After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 50

Chapter 50: Wei Yuxian, you need to leave that worthless school right now and go out to work!

In her eyes, Wei Yuxian was like a weed that nobody wanted, unloved and uncared for by her parents. No matter how well she did, her parents would just overlook her achievements!

It’s utterly ridiculous!

As soon as her brother was mentioned, her mother became extremely pleased, saying, “How can you compare yourself to your brother? He’s enrolled in a bachelor’s program! In our village, how many can say they’ve achieved that? Most either go to vocational schools or don’t even get a chance to study!”

“Your brother is the pride of our Wei family. What right do you, a worthless creature, have to compare yourself to him?”

In her mother’s eyes, her eldest son was the pride of the Wei family! Their hopes for honor and glory rested on him!

Attending a bachelor’s program was a big deal! There weren’t many in the village who could outperform her eldest son!

Their Wei family had produced a star student!

So, whenever the eldest asked Mrs. Wei for money, she would give it without hesitation! Whatever he needed, she provided, fearing he might suffer hardships at school.

Wei Yuxian gritted her teeth, hearing her mother belittle her like this, and said, “Indeed, I can’t compare to my brother.” It was a sarcastic remark.

In her mother’s eyes, everything she did was wrong, and compared to her brothers, she was nothing!

Hadn’t she known this all along? For so many years, she had known. She had been living this kind of life all along!

Mrs. Wei chuckled sarcastically and said, “Indeed, you can’t compare to your brother. You’re just a liability! You’ll end up marrying someone to earn money for others!”

Wei Yuxian remained silent, contemplating hanging up the phone… but hesitated.

“Wei Yuxian, listen to me. You need to get out of that useless university right now! Stop wasting your time studying useless books! Get out and start earning money for me!”

What’s the use of studying? It’s just a waste of money.

“What’s the use of studying? It’s just a waste of money. You’d better come out now and start working. You can also support the family. The family has supported you for so long, it’s time for you to repay the family,” Mrs. Wei said, feeling completely justified. She didn’t see anything wrong with stopping Wei Yuxian from studying and making her work instead.

In their village, girls Wei Yuxian’s age were already getting married and having children, or they were going out to work early to support their families!

Studying? What for? It’s just a waste of money!

Wei Yuxian’s first thought was: Impossible!

It’s impossible for her to give up studying and work instead!

She had fought hard to regain the opportunity to go to school, and she absolutely couldn’t give it up again! Not for anyone, not even her mother!

Her first chance to go to school had been sabotaged by her mother’s own hands. The second time around, she wouldn’t let anyone succeed!

While working could bring in immediate income, she didn’t have a high education, and the jobs available would be laborious. If she chose this path, she’d have no chance of making it in life.

But studying was different. With a university education, she could have higher qualifications and more knowledge. The opportunities for employment would be much greater, and so would the chances of changing her destiny!

She muttered, “I won’t give up on going to university. I’m telling you again, I have no money, so stop asking me for it.”

Summoning up all her courage, she firmly refused her mother’s demands, making it crystal clear where she stood.

“What? What did you say? Say it again! Wei Yuxian, you’re really rebelling now! You don’t even listen to me anymore!”

Wei Yuxian suppressed her feelings of grievance and said, “Mom, I’m your child too. Why can’t you just consider my feelings? I’m not asking you for money to support my studies, nor will it add to your burden. Why won’t you let me study?”

“You’re just a woman, what’s the point of studying? In the end, you’ll still get married, and all the money you earn will be spent on someone else!” Wei Yuxian’s mother exclaimed. “Stop giving me excuses, Wei Yuxian. Get out of school and start earning money!”

Wei Yuxian gritted her teeth and said firmly, “No, I won’t!”

“Wei Yuxian! Are you not going to listen to me, damn it?! You think you’re tough after just a few days outside? What? You think you can fly up to the sky? You must go out and earn money for me! If you don’t, watch how I deal with you!”

Wei Yuxian’s mother began another round of insults, hurling all sorts of filthy words, showing no mercy or affection whatsoever.

After enduring a few sentences, Wei Yuxian couldn’t take it anymore. Tears streamed down her face, but she also felt a surge of courage. She grabbed the phone and abruptly hung up, unable to bear it any longer!

In an instant, the harsh insults disappeared from her ears, and the whole world quieted down.

While the world became quiet, her heart couldn’t find peace. Instead, her mind was filled with echoes of her mother’s recent verbal abuse!

Those words felt like sharp knives, piercing into her heart.

She slumped over the chair, allowing tears to flow freely, as if trying to cry out all the grievances and pain.

After a few seconds, the phone on the table rang once again. Without a doubt, Wei Yuxian knew who it was. Who else could it be besides her mother?

But now, she didn’t want to answer the call at all. She didn’t want to hear her mother’s insults anymore!

Then… don’t answer it!

Wei Yuxian’s mind echoed with this decision.

After all, she was in the capital now, far away from home. What could her mother do to her? Besides, her mother wouldn’t appear in front of her anyway.

So… she decided to be brave and not let her mother bully her anymore!

She wouldn’t answer this call!

The thought of her past hardships, coupled with the opportunity to change her destiny after finishing university, filled Wei Yuxian’s heart with even more courage!

She lifted her head, tears smudging her entire face, looking unusually disheveled, yet her gaze remained firm!

Picking up her phone, she rejected her mother’s call, then swiftly blocked the number! No longer would her mother be able to reach her by phone!

She had to be ruthless! Absolutely ruthless!

She refused to believe that, in the capital, her mother could still control her. What could her mother possibly do to her from such a distance?

With no more jarring ringtone, the world quietened once again. Wei Yuxian’s tears still wouldn’t stop. She tossed her phone aside, resting her cheek on her arm, silently shedding tears.

She felt so miserable, so terribly miserable. A sense of melancholy enveloped her, lingering without dispersing.

She couldn’t understand why these unfortunate events always seemed to happen to her. What had she done to deserve this? Why did everyone want to mistreat her?

Was her past life that of an unforgivable villain? Was that why she had to endure such suffering in this lifetime?

The incident with the online post hadn’t even passed, and her mood was already sour. And now, her mother’s interference. It seemed the heavens couldn’t bear to see her enjoy a single good day!

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