Becoming the Contract Wife of the Wealthy Male Supporting Character
Becoming the Contract Wife of the Wealthy Male Supporting Character Ch 14.1

Chapter 14.1

After breakfast, Jin Lie returned to his study and made a phone call. When he came out, he happened to meet Su Qian coming out of her room.

“Are you going out?” he asked.

Su Qian turned her head, “What’s up?”

“Just thinking, you don’t even have a job, do you need to hire a PR?”

This man really likes to judge people through the crack of the door.

“Who says I don’t have a job, early in the morning I received a magazine shoot. I’m going over now.”

Jin Lie leaned against the door frame, “Shooting for a magazine? The cover?”

“……Not exactly.”

“Inside page?”

“Almost, almost.”

Jin Lie laughed, “It wouldn’t be a special issue, would it?”

Su Qian gritted her teeth, “What’s so important about that? Isn’t the point that I have a job!”

“I see, so it’s not even a special issue.” He put his hands in his pockets and pondered for a few seconds, “According to your status… the background board?”


Su Qian heard her glass heart shatter into pieces, the kind that can’t be put back together.

“Back, background board, so what! Who doesn’t start from scratch!”

“You’ve been in the industry for three or four years, right? One step a day, that’s over a thousand steps.” Jin Lie sighed helplessly, “Are you walking on a treadmill?” Always stepping in place.

Oh, this person must have grown up drinking paraquat, his mouth is so poisonous! He’s just short of sticking “Wake up, you’re a loser” on her forehead.

Su Qian retorted angrily, “What’s wrong! Is using the treadmill costing your family electricity?!”

Really bad luck, poking at people’s lungs non-stop early in the morning. You must have been an embroidery needle in your previous life!

“Also, don’t look down on people. The day I make it onto the cover of a magazine, I will plaster your bedroom walls!” Not even sparing the ceiling!

Jin Lie nodded with a smile that wasn’t quite a smile, “I’ll try to live past a hundred.”

Su Qian’s temples were throbbing, her emotions already on the edge of losing control. She felt that if she said one more word, her blood vessels would burst.

She took a deep breath, telling herself in her heart not to stoop to his level, and calmly turned to go downstairs. But somehow, she managed to make her slippers sound like high heels, clacking on the floor.

When she got to the staircase, she suddenly stopped, turned around and said, “What’s wrong with being a background board! Mind your own business!”

After saying that, as if afraid of his retort, she ran down the stairs with a clatter.

Jin Lie stood by the staircase, watching her slam the front door shut. He was silent for a moment, then chuckled lightly.


The whole house seemed to become extraordinarily quiet in an instant. Jin Lie was originally planning to return to his study, but after some thought, he changed direction.

He braced himself and pushed open the door to Su Qian’s room, surprised to find that all the lace and pink color had disappeared. The room was no longer suffocatingly extravagant, large areas of white mixed with macaron colors, fresh and comfortable.

Just like her now, refreshing.


Blueberry crawled out from the foot of the bed, looking up at him and meowing.

Jin Lie’s expression hardened, “What are you meowing at!”

Blueberry meowed a few more times, and clumsily pawing at his slippers. It seemed to have finally found something to play with, its small body bouncing around.

Jin Lie watched this fluffy creature coldly for a few seconds, then bent down to pick it up. The little guy was hanging in the air, its four paws flailing about, and meowing in a milky voice. Its big watery eyes were full of innocence.

“You’re as good at acting as that woman.”

Jin Lie held it in his hand, and gently stroked its cat head.

The clever little guy sensed that the crisis was over and licked his finger in a pleasing manner, and caused him to stiffen.

“What a nuisance.”

Jin Lie, with a dark face, carried it downstairs and handed it to Mrs. Wang, who was watering the flowers, “See what it can eat, find something to feed it.”

“Alright, sir.”

He paused, then added uncomfortably, “Take care of it, don’t lose it.”

Su Qian made a wasted trip, Zhao Wenjun was not in the company, but had gone to talk about endorsements with the most popular artist under her recently.

When the assistant saw Su Qian, she briefly explained the shooting time and location, then went about her own business. Everyone in the company was busy, only she was abnormally idle.

The shooting location was nearby, Su Qian took an umbrella and found a coffee shop to kill time.

After sitting down, she ordered an iced Americano, and then started to check the recent audition news.

Half of her resources were wasted due to Zhou Bingyan’s efforts. Although the power of the Zhou family in the book is not as good as the Shang family and Jin family, it should not be underestimated. Zhou Bingyan messing with her in secret is as simple as stepping on an ant.

With her meddling, a decent script could not reach the original owner at all. The original owner was kept in the dark, but the company’s top management must know the truth, and probably never planned to promote her sincerely because of this.

Relying on the company was not working, Su Qian had to contact resources herself. As long as the scalper pushed the audition news to her, whether it worked or not depended on her.

Su Qian was scrolling for a while when the sound of conversation from the next table suddenly came over faintly.

The two tables were separated by landscape potted plants, and neither could see each other. Su Qian recognized the owner of the voice with her excellent memory.

“You’re really heartless, saying no to someone who has been with you for three years.”

“I’ve given her resources that others can’t even dream of.”

Zhou Bingyan laughed, “You know what Piaopiao really wants.”

As the boss of a talent agency, getting a highly coveted IP is of course a great thing. But as Chu Piaopiao’s cousin, she sincerely hopes that she can hold on tightly to Shang Jingyu and this golden thigh.

No matter what identity she follows him with, she won’t have to worry for the rest of her life.

“I’ve given her what she should have. People shouldn’t be too greedy.”

A stand-in should have the awareness of a stand-in. Being flattered a few times, she thinks she can become real, it’s clear she has no brains. Wishing to take over the magpie’s nest, it’s utterly ridiculous.

Zhou Bingyan of course understood the implications, and asked meaningfully, “Are you in such a hurry to clear the relationship, is she coming back?”

When it came to the key words, Shang Jingyu’s face faded a few more points, “Take care of yourself, and your cousin.”



Hello, I'm Avrora (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) I like reading novels, especially romance and action. So I want to share with you some novels that I think are good to read through my translation. My lovely readers, I hope you enjoy the story as much as I do.(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) See my other projects on my Ko-fi page (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) I hope you enjoy my translation (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) Thank you 😘

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