Becoming the Contract Wife of the Wealthy Male Supporting Character
Becoming the Contract Wife of the Wealthy Male Supporting Character Ch 13.2

Chapter 13.2

After getting vaccinated, Su Qian brought Blueberry home. The little guy was especially docile, and curled up honestly in the cage to sleep.

As Su Qian carried the cage into the elevator, the image of the man holding the dog kept appearing in her mind.

Some people’s emotions don’t like to surface, and sometimes they are even misunderstood as lacking empathy. But upon careful observation, you can see that the sadness in his eyes is very obvious.

Unexpectedly, the trip home didn’t bring any happy events, and Su Qian opened the door to her home with mixed feelings.

The living room was dimly lit, but there was no one there. The light must have been left on for her.

She had to admit, at this moment, she felt a sense of healing in her heart.

Su Qian changed into her slippers and carried the cage upstairs. Perhaps hearing the sound, the door to the study happened to open at this time.

Jin Lie, dressed in a dark blue home suit, was lazily leaning against the door frame watching her.

His listless appearance was completely different from his appearance in the morning.

“What’s wrong with you?”

Su Qian said tiredly, “Your blessing this morning didn’t come true.”

The premise of wishing her good luck was knowing that going home was the beginning of her misfortune.

“So, how was the battle?”

“Completely defeated.”

Jin Lie hooked the corner of his mouth, “Not bad, it wasn’t a mutual defeat.”

“Do I look that weak?” Su Qian raised her hand to signal him, “Look, I even got a trophy.”

The cage had been behind her all the time, and it was only then that Jin Lie noticed what she had brought back.

As if sensing hostility, Blueberry stared at Jin Lie with wide eyes, and both ears stood up.

Jin Lie straightened his expression, “I forgot to tell you, this house doesn’t allow any pets.”

“I’ve already had it checked and vaccinated. If you don’t like it, I promise to only keep it in my room.”

“No matter where you keep it, its existence will affect me.”

Su Qian looked down at Blueberry, and the little guy meowed at her with a milky voice. A softness sprouted in her heart, she said softly, “I’m sorry for not considering your feelings. It was almost killed by someone just now, I didn’t think much and brought it back. Let me try to raise it for a few days, if you really can’t accept it, I will try to contact the rescue station.”

Su Qian walked over and pushed open the room door, and felt Jin Lie stiffen as she got closer.

She turned her head and looked at him thoughtfully, “You’re not afraid of cats, are you?”

Some people are afraid of bugs, and some are afraid of chickens. Being afraid of cats is not a new thing. But if this person is Jin Lie, it’s somewhat unexpected.

Influenced by the description in the book, she always felt that this person should be fearless. Otherwise, how could he dare to compete with the male lead, Shang Jingyu, in the business world in the novel.

Jin Lie seemed to have heard some absurd story, he scoffed, “Do you think that’s possible? Can’t I just simply dislike it?”

“I’m sorry for not considering it thoroughly, it’s just that I particularly wanted something to accompany me today.”

Su Qian smiled, and closed the door gently. Jin Lie’s gaze fell on the closed door, after a long while, he turned and went back to his room.


The next morning, Su Qian was woken up by a call from Zhao Wenjun. The idle time almost made her forget that she was an eighteenth-line actress with a company and an agent.

Zhao Wenjun’s attitude was as indifferent as ever. Without any unnecessary words, she told Su Qian straightforwardly that there was a job for her today and asked her to come to the company.

After hanging up the phone, Su Qian cheered under the quilt and went downstairs joyfully to eat breakfast.

Jin Lie got up early today, he had already finished eating and was sitting at the dining table reading the newspaper. Su Qian pulled out the chair opposite him and greeted him energetically, “Good morning!”

Jin Lie looked up at her, “Morning.”

Su Qian scooped up a spoonful of porridge and blew on it, then suddenly remembered, “Did you sleep well last night?”

“What do you want to ask?”

“Nothing, just wanted to say that I probably didn’t disturb you last night.”

The little guy was so honest. She slept until dawn, and she didn’t believe that Jin Lie could be affected. Even brain waves couldn’t reach him.

Jin Lie put down the newspaper and said, “It was fine.”

Su Qian curled the corner of her mouth and ate breakfast happily.

Before long, her phone rang, and Zhao Wenjun sent over the details of the job.

After reading through roughly, Su Qian decided to have a good talk about her work with her company later today. If she continues to be idle, she will eventually become useless.

Thinking of this, she suddenly remembered Su Muran’s threat. That bastard actually planned to ruin her for money.

She sneakily glanced at Jin Lie sitting across from her and tentatively asked, “Ahem, if… I mean if, someone slanders me online in the future, can I ask your company’s PR for help?”

“Aren’t you already being slandered all over the place now?”

Su Qian choked, “That’s different, I mean the fatal kind.”

Jin Lie raised his eyebrows slightly, “If I remember correctly, you have a contract with a company, right?”

“They wouldn’t care about a small potato like me. They would definitely turn a blind eye at critical moments.” She blinked, “Considering we’re roommates, could your company give me a discount?”


Jin Lie lowered his head to adjust his wristwatch, and his eyes were filled with inscrutable depth, “How much discount do you want? Is 25% off enough?”

For some reason, his light tone made her feel a bit uneasy.

Su Qian opened her mouth——

“But two hundred and fifty yuan is definitely not enough.” He lifted his head, and pulled a nonchalant smile, “Multiply it by a few thousand times, then it’s about right.”

25% off.

Two hundred and fifty.

Su Qian responded with a smile, and turned her face away as if nothing had happened.

Damn it, that “Big Brand” shirt worth two hundred and fifty yuan… he actually knew about it!


Hello, I'm Avrora (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) I like reading novels, especially romance and action. So I want to share with you some novels that I think are good to read through my translation. My lovely readers, I hope you enjoy the story as much as I do.(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) See my other projects on my Ko-fi page (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) I hope you enjoy my translation (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) Thank you 😘

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