figure out now is how to deal with her mother and smoothly resolve this situation.

Wei Yuxian’s mood is extremely low. She tightly clenches her left hand into a fist, pressing her nails into her palm, causing pain but helping her stay calm.

In front of her mother, she has always been the weaker one, as she has grown up under her mother’s oppression since childhood. So, whenever she sees her mother, she instinctively feels afraid.

She also wants to overcome her fear of her mother, but in the short term, she can’t do it. She needs more time to overcome this fear.

She stared at the computer in front of her, the screen paused on a funny frame, with an ad blocking part of the screen, but it didn’t affect the humor of this frame.

But at this moment, Wei Yuxian’s mood didn’t improve at all, and this frame formed a strong contrast with her current state!

Seeing this frame only made her feel more upset. She bit her lip, closed the computer, adjusted her emotions, and said, “Mom, I really don’t have any money, not even a penny.”

Mrs. Wei was even more furious: “Are you kidding me, you good-for-nothing! Still looking for a fight? I don’t have time to waste with you today. Your brothers are waiting for me to transfer money to them. Hurry up and transfer the money! Don’t waste my time!

I’ve raised you for so many years, and you’re not willing to give me a little money. Are you trying to be ungrateful?! Don’t forget, who has been supporting you all these years!”

“If it weren’t for me, could you still be alive now? You would have disappeared somewhere long ago!”

At this moment, Wei Yuxian really wanted to ask her: Since you don’t want to raise me, why did you even give birth to me?! And after giving birth to me, why treat me like this?!

Isn’t it a parent’s duty to raise their children? How come it becomes like this when it comes out of her mouth?

It’s as if she’s not their child at all!

Yes, in the eyes of that family, she really isn’t their family. Only the four of them are truly a family, she’s just an outsider.

She continued, “No money? Then where did all your money go? With over twenty thousand, you barely spend a couple hundred on food each month, at most two thousand. So what about the rest? Tell me!

Isn’t it just because you want to keep it for yourself? Wei Yuxian, you’re just thinking about enjoying yourself and not supporting the family, aren’t you?

I knew you were a selfish person, only caring about yourself and not others!”

“I didn’t!” Wei Yuxian retorted loudly!

She didn’t spend money recklessly! Every penny she had was spent wisely! Even on food, she dared not indulge too much!

“Over twenty thousand yuan? I wish I had such a good-paying job in just three or four months! If I had over twenty thousand yuan, I’d be laughing even in my sleep!

But I don’t. That twenty thousand yuan is just your imagination, something you’ve imposed on me!”

“I don’t have any money, and that twenty thousand yuan is just your imagination. I don’t have a penny!”

“You’ve been working there for so long and don’t have a single penny? Are you working for free? You’re still lying to me. Are you really that desperate to die, or what? You dare not listen to me anymore!”

Wei Yuxian bit her lower lip, as if trying to bite off a piece of tender flesh.

She hesitated and struggled in her heart, debating whether to tell her mother about her decision to attend university instead of looking for a job.

From the depths of her heart, she didn’t want her mother to know that she was attending university. But if she didn’t say anything, her mother would assume she was working, and if she worked, she would have money, and her mother would continue to pester her…

What should she do? Should she say it or not?

She was torn, unable to speak for a moment, suffering deeply inside.

At this moment, she wished she had someone to give her advice or help her solve her current dilemma, so she wouldn’t have to endure this torment!

But who would help her?

Suddenly, a cold face appeared in her mind—it was Fu Xuanyi’s face.

That man, always wearing a cold expression, speaking in an icy tone, the lofty “Master Xuan”.

He could save her, solve all her problems!

With just a word from him, whether it was about Ding Nana or her mother, everything could be smoothly resolved!

But no, he was Master Xuanyi, a formidable figure in the capital, always busy with important matters. How could he be bothered with her trivial issues?

What face did she have to persuade Fu Xuanyi to help her with these matters?

She was well aware of her position in Fu Xuanyi’s heart. The reason she enjoyed her current life, being respectfully addressed as “Madam” as the lady of the Fu family, was solely because of the child in her womb.

As for herself, she meant nothing to Fu Xuanyi.

If she were to seek his help, she would probably receive nothing but cold indifference from him.

So, she wouldn’t humiliate herself by seeking his assistance.

No one could help her, not even herself.

The matter of attending university, whether she said it or not, had to be revealed eventually.

After pondering over these thoughts, she spoke up, “These days, I haven’t been working… I’ve been attending university.”

With those words spoken, she breathed a sigh of relief, finally letting it out.

“What!” Mrs. Wei shouted on the other end of the phone, “You worthless thing, you’re going to university? What kind of school? Where did you get the money for university?! Didn’t I say you’re not allowed to go to school!

What’s the use of attending that crappy university? What good is it for you? You better come out and start working for me!”

Wei Yuxian naturally couldn’t tell her where the money for her education came from, so she said, “I’m attending university, but I don’t have any money. If my university education is considered a waste of money, then what about my brother? What about the university he attends?”

Her brother is now in his third year of university. He barely passed the college entrance examination and ended up in a mediocre private college. Yet, her parents seemed ecstatic about it, even throwing a celebration for him!

But when it came to her, it became a disgrace. Despite the fact that she performed much better academically than her brother!

She got accepted into a national top-tier university! It’s a thousand times better than the trashy private college her brother attends!

Moreover, her brother doesn’t take his studies seriously at all in university. He spends his days playing games and flirting with girls, with no focus on academics. Naturally, his grades are far from impressive!

Yet, her parents still consider her brother their pride and joy!

Then there’s her younger brother, who is currently in his second year of high school. His grades are abysmal, attending one of the worst high schools in the county. Yet, her parents treat him like a precious gem!

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