After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 60

Chapter 60: “She’s Being Kept by an Older Man Now, How Could She Not Have a Million?”

Well! This good-for-nothing girl indeed fooled her! Clearly, she has money on her, yet she lies about being broke! She’s really getting too big for her britches!

Being kept by someone and even having a child, that man must be giving her a lot of money!

As Wei Yuxian’s mother thought about this, it seemed as if she could already see mountains and seas of money waving at her!

This trip wasn’t a waste! No matter what, she must find Wei Yuxian and make her cough up the money!

Initially, she thought about letting her off with just twenty thousand yuan, but now that she has money from the older man, how could she settle for just that?

Wei Yuxian’s mother made up her mind and asked, “Girl, do you know how wealthy the man who’s keeping Wei Yuxian is?”

Ding Nana didn’t know, but judging from the changes in Wei Yuxian’s life during that period, that man must be very wealthy, even more so than she had imagined!

In the capital, there are plenty of wealthy individuals, and countless companies, big and small, abound. People who can make money are also quite numerous.

Ding Nana said, “Auntie, the man keeping her is really rich. You could easily ask for one or two million from him and Wei Yuxian!”

Wei Yuxian’s mother’s eyes brightened even more, and she made up her mind even more decisively!

One or two million! That wretched girl Wei Yuxian is actually this wealthy!

She had never seen so much money in her entire life! It seems that the man Wei Yuxian is with is indeed very wealthy!

Even better! She would be able to ask for even more money!

Wei Yuxian’s mother excitedly let her imagination run wild, thinking about how she would spend so much money. She was lost in daydreams even before the money was in her hands.

But her joy didn’t last long. She realized another problem: she couldn’t contact Wei Yuxian at all right now!

If she couldn’t contact her, how could she ask for money?

Thinking about it, she figured maybe the girl in front of her might have a solution. So she said, “Young lady, I can’t reach her right now. She’s blocked me. She won’t pick up my calls.”

Ding Nana, in a way, went the extra mile and suggested, “Then you should try contacting her from a different number. If you change your number, you might get through. When you do, make sure to threaten her quickly and keep her on the line. That’s the only way you’ll get the money.”

Actually, she wasn’t exactly being altruistic; she was using Wei Yuxian’s mother to her advantage, even if indirectly.

Wei Yuxian’s mother was grateful beyond words. She thanked Ding Nana profusely, treating her as if she were a savior.

Without this young lady, she wouldn’t have known just how wealthy her daughter was! What else could you call someone who helps you in such a situation?

Having achieved her goal, Ding Nana didn’t want to prolong the conversation with Wei Yuxian’s mother any further. Every second spent with her made her want to retch.

“If there’s nothing else, I’ll be on my way. My friend is waiting for me.”

Wei Yuxian’s mother beamed and said, “Alright, alright, you’re such a kind-hearted girl. Without you, Auntie would’ve been left out in the cold!”

Ding Nana briskly walked away from the scene, only letting out a sigh of relief when she was ten meters away from Wei Yuxian’s mother and couldn’t smell that odor anymore, breathing in the fresh air.

She hailed a taxi by the roadside and quickly got in, providing the address to the driver. She was afraid Wei Yuxian’s mother might catch up with her again.

She had said everything that needed to be said. Now, whether or not Wei Yuxian would face difficulties would depend on that woman’s abilities.

She just hoped that woman wouldn’t disappoint her. Wei Yuxian had to suffer; that was essential!

Otherwise, all the suffering she endured today would be in vain!

Wei Yuxian’s mother remained in place. Seeing a stone pedestal by the roadside, she walked over and sat down, pondering what reason she could use to threaten Wei Yuxian into obediently handing over the money.

Unable to decide on her own, she decided to call Wei Yuxian’s father on WeChat and discuss it with him.

After the call connected, she first told Wei Yuxian’s father about Wei Yuxian being kept by someone and having a lot of money. Then she asked him what reason could make Wei Yuxian comply obediently.

Wei Yuxian’s father thought for a moment and said two words: “Reputation.”

Even though society isn’t as traditional as before, a girl’s reputation still holds significant weight. Especially for someone like Wei Yuxian, if it’s known that she got pregnant before marriage, was kept by someone, she’d be heavily criticized. I doubt she’d want this matter to spread either.

Wei Yuxian’s father’s idea is indeed spot on!

Wei Yuxian’s mother tapped her head, saying, “Why didn’t I think of that! You’re really smart, honey! Alright, I’ll get ready and call her!”

Wei Yuxian’s father asked, “Are you going to ask her how much money?”

Wei Yuxian’s mother looked up at the sky and said, “Since this girl is so wealthy now, asking for a bit more won’t hurt. We’ve supported her for so many years; it’s time for her to repay us.”

“Don’t talk about that. How much do you want to ask for?”

Wei Yuxian’s mother stopped beating around the bush and said directly, “One million!”

Wei Yuxian’s father was taken aback by her audacious demand and asked, “Won’t one million be too much? Can she afford it?”

Wei Yuxian’s mother snorted, “If it were up to her alone, she definitely couldn’t afford it. But she has a rich old man backing her up. That old man can definitely afford it!”

The two of them were blinded by money at this moment, not even considering how the man behind Wei Yuxian might react to this news.

Their shortsightedness could only see the money right in front of them.

After some thought, Wei Yuxian’s father agreed, saying, “Alright, one million it is. With this money, we won’t have to worry about our son’s tuition anymore. I also want to buy a car.”

“I want to buy gold bracelets, rings, and earrings!” Wei Yuxian’s mother added. “If we run out of money later, we can continue asking her for more! That old man has money anyway!”

The two of them had already turned Wei Yuxian and Fu Xuanyi into their personal ATMs.

Wei Yuxian’s mother chatted excitedly with Wei Yuxian’s father for a while, mindful of her phone data usage, and then ended the call.

Data was also money, and if they exceeded their data limit, they would end up spending even more!

They could discuss any other matters at home; the most urgent task now was to contact that wretched girl!

After sitting on the stone pedestal for a while, feeling drowsy, Wei Yuxian’s mother stood up and started walking to dispel her sleepiness.

She had a plan in mind: first, she would buy a new SIM card from the mobile phone store, then call that wretched girl and demand that she transfer the money to her bank account!

She had considered borrowing someone else’s phone to make the call, but she didn’t feel comfortable with the idea of others overhearing her conversation with Wei Yuxian. After some thought, she decided to buy a new SIM card.

After all, she was going to be a millionaire soon! What harm would it do to buy a small SIM card?

Wei Yuxian’s mother wandered the streets until she found a mobile phone store after about fifteen minutes. She purchased a new SIM card, inserted it into her phone, and left the store.

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