Easy To Deceive
Easy To Deceive chapter 3

After work that day, Xiao Gu and Chu Hejun dragged Yu Nian out to eat barbecue.

Seeing that Yu Nian had been down since Qi Wang scolded him in the afternoon and didn’t have the spirit to play the piano, the two of them decided to cheer him up by taking him out to eat.

Sitting in the barbecue restaurant, holding a large cup of ice-cold cola, Yu Nian drank most of it with a gloomy expression.

“I really didn’t mean it,” he felt a bit wronged, “I know I was wrong, but he should give me a chance to apologize, right? Apart from this incident, I haven’t committed any heinous crimes.”

“That’s just how Qi Wang is,” Xiao Gu flipped the barbecue and picked up a piece of pork belly for him, “Some people just have strong personalities, it’s understandable.”

Yu Nian snorted disdainfully.

“What strong personality, that’s just being rude.”

He thought for a moment, then asked strangely, “You guys have been working with him for so long, how can you stand it? I’m not the first one to have a conflict with him, am I?”

Xiao Gu and Chu Hejun exchanged glances.

Chu Hejun said, “You are indeed the first one. Qi Wang hasn’t been here for long, just a bit earlier than you, about two months. When he first came, the boss gave us a heads-up, saying he didn’t like to socialize with people, so we should bear with him a bit. He’s still quite responsible for his work. Whenever there’s something heavy to do in the shop, it’s usually him doing it. He speaks less, and there haven’t been any conflicts.”

Xiao Gu nodded beside him, confirming Chu Hejun’s point of view. She said, “Once when it was raining and I didn’t have an umbrella, he gave me his. Maybe he’s just in a bad mood today, that’s why he was so harsh on you.”

Yu Nian was shocked. He really hadn’t noticed that Qi Wang was willing to help others.

He frowned and asked again, “So you mean to say, he’s also a newcomer like me?”

Chu Hejun nodded, “I remember he was brought in directly by the boss. The previous barista had just resigned, and he took over. In fact, not just you, we haven’t said much to him either. We don’t know much about him. And…”

Chu Hejun hesitated as he spoke, unsure if he should share the gossip he wasn’t sure about himself.

He felt like he was talking behind someone’s back.

“And what?” Yu Nian asked curiously.

“Nothing…” Chu Hejun shook his head, ultimately deciding not to say it, “It’s just that he seems to have a good relationship with the boss. They chat occasionally.”

Yu Nian nodded.

He could see that much. But that was normal. The boss, the one who pays the salary, who wouldn’t chat with them? Maybe they could even get a raise out of it.

He took another big sip of ice-cold cola, still feeling a bit restless.

Qi Wang’s arm kept flashing in front of him, the intersecting scars, the dark, oppressive tattoos, the bloody thin scars, combined together, making people very uncomfortable.

He had no prejudice against tattoos at all. If it weren’t for the fear of pain, he would have wanted to get one himself.

But the patterns on Qi Wang’s body did make him feel uncomfortable.

He remembered what Chu Hejun said, that they didn’t even know what Qi Wang did before, and he muttered to himself, “Maybe he used to be in the underworld before becoming a barista. Look at how fierce he looks, it fits perfectly.”

Of course, this was just venting.

Xiao Gu laughed when she heard it, but Chu Hejun rubbed his nose.

“Alright, let’s eat,” Xiao Gu picked up a few pieces of meat for Yu Nian again, “Eat more, you’re too skinny.”

The next day, Yu Nian went to work as usual. After a night of reflection, he had already calmed down. In the end, yesterday’s incident was his fault, and he had decided to apologize to Qi Wang sincerely.

But as soon as he stood next to Qi Wang, still holding the small ornament he had prepared as an apology gift, Qi Wang gave him a cold glance, creating distance between them with clear disdain.

And when he explained himself haltingly, Qi Wang remained unmoved.

“I don’t need your apology. Just stay away from me,” Qi Wang said.

He didn’t even accept the gift Yu Nian had prepared, turning around to continue with his own work.

Yu Nian stood there with the bag, people coming and going in the shop, the honking of cars and the laughter of pedestrians outside mixing together. The employees were all busy.

He looked at the small dog ornament in the bag, a very cute little Shiba Inu. He had picked it out carefully, but now that the person who was supposed to receive it didn’t want it, the little Shiba Inu seemed very pitiful.

He knew, of course, that not everyone had to like him.

He wasn’t money; he couldn’t win everyone’s favor.

But at this moment, he still felt a little sad.

That evening, when Qi Wang walked in, he looked up and saw Qi Wang’s profile and his slender, jade-like hands. His heart skipped a beat several times.

At that time, he really wanted to get along well with this person.

Unfortunately, things didn’t go as planned.

Yu Nian stood for a while, but in the end, he didn’t go forward to reconcile. He turned around and left.

For the next few days, he kept his distance from Qi Wang. Not only that, but whenever he saw Qi Wang, he would deliberately turn his face away.

He didn’t even make eye contact with Qi Wang.

He was playing a one-sided cold war.

Xiao Gu and Chu Hejun knew the reason and were a bit helpless. This matter couldn’t really be blamed on anyone; it was just a misunderstanding.

But Yu Nian’s one-sided temper tantrum and lack of direct conflict with Qi Wang didn’t affect the atmosphere and operation of the shop, so they didn’t say much more.

Anyway, they could see that Yu Nian wasn’t really one to hold grudges. Once his anger subsided, everything would be fine.

During a break, Xiao Gu asked Yu Nian, “Didn’t you say you were moving recently? Have you moved? Do you need Chu Hejun and me to help you?”

She looked at Yu Nian’s thin arms and legs; he really didn’t seem like he could handle it himself.

Chu Hejun was mentioned and also glanced over, nodding silently.

Yu Nian took a sip of ice water. “No need, I don’t have much stuff, and it’s almost done.”

Before, for convenience’s sake, he had been living in a hotel, but with the little money left in his pocket, he definitely couldn’t afford long-term expenses.

To save money, he had followed the agent around for several days a few days ago and finally found a single room that he could barely accept.

Because it was his first time renting a place on his own, he had specifically asked Chu Hejun to help him look at the house. After a lot of busyness, he finally settled down and signed the contract.

Although the small single room was only ten square meters, very simple, with only the most basic furniture and bathroom, Yu Nian was still a bit excited. It was his first time renting a place like this on his own.

He described it to Xiao Gu, “The room is on the second floor, the floor is low, but if you push open the window, you can see the garden on the first floor. The pine trees are very tall… I plan to put a potted plant on the windowsill later.”

He said it excitedly, like a child showing off his first time going on a spring outing, his voice a little louder.

Xiao Gu listened with a smile.

Even the chef sister next to her cast a kindly glance.

“Xiao Yu is really cute,” the chef smiled, speaking while unpacking the dishes that had just arrived, getting ready to use them tonight, “The shop should have more young people, it’s more lively.”

Qi Wang, who was tidying up next to her, raised his head at her words, giving a glance.

Yu Nian was wearing the rough black suit provided by the shop, but it looked somewhat elegant on him.

Perhaps because it was a bit hot, his face was flushed, and a black strand of hair stuck to his temple, revealing a dimple when he smiled.

But when he noticed Qi Wang looking at him, he immediately restrained himself, pursing his lips, looking serious.

Qi Wang only glanced at him once before withdrawing his gaze, but his movements slowed down a bit.

He remembered the little Shiba Inu ornament Yu Nian had handed him a few days ago.

Indeed, like attracts like..

Looking at Yu Nian now, he seemed just as silly as that little Shiba Inu.

After work, Yu Nian went back to the hotel to pack up his last few things, then went to the front desk to check out, carrying his suitcase to his new address.

It was an old residential area, close to the city center, relatively quiet, but with many retired elderly people living there. The corridor was also long overdue for maintenance, with no elevator, and the handrails were rusty, dirtying his palms.

Yu Nian’s suitcase was heavy, and he struggled to carry it up to the second floor.

After resting for a few seconds, he finally took out his keys and opened the door.

It was very quiet inside. The hallway had sensor lights, and as soon as he walked in, the lights came on.

This was a three-bedroom, one-bathroom apartment. Apart from a corridor and the bathroom, there were no shared areas, and each tenant’s door had a password lock, so it meant they wouldn’t disturb each other.

Yu Nian was attracted to this aspect.

Especially since his bedroom was the innermost one, with an ensuite bathroom.

When signing the lease, the landlord mentioned that although it was a three-bedroom, currently only he and the tenant in the neighboring room were living there, while one room was vacant.

As Yu Nian passed by the neighboring room dragging his suitcase, he curiously glanced at it.

The door was tightly closed, and when he listened carefully, he didn’t hear any noise.

He had no idea who the neighbor was.

Yu Nian hoped it would be someone easy to get along with, preferably around his age, male or female.

Perhaps they could even become friends and visit each other’s rooms in the future.

With this optimistic thought, he entered his own room.

At night, Yu Nian lay on his newly changed sheets, feeling a sense of accomplishment.

This was his first time living alone.

There’s always a bit of rebellion in young people’s bones, and as he looked up at the ceiling, he felt like he was back to his first school camping trip.

Lying in the glass room, looking at the stars, he seemed to have the same feeling. The night sky was vast, the valley quiet and spacious, making one feel empty yet wonderfully free and unrestrained.

Yu Nian couldn’t help but post on his Moments, of course, blocking his brother and sister and classmates.

Only his childhood friend, Ying Quanshen, saw it.

Ying Quanshen probably couldn’t understand why he was so excited, leaving a comment of “…” under his post.

Then he started a private chat, “Are you really going to live in that dog hole? Is it even as big as your previous toilet? Let’s forget about being carefree and return, Nian’er, my heart aches for you.”

Yu Nian pretended not to see it.

But as he scrolled through WeChat, his finger inadvertently stopped at his brother’s profile picture.

After hesitating for a couple of seconds, he clicked on it.

The last conversation he had with his brother and sister was over a month ago. His brother was still earnestly persuading him to come back, while his sister’s attitude was even more stern, asking him if he was really protesting against the family in this manner.

He hadn’t replied.

He didn’t know how to reply.

For so many years, since their parents passed away, they had relied on each other. But in reality, he didn’t spend much time with his brother and sister. He knew they both loved him very much, and he tried to behave well.

So when this big argument suddenly erupted, he had no idea how to handle it. His brother and sister definitely hoped he would admit his mistake, hoping he would continue to be a good boy.

But he just didn’t want to.

Like a delayed rebellious phase, or perhaps pent-up frustration and helplessness, finally found a release outlet.

But that didn’t stop him from missing his brother and sister.

Yu Nian hesitated for two seconds before opening his brother’s Moments.

What caught his eye were the latest photos posted by his brother.

His sister never posted any status updates in her Moments; it was always empty, with nothing in it, and very occasionally, she would repost some news about the company.

In contrast, his brother’s Moments were much more poetic, usually either about him cooking or showing off his flower house.

The personalities of these two people were completely opposite. From childhood to adulthood, it had always been his brother, Pei Zhao, who was more gentle and considerate, even somewhat delicate, while his sister, Yu Xinli, was resolute and imposing, both in her appearance and her actions.

In the latest update in Pei Zhao’s Moments, he was sitting by the sea enjoying the breeze.

He was probably on some private beach. Although it was already approaching autumn, the temperature was still pleasant, the sunlight was brilliant and warm, he was wearing a blue floral shirt, smiling at the camera, the sea breeze tousling his hair, holding a pale green iced drink in his hand, creating a picturesque scene of peaceful days.

Beside him, Yu Xinli was on the phone, expressionless and somewhat serious, but still managed to glance over at Pei Zhao, meeting the camera with her eyes.

Although there were no intimate actions between the two, appearing in the same photo seemed oddly fitting, with a kind of innate compatibility.

Yu Nian stared at the photo for a long time.

He had been away for almost a month, and his brother and sister probably had accepted his leaving home, seeming to have adapted without any issues.

Of course, he knew his brother and sister weren’t obligated to come and coax him back home, considering he was the one who chose to go against the family.

But there was still a faint layer of sourness in his heart.

It felt like he was back to his childhood, when his parents were still alive, and he was sick at home, yet still peeping out through the window, secretly watching the garden.

In the garden, his brother and sister were sitting on the swing, his brother holding a book and showing it to his sister like a treasure, his sister seeming uninterested, but still bending down, a rare smile playing at her lips.

He wanted to play with his brother and sister, but he knew these two teenagers, these big kids, wouldn’t bother with him, and he eventually went back to sleep.

And now, it seemed like he was back to that moment, looking out through the window.

Whether he was there or not seemed to have little effect on home.

Although he was the one with blood ties to his brother and sister, they spent time with each other, occupying each other’s lives, while he, as the younger sibling, was just an optional extra.

Yu Nian shoved his phone under his pillow.

He turned off the bedside lamp with a click, and the bedroom dimmed, but there were still shadows from the streetlights outside projected into the room.

He stared at the ceiling for a long time, his mind still lingering on the photos he had just seen.

He wondered what his brother and sister were doing now.

After thinking for a long time, he slowly buried his face in the blanket, trying to fall asleep.

1 comment
  1. Cocole has spoken 2 months ago

    He’s doing well to adjust to the new lifestyle…


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