After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 55

Chapter 55: Wanting to Go Out and See the Snow, but There’s a Condition

Outside the floor-to-ceiling window, everything was covered in a blanket of silver, all immersed in pristine white snow. Between heaven and earth, everything was a serene pale.

It was all so quiet, unexpectedly calming.

Wei Yuxian really wanted to go outside and touch this pure white snow, to feel its texture and see if it was as good as she imagined.

Since arriving in the capital and entering winter, it had snowed several times, but she hadn’t touched the snow once!

Because snowy days were truly cold, the heating in the Fu residence was on full blast, and Fu Xuanyi didn’t allow her to go outside, ultimately fearing she might catch a chill.

During pregnancy, one must be extremely cautious about their health and avoid getting sick. That is because pregnant women have to be very careful with medication, as it can affect the baby in the womb.

For the sake of Wei Yuxian’s health, Fu Xuanyi absolutely forbade her from going out when the weather was extremely cold.

Watching the snow falling outside, all Wei Yuxian could think of was playing in it.

She felt that if she went out to play in the snow right now, she would temporarily forget all her worries.

She still wanted to give it a try, to fight for a chance for herself.

Since she was already in the capital and had seen the snow, it would be a pity not to play in it.

With this in mind, Wei Yuxian set her gaze firmly, rummaged through her wardrobe for thick clothes, put them on, then donned a hat and gloves before walking out of her room.

As Wei Yuxian descended the stairs, nearing dinner time, Aunt Fu was busy directing the servants to prepare the meal when she saw Wei Yuxian coming down fully equipped.

Hastily, she approached and asked, “Madam, where are you going? It’s almost dinner time. It’s too cold outside, and it’s snowing. It’s better for you not to go out.”

Master wouldn’t agree to let you go out either.

Wei Yuxian replied, “I just want to go out and see the snow, Aunt Fu. I’m fine; I’m wearing thick clothes, and I’ve put on a hat and gloves.”

With such a perfect cold-resistant outfit, there was no chance for the cold to get to her!

But Aunt Fu still disagreed because no one could guarantee that Madam wouldn’t get sick from going out even just once.

Without Master’s orders, they wouldn’t dare let Madam go out. They couldn’t bear that responsibility!

Aunt Fu looked distressed as she said, “Madam, it’s not that we don’t want you to go out; it’s that Master doesn’t allow you to go out when it’s snowing. He’s worried about your health. Master only does it for your own good. Please understand Master’s intentions.”

Wei Yuxian didn’t want to make things difficult for Aunt Fu either, but she really wanted to go out for some fresh air. Being cooped up in her room all day was suffocating.

As they were talking, they heard movement at the door. Both of them looked over, and it was Fu Xuanyi entering.

Aunt Fu breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Master was back, and she wouldn’t have to be in a difficult position anymore.

Wei Yuxian’s expression dimmed, and she lowered her head. Her hands, in her pockets, clenched into fists, then relaxed and clenched again.

She knew that Fu Xuanyi would never let her go out. Once this man made a decision, it wouldn’t change. He was very domineering, sticking to his decisions without compromise.

Seeing Wei Yuxian standing in the living room wearing thick clothes, Fu Xuanyi walked over after changing his shoes.

“Master,” Aunt Fu respectfully greeted as she saw him approaching.

Fu Xuanyi nodded and waved his hand, indicating for her to attend to her own tasks.

Wei Yuxian kept her head down, only able to see a pair of long legs stopping in front of her—Fu Xuanyi. She didn’t raise her head, murmuring, “Ah Xuan.”

Her mood was low.

Fu Xuanyi looked at her, her neck tucked into her clothes, wearing a fluffy cute hat that covered most of her face, making her look even more adorable.

Even though she kept her head down, there was an unmistakable aura of unhappiness emanating from her.

“What’s wrong?” Fu Xuanyi asked.

Wei Yuxian pursed her lips and murmured softly, “I want to go out and see the snow. I’ve never played in real snow my whole life…”

Her voice sounded so pitiful, it was hard not to feel sympathetic.

Fu Xuanyi looked at her, still reluctant to let her go out. It was too cold outside, and the temperature inside the residence with the heating on was the most suitable.

If something happened to her health, he would blame himself.

But her pitiful appearance was really heart-wrenching.

Perhaps, he could let her go out to play for a while, as long as she bundled up warmly. It should be fine for a short while.

In a low, deep voice, he asked, “Do you really want to play?”

Wei Yuxian nodded a few times, then in a subdued tone, she squeezed out a “want.”

It seemed like there was hope!

“Look up,” Fu Xuanyi said, instructing her to lift her head. He needed to check her condition before letting her go out.

Wei Yuxian obediently lifted her head, her eyes wide, looking at him somewhat innocently, she looks harmless.

Fu Xuanyi’s throat tightened, a lump forming as he shifted his focus to her attire.

Her clothes were fine, thick enough, and the hat covered her ears. She even wore gloves, and after changing into a pair of warm cotton shoes at the entrance, she could go out.

He said, “You can go out, but there’s a condition.”

“What condition?” Hearing him relent, her eyes lit up, a shallow smile forming, her eyes sparkling with anticipation, like a pool of stars.

“I’ll tell you later,” he said, then turned and walked back to the entrance to change his shoes again.

Wei Yuxian followed him to change her shoes, asking, “What’s the condition?”

As long as it wasn’t too unreasonable, she could accept it!

She really wanted to go play in the snow!

Aunt Fu approached, interrupting their conversation. She said, “Master, Madam, dinner is ready.”

Fu Xuanyi replied, “We’ll be there in a moment.”

Aunt Fu nodded and waited on the side, giving a subtle signal to the kitchen staff not to rush serving dinner. It seemed obvious that Master Fu intended to take Madam out to see the snow, and who knew how long they would be gone? It would be better to keep the dinner warm in the kitchen.

After changing their shoes, they arrived at the door. Wei Yuxian asked once again, “What’s the condition?”

This was her third time asking, but Fu Xuanyi remained silent. She had no idea what his condition could be.

If the condition was too unreasonable, she would rather not go out at all.

Fu Xuanyi lowered his gaze to her eyes and said, “Your hand.”

“My hand?” Wei Yuxian repeated in confusion, taking out her hand, even more puzzled. She couldn’t understand what Fu Xuanyi wanted to do.

Suddenly, a thought flashed through her mind!

Could Fu Xuanyi be asking to hold her hand? Just like the previous two times!

While she was lost in thought, Fu Xuanyi removed her glove and took her hand, placing it in his coat pocket.

Wei Yuxian: “!!!”

Just as she suspected!

Fu Xuanyi held her soft little hand in his large palm, which enveloped it perfectly. He was very satisfied and said, “This is the condition.”

Feeling the warmth of his hand, warmer than wearing gloves, Wei Yuxian hesitated.

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