After Maxing Out All Classes
After Maxing out all Classes Chapter 632

Chapter 632: Westwind printing factory

The elf elder was not joking!

For the sake of literature and art, the old man could sacrifice everything. So far, none of the money he earned from shooting the movies had fallen into his pocket, and all had been distributed to the elves.

No one would doubt his noble temperament.

Soon, several senior alchemists came to the paper workshops. They studied how to make harder paper through the methods of adding wax and other stuff to do it so that they could write on it.

Of course, this research would take a certain amount of time, and it was impossible to achieve it overnight.

Just as the elf elder was studying how to make hard paper desperately, Robb began to play with new things.

In the evening, a carver came to Robb’s church. He stood beside the stone table and said respectfully, “Godfather, I heard that you wanted to see me for something.”

This man was one who had helped Robb to make a large model of the Capital of Saints last time. Of course, he had earned a lot of fees and made a small fortune last time. So when he heard Robb call him, he immediately ran over.

Robb took out a page of the manhua and handed it over with a smile. “Look at this picture.”

“I’ve finished reading it.” he was confused and asked, “what is this kind of children’s painting? What do you want me to do with it?”

Robb said, “I want you to engrave the thing drawn on this paper on a flat board in reverse like a seal.”

The carver understood at once. After all, the seal had been invented in this world for a long time. The carver was an expert in this field, and of course he understood it at once. “Godfather, you want to make a big board, and then put ink on it. Then, after you put paper on it, the painting will be made, right?”

“Bingo!” Robb said with a smile, “you’re quite good. You understood immediately .”

The sculptor chuckled and said, “thank you for your praise, father. I don’t have any other skills. I’ve been engaged in this field all my life. So of course I understood quickly.”

“That’s good,” Robb said, “do you have other carver friends?”

“Of course. We don’t have many people in this industry, but there are more than ten people in Westwind Holy city, and we all know each other.”

“Very good. I want all these people,” Robb said, “I plan to build a Westwind Printing Factory. You will be the first director. Other carvers will be hired at a high salary to make plates for me. Let’s start to do the printing immediately.”

“Eh?” the carver had thought that it would be a one-time job, but he didn’t expect that he would start a factory.

As a man from Westwind Town, in the past two years, he had seen all kinds of factories and industries run by Godfather. Each factory would make a lot of money, and the people who held important positions in these factories had all made a lot of money. To be honest, it was impossible for him not to be jealous.

But he also knew that his own technology was relatively unneeded, and it was almost impossible for him to be needed to run those factories. At most, when a factory needed some decorations, he would be asked to carve them. He would settle his salary for each work, and make a living after a meal.

Now that he heard from Godfather that he wanted to build a factory and he will be the director of it, he really was pleasantly surprised.

He answered without hesitation, “Oh, that’s great! What should we do?”

“It’s very simple,” Robb said with a smile. “You and your friends can make a lot of wooden boards. Then, as you just said, apply some ink on the paper and make the paintings/pictures. Then, you can bind them together and turn them into a book. Haha!”

The carver said, “but this is a one-time job, isn’t it? Are you sure you need to build a factory for this? If we can’t take another such job in the future, the factory will collapse, won’t it?”

“Humph, who told you that you wouldn’t be able to do another such job in the future? Let me tell you, you will be softhearted in the future.” Robb smiled and said, “you can rent an old house to do the printing first. I’ll ask the mayor of White Birch town to build a printing factory for first. Before the factory is built, you can rent a house to do the printing. I want to see my manhua printed out as soon as possible.”

“Got it. I’ll do it.” the carver went to find his friends.

After a while, more than a dozen carvers came together. They took over dozens of thick rice paper from Robb and began the vigorous printing plan after punching the content of the first volume of One Punch Man.

A few days later

The hottest time in 1346 came, and the whole Westwind Holy City, once again entered the time of shorts and short sleeves.

All the nobles who pursued fashion wore gaudy beach shorts and shorts sleeved T-shirts, just like godfather, making the whole city look like the lair of bad people.

However, these people thought they were wearing high-end and elegant clothes unconsciously.

The most irritating thing was that this wind spread along the railway to Stone Canyon, Nanli Village, and even Bright Road. When it spread out again, half of the land was filled with this kind of people.

Robb was eating a big popsicle stick on his stone stool when he saw the carver. Oh, no, now the director of the printing factory run over and bow to Robb. Then he ordered several subordinates to put a thin book in Robb’s hand.

This book was large and a circle larger than A4 paper. In modern times, it was about the same as the start of a magazine. It was printed with thick and cool rice paper. The whole book only had more than forty pages, so it was very thin.

The director of the printing factory said, “as you ordered, this book is finally done printing. There are 500 copies of the first episode.”

Robb looked through it casually. Well, it was not too much to describe it as crude. It was simply a blind trick. However, since the first book could be printed like this, he had nothing to complain about. After all, this was a technical attempt, and they couldn’t be asked to print it at the same level as printers immediately.

“All right,” Robb said with a smile. “Well, you have done a good job.”

“Then we have no work to do?” the director of the printing factory said awkwardly.

“No, you still have a lot of work to do.” Robb took out a stack of paper and said, “this is the second volume of the fist. Take it to carve. In addition, don’t throw away the boards of the first volume. Prepare to print the second batch, or even the third and the fourth batch at any time. The specific amount to print depends on the sales.”

After the director of the printing factory left, Robb asked Lilian to call Elsie over. The latter had no battle to fight recently and had nothing to do. He took his five hundred soldiers to wander around all day long, except for coming to Robb to bootlick every day. It was a good chance for him to help sell his manhua.


Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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