After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife
After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife Chapter 64

Chapter 64: Fu Xuanyi, Her Only Lifesaving Straw

Wei Yuxian’s Mother was not one to beat around the bush. She also wanted to get the money quickly, saying, “One million, I want one million!”

Wei Yuxian felt like there was something wrong with her ears. Why else would she hear the words “one million”?

Uncertain, she asked, “You said… how much?”

Impatiently, Wei Yuxian’s Mother clicked her tongue and repeated her words, saying, “One million! I said one million! Do you hear me clearly?”

Wei Yuxian bit her lip, feeling like she must be crazy! How could she even say such words!

One million!

Where would she get one million!

Even the twenty thousand from before was something she had barely mustered the courage to turn over, and now her mother was asking for one million!

This was truly insane!

If she had one million, why would she be living like this?!

It really was a bold request, making her wonder if she had such great abilities!

Wei Yuxian adjusted her breathing, trying to keep her emotions in check, but in this situation, it was impossible not to be emotional.

She said, “One million, can you even say it!”

Wei Yuxian’s Mother didn’t see any issue. She even thought asking for just one million was cheap, saying, “I’m just asking for a million, what’s wrong with that? You’re being kept by someone now, that man must be rich, right? What does a mere one million mean to you?”

Wei Yuxian was furious to the point of wanting to spit blood!

Yes, Fu Xuanyi was very wealthy. In the capital, there were few as rich as him.

But even if Fu Xuanyi was rich, what did that have to do with her? That was Fu Xuanyi’s money, not hers!

Yet the way her mother spoke made it seem like Fu Xuanyi’s money was hers to use as she pleased.

How could that be possible! How could she dare to use Fu Xuanyi’s money! Was she asking for trouble!

Tears fell once again, Wei Yuxian hated her own weakness and incompetence, hating herself for being powerless, unable to do anything!

One million…

Was she really going to transfer a million to her mother? Using Fu Xuanyi’s card?

If she doesn’t transfer the money, what about her reputation?

But if she does, it would be too cheap for her, just as her mother intended!

So… what other way is there? What can she do now?

Wei Yuxian anxiously thought, tears falling more and more.

Suddenly, a face popped into her mind, a stern and intimidating face!

It was Fu Xuanyi, that man.

At this critical moment, she thought of him, only he could help her solve this matter!

Just like when Ding Nana bullied her before, the first person she thought of was Fu Xuanyi.

Back then, Fu Xuanyi arranged for her to take a leave of absence, sparing her from seeing Ding Nana and others’ ugly faces.

But at that time, it was Fu Xuanyi who suggested she take a leave of absence, allowing her to leave school smoothly.

Now, if she sought help from Fu Xuanyi, would he consider helping her for the sake of their child?

Wei Yuxian felt a strange impulse, wanting to immediately tell Fu Xuanyi about this matter, hoping he could help her and resolve everything!

After all, living together for so long, and with two of his children in her belly, even if just for the children’s sake, he would help her, right?

Wei Yuxian couldn’t worry about all this anymore. Right now, she only knew that she couldn’t transfer this one million to her mother; she had to seek help!

Even if that person was Fu Xuanyi, even if Fu Xuanyi ultimately didn’t help her, she had to try!

Seeing her silent, Wei Yuxian’s Mother menacingly threatened, “Quickly pay up! Transfer the money to me right away, or your reputation will truly be ruined!”

This threat only strengthened Wei Yuxian’s resolve to seek help. She said, “I can’t come up with that much money right now. Give me some time.”

She stalled for time, planning to seek help from Fu Xuanyi later.

Wei Yuxian’s Mother also knew it wasn’t easy to come up with a million, thinking she must going to askthe older man for money, saying, “Fine, I’ll give you until seven o’clock tonight. If you don’t transfer the money to me by then, you’re done for!”

Wei Yuxian didn’t want to say a word, she hung up the phone, tears falling even more fiercely!

Her mother’s words echoed in her mind, not a single one was kind!

It was either threats or insults!

And these kinds of days weren’t just today; she had been living like this for nineteen years!

Immersed in sadness, Wei Yuxian was heartbroken beyond measure!

After a while, she realized she couldn’t dwell in this state any longer, she had to call Fu Xuanyi quickly. Taking deep breaths to calm herself down.

Finally, the tears stopped flowing, and she managed to control some of her sorrow, at least enough to speak.

She took out her phone, found Fu Xuanyi’s number, her finger hovering over the dial button, hesitating to press it.

She was psyching herself up to tell Fu Xuanyi about this, knowing she needed great courage!

Although she had lived with Fu Xuanyi for several months and had intimate contact, she still felt like a stranger to him.

They didn’t talk much, didn’t spend much time together, and coupled with her fear and reverence towards him, they were practically strangers.

But at this moment, if she didn’t call him, she would only be left with transferring money to her mother…

Fu Xuanyi was the only person she could think of who could help her.

After about a minute of hesitation, Wei Yuxian bit her lip, swallowed hard, mustered the courage, and pressed the dial button.

Her heart was pounding, nervous and filled with anxiety.

On the other side, Fu Xuanyi sat in the car heading home, the driver pushing the speed to the maximum, eager to get back to the Fu mansion as quickly as possible!

Upon receiving a call from Aunt Fu about Wei Yuxian’s situation, he immediately set aside his work and rushed back home. He was now about ten minutes away.

Before leaving the office, he instructed his assistant to look into recent events involving Wei Yuxian.

It was at this moment that he recalled some past details, moments of Wei Yuxian’s emotional distress, which now seemed off.

Previously, he had attributed her significant emotional fluctuations to unstable pregnancy moods, believing she wouldn’t deceive him, and thus trusted her words.

Now it appeared there was another reason for her despondency!

Fu Xuanyi sat in the car, his face dark and foreboding. He removed the Buddhist beads from his wrist, holding them in his hand, turning them over and over to suppress his rising anger!

The thought of Wei Yuxian hiding something from him made his mood turn fierce!

Investigating her situation would take time. He wouldn’t immediately know what she had kept from him, making his mood even worse!

Just then, his phone rang. As he took it out and checked, it was the person he had been thinking about calling him.

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