After Maxing Out All Classes
After Maxing out all Classes Chapter 507

Chapter 507: Do you want to be my woman

“Number 32?” Robb thought about it carefully. Oh, yes, it seemed that that guy had really been killed by the caterpillar just now. But this guy was too inconspicuous. In the blink of an eye, Robb had forgotten him. After the Queen’s reminder, he could barely remember that there was such a person.

She turned around and wanted to ask Xuelu to deal with it, but she found that Xuelu, who had just stood beside him, was gone. So he had to shout at Lilian, who was standing not so far away, “Lilian, ask two people to bring the corpse of Number 32 here so that I can bring him back to life.”

Lilian called two soldiers over. Not long after, the soft body of Number 32 was moved in. He was hit by the huge tail of the caterpillar, so his bones were broken all over his body. He died miserably. His eyes bulged and his tongue stuck out long.

Robb couldn’t help but shrug and ask, “Why are you so miserable?”

The queen said angrily, “it’s all your fault. When your townsmen are about to be injured, you will give them magic for protection. You hold them like treasures, and yet you don’t even move when my people are killed. It’s too much.”

Robb shrugged and said, “is it strange? It’s not mine? Why do I have to protect it?”

The queen said, “where is your sense of justice and mercy? No matter whether it is your people or not, there is no reason for you to be so cold.”

Robb smiled and said, “I won’t be so easily kidnapped by morality. I have never thought of myself as a hero. I can be cold if I want to be cold, and I can be lazy if I want to be lazy. It’s all up to joy.”

The queen was rendered speechless

At this moment, Robb suddenly chuckled and said, “however, there is no need for me to be happy or unhappy for my own people. I will take care of them no matter what happens. My queen, if you become my woman, I will take care of your men. Would you like to think about it?”

The queen was stunned.

Is this a proposal? Damn it! You are obviously proposing, aren’t you? The Queen’s heart thumped wildly! At the same time, she also really wanted to complain, propose to me in a serious occasion, with flowers and rings in hand, like a prince, no, like a king, solemn and serious. How could you be so cheeky to propose to me through a crystal ball? You’d better stay away from me.

This kind of proposal could only be treated as a joke, and it was impossible for her to reply seriously.

It was not easy for the queen to maintain her dignified face. She said in a stiff tone, “even if you are joking, think of a better time and place. Think about who I am? Humph!”

After saying that, she chuckled like Robb did and said, “but if you help me take back East Gran and complete the unity of the kingdom of Gran, and then help me deal with the internal affairs and military affairs of the kingdom, so that the kingdom of Gran will be prosperous and powerful, I will consider it.”

Robb said, “who wants such a demanding woman?”

The queen said, “who wants a man who can’t do this?”

The conclusion was that no one needed anyone (on the surface).

Robb didn’t play with her anymore. He waved his hand and a resurrection spell fell on Number 32. A few seconds later, Number 32 jumped up and shouted, “where are the big bugs? Where are they? Eat my bone spear!”

“Damn it! The battle is over. Shut up!” the queen scolded sourly in the crystal ball, “you’re a shameless guy.”

Turning his head to look at the crystal ball, Number 32 saw the angry face of the queen, and then turned his head to look at the town. The battle had already ended, and there were soldiers and townsmen everywhere cleaning up the mess. Only then did he understand what had happened. He said awkwardly, “well… Well…”

“Forget it. Although the result is very embarrassing, you were still fighting valiantly after all. I don’t blame you,” the queen said. “Now, the most important thing is to watch the livestream carefully and grasp the movements of the monster group.”

Her words drew everyone’s attention back to the TV.

At this time, countless people were watching the livestream on TV

On the other side of Westwind Town, there was a big screen hanging in Robb’s yard. He and a few girls at home were sitting in front of the screen and watching. In addition, the elf elder, commander Elsie, Number 32 and some others were also watching the battle on the screen.

Moreover, many people in Westwind town had LCD boards in their houses. For example, Nuolun, Motra and several town leaders had already bought a “TV” from Robb. Now, everyone was paying attention to the following development of this matter.

On the other side of Bright Road, the hall was even more bustling. The Queen’s palace was decorated with crystal panels, and a large group of officials were gathering to watch. The eight projection rooms of Elizabeth’s Cinema City were now overcrowded, and the living rooms of the nobles with “TV” were full of guests. All the people who had the ability to watch TV were watching the battle between the monsters and Westwind town.

Because everyone was clear that once Westwind town was out, the situation of West Gran would become very dangerous. At that time, when the monsters were burning, robbing, pillaging and eating people’s food in the hinterland, East Gran could take advantage of the fire and attack Bright Road, which would mark its end.

The livestream was dark. Because of the lack of light in the sewer, everyone could only see the dark and constantly shaking scenes. To be honest, such a scene was not beautiful at all. If it was an ordinary TV program, the audience would have left by now, but this livestream was related to the lives of everyone, and this ugly scene made everyone nervous.

“Attention, there is a kobold in front of us ten yards away.” the voice of the dwarf leader sounded on the TV.

Then the screen was pulled forward quickly, and the camera was shot ten yards forward. It turned out that the dwarf leader used a “charge”, and then a kobold’s ferocious face appeared in the middle of the screen.

The dwarf was short, and the camera on his helmet was not high either, but the kobold was not tall either, so the camera was just aimed at its ugly dog face. Its dog teeth almost collided with the dwarf’s, and it waved its iron pick and tried to attack the dwarf leader hard.

The audience couldn’t help but shout in unison, “Wow! What if the live camera is broken?”

Several people were even worried that the pickaxe would fly into the screen.

However, all their worries were unnecessary. The dwarf leader was not so weak as to be knocked down by a kobold. With a wave of his sledgehammer, the kobold was smashed into pieces.

The audience in front of the TV laughed, “haha! Well done!”

The dwarf leader, “watch out! The sewer is now full of kobolds. All teams separate. Each group should enter a tunnel to clean up the kobolds inside, and look for the their entrance and the connection between the sewer. If you find it, send someone to report to me.”


Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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