Days of Living with the Campus Belle
Days of Living with the Campus Belle Chapter 18

Chapter 18: Qin Muxue’s Pursuer

After expressing his thanks, Lin Beixiu walked in and sat down next to Qin Muxue in the back row.

Seeing him drenched in sweat, Qin Muxue said helplessly, “Pig.”

Lin Beixiu, gasping for breath, couldn’t even retort.

It was only after he rested his head on the desk for a while that he started to eat some steamed buns.

After class, Lin Beixiu stretched and decided to wash his face.

In the hallway, he brushed past several people. Lin Beixiu didn’t care much about them, seeing them as a small group with no appeal to him.

When he returned, he found his seat was now occupied by five people, the same ones from the hallway. What were they doing here? Lin Beixiu stood there like the rest of his classmates, watching the spectacle.

“Muxue, why didn’t you tell me when you got back? I only found out through the forum. And why didn’t you apply to the school to skip a grade instead of redoing the first year?”

Qin Muxue frowned, not even giving him a glance.

“Zhang Hao, are we close?”

“Stay away from me. Don’t bother me.”

Zhang Hao’s expression turned slightly embarrassed, a coldness flashing in his eyes.

“I just came to see you, and I brought you this.”

“I don’t need it.”

The classmates were intrigued, watching the drama of unrequited love unfold: the protagonist persistently chasing after the heroine, who shows no interest in him.

Zhang Hao wanted to say more, but then a voice came from behind.

“Excuse me, you’re blocking my way.”

Zhang Hao turned around to see a handsome guy standing behind his lackeys, speaking emotionlessly.

“Who are you?”

Lin Beixiu’s voice grew colder, his expression more fierce, and his long-suppressed anger began to rise.

“This is my seat. You’re in my way.”

Zhang Hao looked down to see the seat next to Qin Muxue, where a black backpack was clearly Lin Beixiu’s.

A man sitting next to Qin Muxue?

Thinking this, Zhang Hao’s expression cooled, feeling sour.

Previously, Qin Muxue had not allowed other men to sit beside her, but this time…

Despite Lin Beixiu indeed looking handsome.

“I have something to say.” Zhang Hao’s tone was unfriendly.

“And you don’t need to sit here anymore.”

Lin Beixiu sneered, his expression growing even more sinister.

“Are you sure? Say that again?”

The atmosphere turned eerily quiet, with those close to the scene moving away.

Zhang Hao approached, still holding his backpack, and threw it on the ground.

“I said, you’re not allowed to sit here.” Zhang Hao was intimidated by Lin Beixiu’s expression but tried to remain calm.

“Zhang Hao, don’t go too far.” Qin Muxue stood up, coldly staring at them.

Before she could finish, Lin Beixiu moved first, punching Zhang Hao in the stomach. While he was in pain, Lin Beixiu grabbed his hand and threw him over his shoulder.

Zhang Hao was lying on the ground in pain, feeling more humiliated than hurt.


His lackeys were shocked. Just as they were about to step forward, Lin Beixiu took them down with a few moves, deterring the rest from approaching.

Lin Beixiu picked up his backpack, returned it to its place, and disdainfully said,



Before Zhang Hao could finish, the vice class president, Zhang Xuerong, spoke up.

“Class is about to start, the teacher will be here soon. Are you not planning to leave?”

Zhang Hao had no choice but to leave with his gang, shooting a cold glance at Lin Beixiu.

“I’ll be waiting for you.”

Lin Beixiu sat in his seat, not even looking at him.

Qin Muxue also sat back down, finding the sight of the two men increasingly irritating, and finally left with a cold huff.

Li Yuwei entered and noticed the class’s odd mood.

“Alright, what are you all standing around for? Get ready for class.”

Everyone then returned to their seats, though their gazes still occasionally drifted towards Lin Beixiu, including Zhang Xuerong. Lin Beixiu, however, didn’t care and focused on the blackboard, listening to the lecture.

Everyone subconsciously thought the two were a couple, believing Lin Beixiu’s actions were to defend Qin Muxue, though he hadn’t thought that much about it. He simply disliked those blocking his way.

As he was paying attention to the class, Qin Muxue kept glancing at him, eventually leaning closer. Before Lin Beixiu could react, he heard Qin Muxue’s cool voice.

“Sorry for the trouble.”

Lin Beixiu looked at her, smiling. “I didn’t hear any sincerity in your words.”

Qin Muxue glared at him, thinking he was overstepping.

The disturbance caused by that idiot Zhang Hao had soured her mood.

Seeing Qin Muxue’s clenched fist, the corner of Lin Beixiu’s mouth twitched.

Why can’t she take a joke?

“Enough, I’m not blaming you, so there’s no need to apologize. I just can’t stand them.”

Lin Beixiu appeared nonchalant, and Qin Muxue no longer spoke, turning to look at the blackboard.

During the lunch break, the two walked together, with Qin Muxue explaining the situation.

It turns out he was another suitor. After she beat up a rich second generation, this guy still hadn’t given up, coming from a wealthy family himself.

Compared to others, this guy was like a persistent annoyance. Despite many rejections, Qin Muxue couldn’t get rid of him. She had even taken a break from school to escape him, but now that she had restarted her freshman year, he had found her again.

“A human punching bag?”

Lin Beixiu was somewhat impressed by the guy’s dedication to love.

Qin Muxue didn’t respond, indicating she would have acted if it weren’t for the classroom setting.

“He’s so dedicated, maybe you should just accept him,” Lin Beixiu teased.

“Lin Beixiu!”

Qin Muxue glared at him, “I don’t like that kind of person.”

When she called his name, Lin Beixiu jumped back, seeing she wasn’t going to hit him, he came back.

“Alright, enough about him, let’s go eat.”

As they joked around, Zhang Hao, watching them laugh and walk away from a distance, clenched his fists.

After returning home, having dinner, and going straight to bed, he was quite tired.

In the afternoon, without the annoying Zhang Hao, the class’s gaze towards them became even stranger, interpreting their relationship as having progressed further.

Everyone thought Lin Beixiu had acted out of jealousy.

Lin Beixiu was unaware of these speculations and focused on taking notes, asking Qin Muxue questions, who answered them seriously.

Just before class ended, Li Yuwei came to check the attendance list, noting that only two from their class had signed up, which was too few. Her gaze lingered on Lin Beixiu.

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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