After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 51

Chapter 51: Only They Are a Family, She Is Just an Outsider

Not only does fate refuse to let her have a single good day, but everyone around her also seems determined to keep her in perpetual suffering, ensuring she lives in constant hardship.

Wei Yuxian stared blankly at the empty wall, her eyes devoid of focus. Whatever thoughts were passing through her mind, they certainly weren’t pleasant.

The extreme sorrow she felt was mentally exhausting. After a recent confrontation with her mother, Wei Yuxian had no energy left. She slumped over in her chair and cried until she eventually fell asleep from sheer exhaustion.

Even in her sleep, she couldn’t find peace. She dreamt of her mother calling her, then of her mother showing up in person and giving her a severe beating.

In any case, not a single dream was good; they were all mentally draining nightmares!

An hour later, she was jolted awake by a nightmare, lifting her head abruptly, her body still trembling slightly.

The room’s heater was working diligently, warming the entire space so thoroughly that wearing just a nightgown was perfectly comfortable.

But Wei Yuxian still felt cold, a chill that penetrated from the inside out.

She grabbed her phone and hid under the blanket, hoping the warmth of the covers would help her feel warmer.

As her fingers accidentally brushed against the screen, it lit up, showing that someone had sent her a message. She opened it to check.

It was her brother contacting her on WeChat.

Initially, her brother called her several times, but she didn’t answer because she had set her phone to silent mode to give her ears some peace. Plus, she had just fallen asleep, so she missed the calls.

When her brother saw that the calls weren’t going through, he switched to sending messages, bombarding her with over a dozen texts.

[Wei Yuxian, what are you doing? Why aren’t you answering the phone?]

[Mom called you. Why didn’t you pick up? Are you planning to keep all that money for yourself?]

[Wei Yuxian, answer me! Damn it, what are you doing? Can you reply?]

[Why didn’t you transfer the money Mom asked for? What’s the point of studying if you’re like this? Just find someone to marry already!]

[Hurry up and transfer the money to Mom! Don’t even think about hiding it! You’ve grown up, it’s time you repay the Wei family. Mom and Dad spent a lot raising you!]

[If you don’t want to transfer the money to Mom, fine, just transfer it to me. Mom will give it to me anyway.]

[Hurry up and transfer 10,000 yuan to me. I need the money to buy sneakers. If you’re late, I won’t be able to get the limited edition!]

[Transfer the remaining 10,000 to Big Brother. He’s short on money too. His game just released new skins, so transfer the money to him quickly!]

[Wei Yuxian, did you hear me? Reply to me immediately! Don’t pretend you didn’t see this!]

Every sentence was disrespectful, addressing Wei Yuxian by her full name without any regard for her as his elder sister.

The messages clearly treated her as nothing more than a cash machine, a walking, living ATM.

After reading the messages, Wei Yuxian could only laugh, laugh at her brother’s audacity!

What kind of family was this? Even her brother dared to speak to her like this, with absolutely no respect!

Since childhood, they have treated her like his servant!

And now he even dares to ask her for money! He asked for 10,000 yuan right off the bat!

What kind of shoes cost that much? Are those shoes really that important? Why does he never consider what kind of life Wei Yuxian is living?

10,000 yuan! He really had the nerve to ask, and not only that, but he also wanted her to transfer another 10,000 yuan to their brother! Did he really think Wei Yuxian was a money-printing machine?

In that family, everyone could bully her. Her father could, her mother could, her brother could, and even her younger brother could!

They were all extremely selfish! Her older brother and younger brother never shared anything good with her; instead, they went out of their way to bully her and even hit her!

Just look at the reasons they gave for asking for money.

Buying shoes? Spending money on a game?

It seemed that to them, Wei Yuxian was worth less than a pair of shoes or a game.

However, this behavior was entirely in line with their characters. They were selfish people, spoiled by their parents, making them even more reckless and unrestrained!

What kind of future would such people have?

All they knew was how to indulge and be lazy, only enjoying life without contributing.

And as for her parents, she wanted to see how capable they really were, thinking they could always pamper their two sons so well!

Wei Yuxian decided to ignore her brother’s messages, tossing her phone aside. She pulled the blanket tightly around herself and stared at the stark white ceiling.

She felt deeply wronged; her family didn’t respect her or see her as a person.

The wounds inflicted by family often cut the deepest.

Her hands unconsciously gripped the clean, comfortable mattress, using all her strength to suppress her sadness and tears.

But such emotions are not easily controlled. Her nose felt tingly, the corners of her mouth turned down, and she couldn’t help but cry.

She couldn’t remember how many times she had cried—it had been so many.

In the past, she wasn’t this emotional. Even when she felt wronged and sad, though she wanted to cry, she could usually hold it in.

But now, it was impossible. Even the slightest sadness would be magnified infinitely.

Maybe this was what it was like to be pregnant—emotional and hard to control.

Even though she knew she shouldn’t cry, she couldn’t help but let the tears flow.

She pulled the blanket over her head, covering herself completely, and cried inside its cocoon.

She shed so many tears that her eyes hurt, and it felt like she was crying out all the moisture in her body.

After crying uncontrollably for a while, the mattress was a mess from her grip, but she managed to calm down. She got up, sniffing, and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

In the mirror, she saw her disheveled appearance once again. Every time she looked in the mirror, all she saw was a weary face.

Her eyes and nose were red, her eyes swollen, and they shimmered with moisture. Her complexion and lips were pale.

She was somewhat relieved that she hadn’t vomited. Some people cry so hard that they end up vomiting, which would make things even more uncomfortable.

Looking at the weary figure in the mirror, Wei Yuxian pondered how to handle Fu Xuanyi’s inquiries.

If she continued to look like this by evening, Fu Xuanyi would surely ask about it if he saw her.

So, to be prepared, Wei Yuxian needed to come up with a reason in advance to avoid any slip-ups.

Those things weren’t necessary for Fu Xuanyi to know. They were her own trivial matters, and if Fu Xuanyi found out, he might mock her for being timid and soft, laughing at how anyone could bully her.

So, what kind of reason could she come up with that wouldn’t arouse Fu Xuanyi’s suspicion but would be one hundred percent believable?

Wei Yuxian pondered deeply, her mind working a bit slowly but still thinking.

Exiting the bathroom, she continued to mull over it. Glancing at the time, it was nearly four in the afternoon. Fu Xuanyi would probably be home around six. She had about two hours left to think.

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