After Maxing Out All Classes
After Maxing out all Classes Chapter 26

Chapter 26: A nun is coming

The mayor and the rich townsmen all felt awkward, thinking silently, “My father doesn’t even know Baron Perseus.”

Several seconds later, the mayor said, “In fact, we don’t know him either. We just heard of him. He is a member of the White Lion Cavalry on the western border, and he is very trusted by the Great Duke, and this time he came to our town of Westwind town because of you.”

“Me?” Robb said, “I don’t even know him. Why is he here for me?”

The mayor said, “Yes. Just a few days ago, didn’t you prevent the three skeletons in the cemetery from being stolen by the necromancer, and then exposed a huge conspiracy? You asked us to write and ask the lord to deal with it, so the merchant sent the letter to the Great Duke, who attached great importance to it, and sent his right-hand man, Baron Perseus, to deal with the matter.”

So that’s what happened!

Robb has teased the little maid a lot and installed a water system these past days, so he forgot about the necromancer last time. After all, he’d long been bored of such worldly matters and didn’t bother to take the matter to heart. How could he be worried about it. He just didn’t expect that his casual bluff at that time had already touched the concern of the Great Duke.

How annoying!

Robb tilted his mouth, “Not going, not going. Why should I be the one to meet him? He should come here to meet me instead!”

The mayor was speechless for a moment and thought, “The priest of light is so famous that he doesn’t have to care about a mere baron.”

The rich men thought to themselves, “Father is usually kind to us, but he’s impatient when dealing with the baron. It seems that he’s the kind of person who only cares about ordinary people, but dislikes associating with nobles. I suddenly feel like Father is too benevolent.”

The mayor hurriedly said, “My father, it doesn’t matter if you don’t want to greet Baron Perseus, but there is also a nun of Light. You Buy hair Ren, even if Baron Perseus, it doesn’t matter if you don’t want to greet him, but there is also a nun from the Church of Light. You probably have to go and greet her.”

“Ah? There’s a nun?” Robb cheered up in an instant, “Why didn’t you tell me there was a nun? Ahh, I have always cared for my fellow church members, as I am also a devout believer of the God of Light. Of course, I’ll meet her. Ahem! In this small town without anything, there’s no one who cab discuss the teachings of Light with me. My heart has long been turned into a withered desert and is in urgent need of revitalization with my fellow church members. Ahem! Ahem! Cut the crap, my children, lead the way.”

Mayor and the rich townsmen, “…”

Robb turned to Lillian and said, “Clean the house. Don’t let the church members see our chapel looking dirty.”

“Yes, master!” Lillian hurriedly took a broom.

Robb put on a brand-new priest’s outfit, which Lillian had just sewed for him. It was a good fit. He trimmed his blonde hair and looked at himself through a mirror. There wasn’t any dirt on his face. It was nice and a bit too handsome. Now time to go and see little sister nun.

Of course, I’m just going to take a look. I absolutely have no hidden intentions (serious face).

I’ll just have to pray that the nun is a little sister. If it’s an old nun, then.. I just hope things won’t come to that…

Robb prayed earnestly to the heavens, “God of Light, I ask of you for your assistance. I hope your nuns are all beautiful women, not the kinds that look like old witches. For the sake of the fact that I have accumulated a lot of believers for you, it is impossible for you to ignore my little demands, right?”

Following the mayor and his party, they soon came to the eastern gate of the town, where there is a road that extends to the southeast, leading to the “Bright Road”, and then to the “Capital of Saints.” Merchants and soldiers often opt for this road, which is the bridge between the towns in the western border and ‘Wangdu’.

After waiting at the gate of the town for less than ten minutes, dust raised and flew across the road, and an army appeared in the distance. Robb thought he would see cavalry, after all, they’re called the White Lion Cavalry, but it was actually an infantry unit.

Moreover, this army is completely different from the typical knights in heavy armor. They are basically swordsmen and archers, all in light armor. Their number isn’t large either, just a bit more than a hundred.

There were two horses in front, one is a white horse, mounted by a tall and mighty knight in heavy armor that looks very powerful.

The other is a red horse, it was shorter and was mounted by a nun. You can see a blue and white-edged nun outfit, which released a graceful aura. It is evident from his position that it is indeed a little sister.

“Well, I didn’t come in vain!” Robb was happy, “God of Light, you truly didn’t fool e, hehe.”

The mayor turned around and said, “My father, what are you talking about? Your voice was too quiet. I couldn’t hear you clearly.”

Robb spread his hand and said, “I am praying for them. It must have been a very difficult journey. May the God of Light bless them.”

The army finally arrived after a while, and the knight in front dismounted. Although he was dressed in heavy armor, he dismounted smoothly. He looked like a fierce athletic man that can shoot while riding on a horse accurately.

This man seemed to be Baron Perseus, a member of the White Lion Cavalry. Robb glanced at him and was disappointed. It wasn’t possible to tell what the occupation of others are in the real world, unlike in the game. His attire looks like he could be a warrior, paladin, or even a priest, because western priests may also wear heavy armor and go to battle with weapons. I even remember throwing a holy counter or something back in the game.

Of course, Robb attention wasn’t on the man. He only glanced at the man before turning his attention to the nun.

The nun also dismounted, and her blue skirt drew a beautiful arc in mid-air. It was beautiful. Robb found that the nun was quite skilled, not like the backline type that can only chant magic. It was not until she stood on the ground could he see her face clearly. She’s a young girl of about twenty years old. She’s good-looking with deep facial features. Her expression remained cold and indifferent. She has blonde hair like Robb, but it was mostly covered by her hood, with only a little bit of her bangs showing.

The baron and nun came up to Robb and others, and the mayor and the rich townsmen immediately bowed and saluted, “Welcome, Baron Perseus.” It seemed that they also wanted to greet the nun, but they didn’t know her name, so they had to say awkwardly, “Welcome, nun.”

Perseus casually said, “En.” After he dealt with the mayor and the rich townsmen, he strode up to Robb and said, “Are you Mr. Robb? I am Baron Perseus of the White Lion Cavalry. It’s a pleasure to meet you.


Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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