As I Faked Amnesia, My Love Rival Claimed that I am His Boyfriend
As I Faked Amnesia, My Love Rival Claimed that I am His Boyfriend 5

5: The Show Begins

That day, after finishing work at the bar, Ling Yunfan returned to his rental house at 2 in the morning. There was no hot water in the bathroom, so he reluctantly took a cold shower. Just as he lay down on the bed, there was a loud knocking on the door.

The loud noise echoed in the small room, startling Ling Yunfan.

Before he could react, the old wooden door was forcefully kicked open by three fierce-looking men who rushed in. Two of them grabbed Ling Yunfan’s wrists and pulled him up from the bed.

A short, fat-faced man turned on the light in the room and walked up to Ling Yunfan, sneering as he asked, “Do you know why we’re here?”

Ling Yunfan knew it was better not to resist and replied, “I’ll pay back the three thousand tomorrow when I get my salary.”

The fat-faced man slapped Ling Yunfan in the face and shouted angrily, “Three thousand? Are you kidding me? You’re just a beggar! Don’t you know how much you owe us?”

Ling Yunfan’s head was turned by the slap, and he coughed twice, tasting blood in his mouth.

The man lit a cigarette, filling the cramped room with the pungent smoke, and then looked at Ling Yunfan with a changed tone, saying slowly, “Actually, This brother is not here to make things difficult for you.

As he spoke, he took a deep drag on his cigarette and exhaled, patting Ling Yunfan’s shoulder. “I’m offering you a job that pays well. If you’re willing to take it, you can pay off your debts in less than two years. How about it?”

Ling Yunfan tried to maintain his composure and asked, “What kind of job?”

“Oh, it’s not a difficult job, just…” The fat-faced man took the cigarette out of his mouth, glanced at Ling Yunfan, and clicked his tongue. “Just accompany someone.”

Ling Yunfan was still a college student after all and didn’t understand those filthy and despicable things in the dark, so he was confused. “But I’m male, and I’m an alpha.”

The man sneered patted Ling Yunfan’s face, and said, “You should be grateful that you’re an alpha. Many big bosses want to play with an alpha once. It’s more interesting to tame an alpha than a beta or an omega. Besides, there are very few alphas who end up like you, and rare things are precious. The bosses are willing to pay more to play with you.”

“Speaking of which…” The man pinched Ling Yunfan’s cheeks, looked left and right, and smirked. “The first time I saw you, I knew that your face could sell for a good price.”

Upon hearing this, Ling Yunfan’s face turned pale.

“Take him to the car downstairs.” The fat-faced man waved his hand and said imperiously.

“Brother,” Ling Yunfan suddenly spoke up and called out affectionately, “I got it. I’ll go with you guys. Please let go of me and don’t drag me. The stairs at the entrance are narrow and can’t fit two people. If we squeeze and bump into each other, we might fall down.”

The man narrowed his eyes and looked at Ling Yunfan, his gaze sharp as a poisoned hook.

Ling Yunfan continued, “There are three of you and only one door in this room. Even if I want to run, I have nowhere to go.”

The man chuckled, blew smoke in Ling Yunfan’s face, and sneered, “What? Are you ready to be played with so soon? Anxious to please people?”

Ling Yunfan hung his head and said, “You saw it yourself. The place I live in is worse than where a dog lives. I can’t stand it anymore. I want to pay off my debts and live a normal life. Anyway, my life is worthless. As long as I don’t die, it’s fine.”

The man stared at Ling Yunfan for a long time, remained silent for a while, and then signaled to the people next to him.

The two people who were holding Ling Yunfan let go of him.

Ling Yunfan rubbed his shoulders and flattered the man, saying, “Thank you, brother.”

The man gestured towards the door and said, “Let me tell you, don’t play any tricks on me. Let’s go.”

“I wouldn’t dare,” Ling Yunfan nodded obediently. But the next second, he suddenly swung his arm and punched the big man next to him in the face, knocking him down.

He changed his attitude so quickly that no one could react in time.

When the debt collectors came to their senses, Ling Yunfan was already climbing out of the open window and jumping down without hesitation.

His body hit the iron shed and then rolled onto the ground. The pain made his eyes blurry, but his mind was clear. The voice in his mind was screaming to run and escape.

Ling Yunfan held his injured arm and had just run out of the alley when he was hit by a black car.

When he saw the face of the car owner, Ling Yunfan really wanted to make an obscene gesture to the heavens.

The recklessness and refusal to accept defeat in his bones are one of the driving forces that have supported Ling Yunfan until now. Now, appearing in front of his former archenemy in such a desolate and humiliating manner, it really feels like his dignity is being rubbed on the ground and polished on the smooth surface.

Ling Yunfan felt only a splitting headache, and then his consciousness sank into darkness, and he fainted without any surprise.

At 8 in the morning, it was already early summer, with long days and short nights. At this moment, the sky was bright and the sun was hanging high.

In the corridor near the window of the VIP ward, a doctor was carefully looking through a medical record in his hand, and across from him stood a man wearing a black shirt, with a tall and handsome figure and a beautiful and bright pair of eyes like stars.

This is the corridor of the VIP ward, and the high price easily makes people shy away, so the large corridor is very quiet without any foot traffic.

The man frowned slightly out of concern and waited for the doctor to speak.

The doctor pushed his glasses and raised his head, “The patient has multiple soft tissue injuries throughout the body, dislocated left wrist, and a mild concussion.”

“Is it serious?” Ji Canghai asked, his voice cold like a deep mountain stream.

“It’s not that serious, they are all injuries that require proper rest. Pay attention to a light diet in the coming days,” the doctor said.

Ji Canghai breathed a sigh of relief, “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. By the way, the patient has already woken up, you can go see him now.”

After a moment of silence, Ji Canghai hummed softly.

After seeing off the doctor, Ji Canghai walked to the door of a ward. The bright and clean door was silently closed. Ji Canghai rubbed his forehead, took a deep breath, pushed the door open, and walked in.

As the door opened, the air circulated, and the soft milky white gauze curtains in front of the half-open window in the ward swayed with the wind.

The person sitting on the hospital bed with gauze wrapped around his head looked up in a daze and met Ji Canghai’s gaze.

Ji Canghai wanted to speak, but Ling Yunfan spoke first.

Ling Yunfan asked in confusion, “Where is this? Who are you? Who am I?”

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