Entertainment Circle’s Mascot
Entertainment Circle’s Mascot: Chapter 69

The atmosphere was a bit cold and awkward.

Outside the door, there was a bodyguard trying to suppress his laughter.

At the entrance, Yu Wenning was in a panic, and the tiny monk who clung to his leg had a “please praise me” expression.

Inside the door, Cheng Lan looked stunned and shocked, and Lian Qing, the little monk, looked lost.

Looking at the thin and fragile window paper, one could easily puncture it.

Breaking the silence, Lian Qing accidentally let out a fart in his nervousness.

He embarrassingly laughed it off, “Uh, sorry, it doesn’t smell bad, haha…”

TN: WTH Little Monk hahaha

Cheng Lan rolled her eyes at him. “You’re the kind of person who ruins the atmosphere, yet someone still stole a kiss from you. And that someone is the Diamond King, who has money, looks, and height. This world is simply unfair!”

She stood up in anger, took her handbag, and said, “Sorry to disturb you, goodbye.”

After giving the little monk a pack of White Rabbit candy and patting his fair and tender bald head, she left.

The little guy held the candy, which looked very delicious, and looked up, asking, “Yu ge, why aren’t you praising me?”

One of the bodyguards outside couldn’t hold back his laughter, which infected Lian Qing and made him laugh silently. However, to preserve Yu Wenning’s dignity, who had little left, he didn’t dare to laugh out loud.

Yu Wenning’s feelings were complex, and he walked calmly to the bed where Lian Qing lay. But when he saw Lian Qing laughing, his back spasmed painfully. The laugh sounded like a poisonous virus. Nonetheless, seeing Lian Qing laughing in this situation made him feel a bit better. Perhaps, the answer to his long-awaited dream was about to come.

He picked up the tiny monk and kissed him lightly, insincerely complimenting him, “You’re great,” and then let him play on his own. Although the little guy was a little unhappy, he saw that Yu gege’s expression was somewhat serious, so he reluctantly walked to the puzzle he had been playing with before.

Yu Wenning walked slowly to Lian Qing’s bedside, feeling nervous and hesitant. “You… heard everything just now, can you tell me what you were thinking?”

Lian Qing laughed so hard that his back was hurting. He said intermittently, “You have a crush on me…”

Yu Wenning felt helpless and distressed. “Please calm down, don’t laugh anymore.” Laughing so hard that the wound on his back opens up would not be pretty.

Tiny Monk Lian Sang was not content with being alone: “Exactly, this is a very serious problem. Shixiong, don’t laugh.”

Lian Qing restrained his laughter and waved his hand at the tiny monk: “Go go go, you’re everywhere.”

Xiao San’er pouted and lowered his head to play with the puzzle. The adult world was too complicated, he would rather play by himself.

Without the little guy’s interference, Lian Qing slowly stopped his laughter. He looked at Yu Wenning seriously and asked, “Can you first explain how you thought of it and why you suddenly kissed me?”

Yu Wenning was silent for a moment and said, “As you said, I like you.”

Lian Qing was overjoyed, and his lips couldn’t help but curl up. He asked, “Since when?”

“Since…a long time ago.”

“Is it longer than two months?”

“Yes,” Yu Wenning answered firmly.

Lian Qing’s heart was both sour and sweet. So this person had liked him before he joined the crew…

So he had suffered nearly two months of lovesickness for nothing?!

He was angry and annoyed, “Why didn’t you say it earlier? You’ve been acting like there was nothing special about me, so I didn’t notice.”

Yu Wenning was wronged, “You’ve always been special to me, haven’t you noticed?”

Lian Qing blinked his eyes and thought about Yu Wenning’s distant attitude towards others that he had seen before… Compared to that, he had indeed been quite special to him.

“Then…why didn’t you say it earlier…”

“I was afraid you wouldn’t accept it.” Love was not so easy to express.

In this regard, the two were quite similar. They were both afraid that if they said it, they wouldn’t even be friends anymore, and they wouldn’t have an excuse to stay with each other.

“So, what’s your answer?” Yu Wenning was a little expectant and a little nervous. “I like you, can you accept me?”

Lian Qing hooked his finger with his hand and smiled so much that his teeth couldn’t be seen. “Coincidentally, Mr. Yu, I like you too. So, let’s be together?”

At this moment, Yu Wenning smiled, his eyes turning red. He leaned forward to kiss Lian Qing, but was blocked by his hand.

Lian Qing pushed his head slightly awkwardly and said, “I haven’t brushed my teeth yet.”

Yu Wenning was stunned for a moment, then took advantage of the opportunity to kiss Lian Qing, and then touched his own lips and laughed, “Coincidentally, I haven’t brushed either.”

Tiny Monk Lian Sang lifted his head from the puzzle, curiously tilting his head and said in a childish voice, “But I saw Yu gege brush his teeth this morning, it’s not good to lie.”

Yu Wenning: “…”

Lian Qing said, “…Pffft! Sorry, I can’t help but laugh again!”

Yu Wenning sighed helplessly. It seemed that confiding in each other was only possible when the child was not around.

To be honest, the timing and location of this confession were all wrong. Firstly, they were in a hospital. Secondly, there was a child present. Thirdly, one of the parties involved was a patient.

The only thing that mattered was that they couldn’t take advantage of the situation and enjoy themselves in bed, which left Yu Wenning feeling resentful.

Lian Qing then talked about when he realized he had feelings for his older brother and how he had been suffering on the set of the drama recently.

Yu Wenning also expressed regret, saying that he had been tormented during this time as well. If they had been honest with each other earlier, they wouldn’t have wasted so much time!

After the window paper was broken and the situation was indirectly facilitated by Lian Sang, he was naturally kissed by his senior and Yu gege several times. His bald head was even shinier after the kisses.

Lian Qing’s energy was limited, so he complained to Yu Wenning about their days filming on the set before feeling a bit drowsy.

Seeing this, Yu Wenning gently touched his head and coaxed him like a child, saying, “Go to sleep.”

“Okay.” Lian Qing didn’t resist, falling into a deep sleep with a sweet smile on his face.

After he fell asleep, Yu Wenning waved to the little monk. The little guy immediately ran over and nestled into his arms.

Yu Wenning kissed him on the forehead and whispered, “Be good, go to sleep. Brother Yu will watch over both of you.”

“Okay.” The little guy returned the kiss to Yu gege’s cheek and then snuggled against his chest, closing his eyes peacefully.

Yu Wenning adjusted his posture a bit, feeling a bit heartbroken. The child had been sent to the hospital by Chen Qi and the bodyguards last night, just after Lian Qing’s surgery was completed. The child didn’t dare to cry loudly and only wiped away his tears quietly while leaning on Yu Wenning’s arms, refusing to leave his senior’s bedside.

Yu Wenning had no choice but to hold him in his arms and sit by Lian Qing’s bed, comforting him as best he could to make him fall asleep for a while. But even for an adult, that short amount of sleep was far from enough, let alone for a three-year-old child. Early in the morning, the little guy woke up, and then stayed by his senior’s bedside, occasionally sniffling quietly.

After such a long time, how could the little guy not be tired? Previously, he had just been watching his senior who hadn’t woken up, and couldn’t sleep because he was worried. But now that his senior was awake, he snuggled into Yu gege’s familiar and broad embrace, quickly falling into a peaceful sleep.

By the time Lian Qing woke up again, it was already pitch black outside. His shidi was still sitting by his bedside.

The little one held his face in his hands, looking troubled. “Shixiong, I have a question. I’ve been thinking about it for a long time but still can’t figure it out.”

Lian Qing sat up with effort and looked down at him. “What is it?”

The little one’s eyebrows furrowed like waves. “Shixiong, are you and Yu-gege together now?”

Lian Qing was taken aback, but nodded. “Yes.”

The little one then asked, “So what should I call Yu-gege?”

Lian Qing was dumbfounded. Oh, right…what should he call him?

He racked his brain for a long time and blurted out, “How about calling him sister-in-law?”

嫂嫂(sǎo sǎo) – “older brother’s wife” or “sister-in-law.”

The little one frowned. “But he’s a boy.”

Lian Qing replied, “But I don’t think it’s a rule that sister-in-law can only be used for women…”

“Oh, I see…” The tiny monk looked up at him and suddenly realized something, giving him a thumbs up. “Shixiong, you know so much!”

Lian Qing’s vanity was greatly satisfied and he felt a bit floaty. “Of course, I’m still your shixiong after all!”

When Yu Wenning entered the room with his assistant, he overheard their conversation. He smiled and asked, “What are you guys talking about?”

Lian Qing immediately looked guilty and lowered his head to stare at the bedsheet. “Nothing…”

The tiny monk turned his head and said seriously, “We’re discussing what I should call Yu-gege from now on.”

Reason told Yu Wenning that this topic was better left untouched, but his assistant played the role of a matchmaker and curiously asked, “Have you figured it out?”

Lian Qing knew this big brother who used to visit Yu Wenning when he was sick and often delivered documents, so he wasn’t shy at all. He walked up to Yu Wenning like an adult, stood at attention, cleared his throat, and then shouted in a loud voice, “Sister-in-law!”

The assistant was stunned. Was his boss really the bottom?

Yu Wenning: “…………”

He silently looked at the little monk.

The little monk looked everywhere but at him.

The little assistant quietly left the ward, closed the door behind him, and then turned to the two bodyguards at the door. “You didn’t hear anything, got it?”

The two bodyguards burst out laughing. “Haha! Sorry, we couldn’t help it…”

The little assistant covered his face in embarrassment. Sorry, boss, I did my best.


I feel like the author’s writing is a bit naive?? It’s taking me back to my Wattpad days. I know the story is meant to be a feel-good light read but the emotional depth of the characters is a bit superficial. Take this confession for example, it doesn’t give me that heart-fluttering feeling. Sorry didn’t mean to ruin the moment for anyone but that’s how I feel. 

On another note, they’re finally together aaaahhh! It was a long journey but we persevered and made it through! Give it up for President Yu for reeling in the little koi fish Lian Qing and our resident loud-mouth matchmaker Tiny Monk for speeding up the process!


Certified member of the IIO(International Introverts Organization), PhD holder in Overthinking and Ghosting, Spokesperson for BOBAH(Benefits of Being a Homebody), Founder of SFA(Salted Fish Association), Brand Ambassador for Couch Potato fall line Pajama set.

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