After Maxing Out All Classes
After Maxing out all Classes Chapter 42

Chapter 42: The successful creation of the holy gun nun

The pair of silver-plated short firearms are only as long as an average person’s forearms. They are small and delicate – pocket-sized.

As soon as he took it out, the several people present immediately gave it a stare.

Though firearms aren’t exactly a rare thing in this world of swords and magic. It has undergone many years of development since its creation by dwarven craftsmen.

To this day, dwarven and human craftsmen continue to transform and strengthen firearms. Its technology becoming greater and greater by the day, constantly moving towards something light and small to be carried.

However, no one present has ever seen such a small firearm.

Gorda and Jike couldn’t help but ask, “Does this pair of firearms actually work?”

Robb smiled and said, “Of course it does. Watch.”

He took out a steel ball and stuffed it into the barrel of the firearm. Then, he held it up and pulled the trigger, pointing at a tree about five yards away. All he heard was a bang before smoke appeared from the tree. The people present stared and saw that a deep hole had been made by the steel ball in the middle of the tree trunk.

“Wow, such a small firearm actually works! This is amazing.” The baron couldn’t help but marvel. “What clever craft this is, such a light and ingenious firearm. This is simply amazing. Where’d you get such a great thing?”

Robb made it, but he couldn’t just say it. He put on a face of a reminiscing person and leisurely said, “It’s a long story. Three years ago, I met a dwarven craftsman in a valley. He was…” He deliberately acted like it’s difficult for him to explain and it’d take half an hour for him to prepare himself, so the baron hurriedly said, “Oh, so it was a dwarven craftsman who gave it to you?”

“That’s right!” Robb said, “In dwarf, this story began when I got acquainted with a dwarven craftsman…”

The baron hurriedly said, “Well, Mr. Robb, we’ve got to hurry into the mountain. Please tell the story next time.”

Robb didn’t really want to make up a story and deliberately made it easier to interrupt. Of course, he didn’t make it up. He smiled and said, “Well, let me just say the result: this pair of short firearms, suitable for Little Yi. Although your fighting skills and strength aren’t good enough, the strength requirements of this weapon itself is near zero. You just need to take it out, load, aim, and fire. With that, you’ll be able to do enough damage to the enemy. It should be able to make up for your weakness in attacking, so I’ll give this to you as a gift.”

“Huh? But…” Little Yi hesitated. “This doesn’t suit the style of us priests. We usually don’t use weapons that make enemies bleed a lot.”

Robb said, “Usually not, but you should when it’s dangerous. For example, last night when you tried to destroy the cursed ruby. Your staff bounced off because you lack strength. At that time, it would’ve been nice if you could find a dwarf gun and destroy the ruby.”

“That… that makes sense.” Yi hesitated.

Robb continued, “And as you can see, these two short firearms are so small that you can tie them to your thighs and cover them with your skirt. No one will notice that you’re carrying such a weapon, and doubt your belief in the God of Light. As long as your faith is strong enough, you won’t have to worry about misusing it to kill innocent people and breach the teachings of the God of Light, right?”

Lttle Yi said, “it seems like the more I listen, the more it makes sense.”

Robb put the pair onto her hand, “Then take it! There are two belts here. Use them to hang the guns onto your thighs.”

“Oh, alright!” Little Yi easily took it, went behind the tree, and hung the two firearms on her thighs. She then came out with her skirt down. No one will notice that she has guns hanging from her thighs.

Robb solemnly said, “Yi, I think you’ll need some basic training before you leave. Come! Try it, when you’re in danger, quickly shake your skirt and pick up the firearm from your thigh and make a shooting position. It must be fast, accurate, and stable enough to access its full power.”

Little Yi was unaware of the plan, but she still did it according to Robb’s words. She turned on the ground, and with the inertia of her rotation, her skirt made a beautiful flutter. Her hands quickly went towards her thigh and took the firearm into her hand. Then, she half-squatted and pointed at the big tree next to her. However, she didn’t pull the trigger because the God of Light loves everything and that meant not hurting the tree.

Although this is the first time she’s done this, it’s still very beautiful and vigorous, very fitting for her ice cold temperament. It gives off the feeling of “Killer Nun”.

Robb laughed strangely in his heart and said with delight, “It’s a success! The successful creation of the holy gun nun truly is pleasing to the eye. Hah! A nun must be hung with the word ‘killer’, otherwise, what kind of could it possibly be?”

Yi put down the firearm and turned to face Robb, “Father Robb, thank you for your generous gift. I will not misuse this thing easily. I will only take it out and use it in the most serious of times.”

“Mhm!” Robb nodded, pretending to be serious, “That’s how it should be.”

Little Yi looked confused, “Why do I feel as if you are always smiling?”

Robb’s face glowed with holiness, “I’m not smiling. You can tell from the wrinkles on my face.”

“I don’t see the wrinkles, but I can’t help but feel that you’re smiling. Not to mention, it’s a wicked, evil smile.” Little Yi said, “it’s like you’re digging a hole for others to jump in, but they still thank you for it.”

Robb put on a heartbroken expression, “Sister! I generously gave you the weapon I’ve treasured for many years. You’ve seen how happy Gorda and Jike are, but you still doubt my intentions and say that I’m digging a hole for you? Is that what the God of Light taught you? Is this how you respond to the kindness of others? Tell me… I gave you a pair of rare firearms, how can it be regarded as harmful? Alas! I feel disappointed. I’m extremely disappointed. I can no longer feel sincerity and trust for the world. I only see doubt and vigilance. O’ God of Light, save this confused world.”

Speaking in reduced volume, he quickly said, “Unless you show me your act of spinning your skirt and taking the gun from your thigh again, I’ll stay angry.”


Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

1 comment
  1. Winter has spoken 7 months ago

    Why do I feel like that he’ll create an army of pseudo cosplayers in that world :’)
    Just waiting for him to find a female warrior, who he can gift an “ancient” bikini armor to :p


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