After Maxing Out All Classes
After Maxing out all Classes Chapter 604

Chapter 604: Her request

Things were getting more and more clear. He brought a fake princess to Lost City and planned a plot. In order not to be seen through by Robb, who knew a little bit of Chinese and tried to approach the fake princess, he sent someone to kill him.

It could be seen that this fellow must be plotting something!

If Robb didn’t know how to speak Chinese, this matter might not have occurred so soon.

Robb pursed his lips and said, “what’s wrong with Jonah? He kidnapped the people of Big Tang in front of me. I can’t stand it. I’ll take care of it.”

Madeleine, “eh? You seem to have something to do with the Tang kingdom.”

Robb said, “I once traveled to the great Tang Dynasty.”

“Didn’t you grow up in the countryside?”

“Well…” Robb was embarrassed. At this time, he had no choice but to show his trump card. He held Madeleine’s hand and said, “let’s have a date next time you have a long holiday. I’m so happy going out with you.”

“Okay, okay.” Madeleine suddenly forgot what she had just said. It was already nine o’clock in the evening.

Robb breathed a sigh of relief, [it’s dangerous. Fortunately, this is Madeleine. If I accidentally revealed a flaw when talking to that woman, she would definitely not be deceived. That woman is not a love brain. Madeleine will definitely report to the queen that I can speak Chinese later. I have to think about how to fool her.]

The two of them went back to their residence side by side. Madeleine was immersed in the beautiful fantasy of “there will be a date next time during the holiday”, and couldn’t think of anything else for a while.

It was not until she returned to the mansion that she became a little sober. She pulled Robb into a quiet room and called number 2 over. Then she took out the crystal ball and dialed the number of the queen.

Soon, the phone was connected.

Madeleine hurriedly said, “Elizabeth, there is progress in the investigation.”

“Oh? So soon?” the queen asked, “I thought it would take a few days.”

Madeleine said complacently, “because Mr. Robb can speak Chinese. He talked with that rabbit princess in Chinese, and things have progressed all of a sudden.”

Just as Robb had expected, the Queen’s eyes suddenly became sharp. “Robb Smith, how can you speak Chinese? In our kingdom, few people can speak Chinese. Only a few preachers and pirates know a little Chinese, and most people have a dark eye on the east world. Don’t tell me, you have been living in the countryside since you were a child, and have traveled to the great Tang kingdom.”

Fortunately, Robb had already thought of a good answer and said, “it’s Godfather who taught me. He said that he had been to Big Tang, and he had also learned the immortal wind body technique there. So of course he could speak Chinese. I learned a few words from him. Eh… Madeleine, I’m sorry. I just told you that I had a trip to Big Tang. It’s a bad habit of young people to boast. In fact, it’s my master who has been there.”

Madeleine immediately said, “Oh, it doesn’t matter. I often brag as well.”

The suspicion in the Queen’s eyes did not disappear, but she believed at least half of it, because the immortal wind body technique was a fake information that Robb had released when he was dealing with the army of the desert kingdom. With the Queen’s smartness, of course she had already obtained it.

It seemed that what Robb had said made sense. She thought to herself, [it seems that the man went to Big Tang when he was young. He learned Chinese, and also learned their spells there. When he taught his disciples magic, he taught some Chinese. That makes sense.]

The queen brought the question back to the point. “Tell me something about the rabbit princess.”

Robb said, “that rabbit folk is not a princess. She’s just a hostage. If I’m not wrong, it should be a rabbit folk who was caught somewhere and forced to disguise as a princess. Then, she was used to carry out some kind of plot. But we don’t know much yet, and we don’t know what he wants to do.”

“Oh? She isn’t a princess?” the queen wasn’t surprised, because she wasn’t a person who would easily trust others. She had always been suspicious of the princess’s identity, so she asked Madeleine to take charge of this matter. Now that she heard the result, it was already within her expectation.

After thinking for a while, she asked, “what do you think the fake princess’s arrival means?”

Number two cut in, “at present, the rabbit princess has seen nothing but a group of idiots around her.”

Madeleine knew that she was not smart enough, so she didn’t say anything.

Robb said, “generally speaking, the one who makes a plot will take the initiative to put forward his own request, trying to bring the people around him into his own rhythm and let things go in the direction he wants. Only in this way can he maximize the effect of his plot. As long as we think about what he has put forward, we can roughly guess what he is going to do.”

The queen nodded and said, “that makes sense. Number 2, has the fake rabbit princess made any request?”

Number 2 frowned and thought for a while. “Not yet.”

“No, she has mentioned it.” Robb suddenly chuckled. “It’s just that you haven’t noticed it.”

“When did she mention it?” Number 2 asked.

Robb said, “Madeleine proposed to send a boat to send her back, but she refused Madeleine’s proposal. Then she said that she would like us to write to Big Tang and ask the group of Big Tang to pick her up.”

“Oh, right, that’s true,” Madeleine suddenly remembered.

Robb said, “isn’t this what she wants? It’s just that she brought it up after Madeleine proposed, so that you wouldn’t notice it.”

The innocent and lovely Madeleine didn’t think of anything, but the old foxes all narrowed their eyes at the same time and said, “Are they coming to pick up someone?”

The queen said, “it seems that this is the problem.”

Number two also said, “maybe we should strengthen our sea defense.”

Robb said, “don’t panic! Your majesty, Number 2, I don’t think this person is coming for us.”

“Oh?” the queen asked, “then who is the target?”

Robb said, “don’t forget whose base is Lost City. With all due respect, this is not the territory of West Gran, right? It’s just the territory of Church of Darkness, a place like the Sanskrit Temple.”

“What is the Sanskrit temple?” everyone asked.


Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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