Fallen Into A Warm Bed
Fallen Into A Warm Bed chapter 14

“Grandpa is Daddy’s father, Grandma is Mommy’s mother…”

Standing at the entrance of the suburban superstore, Xie Dongcheng felt like his ears were going deaf.

He pointed to the brightly colored and grotesque tricycles in front of him, “You’re not thinking of buying me one of these, are you?”

Yu Zi crossed his arms. “I dare to buy it, do you dare to drive it?”

“Then what kind of car are we buying?” Xie Dongcheng pondered. With their limited funds, how could they afford a car? Besides, who would want to buy a car in a place like this?

Yu Zi pointed his finger to the end of the supermarket, at the corner, where a brightly lit large storefront stood.

“Let’s go.”

Xie Dongcheng looked up and saw a huge sign hanging above, with big characters written on it: Electric Vehicle Supermarket.

However, when Yu Zi walked into the store and looked around after a full circle, he realized that things weren’t as simple as he had imagined.

After a lot of calculation, the two of them had brought fifteen hundred yuan with them. However, even the slightly decent electric cars here cost two to three thousand yuan.

Seeing them hesitating, a salesperson asked, “Um, do you two have any concerns?”

Yu Zi kept a straight face. Although they were almost out of options, he still felt a bit embarrassed in front of others.

Xie Dongcheng didn’t care and asked directly, “Do you have anything cheaper?”

The salesperson hesitated for a moment, then replied, “Ah, well, there is one more. But we’re afraid you two might not like it.”

Xie Dongcheng wasn’t concerned about whether they liked it or not, only the price mattered. “How much is it?”

The salesperson answered, “One thousand four hundred. It’s in the warehouse behind us.”

Xie Dongcheng nodded quickly. “Bring it out for us to see.”

Five minutes later, Yu Zi and Xie Dongcheng stood with their arms crossed, staring at the pink-gradient electric scooter in front of them, lost in thought.

There was a Hello Kitty cat head printed on the seat. The cat with a bowtie had no mouth and stared at them straight.

But this car wasn’t completely without its advantages, such as having a large basket in the front and back, perfect for carrying goods.

The three of them looked at each other, and the air became somewhat silent.

Yu Zi coughed twice and spoke, “Eight hundred, if you can sell it to us for eight hundred, we’ll take it.”

The salesperson had a face as if struck by lightning, “No, handsome, we’ll lose money at eight hundred.”

Yu Zi remained expressionless, repeating, “Eight hundred.”

Xie Dongcheng pulled his sleeve. Yu Zi didn’t budge.

“How about this, let’s each compromise, one thousand, okay?” The salesperson gritted his teeth and gave the final bottom line.

Yu Zi sneered and repeated, “Eight hundred, can you do it?”

“Really can’t. My boss will kill me if it’s eight hundred.”

Yu Zi sighed and turned to grab Xie Dongcheng’s wrist. “Let’s go.”

With that, he pulled Xie Dongcheng towards the door.

Yu Zi didn’t walk too fast, muttering to himself, “Five, four, three, two…”

“Alright, alright, eight hundred it is. We’ll take the loss for you.”

Xie Dongcheng looked at Yu Zi in shock. Could he really negotiate like that?!

As the salesperson issued the invoice, he muttered to himself, “Really losing money, losing so much.”

Yu Zi acted as if he didn’t hear and asked, “Is there a warranty in case of problems? How long is the warranty period?”

“You can rest assured. As long as it’s not water damage or collision, come to me if there are any problems within a year.” The salesperson tore off a receipt and handed it to Yu Zi.

Ten minutes later, Xie Dongcheng pushed the gradually changing pink Hello Kitty electric tricycle out.

Yu Zi followed behind with his hands in his pockets.

The first step to making money, transportation was obtained.

After walking for not even two minutes, before reaching the main road, Xie Dongcheng suddenly stopped.

Yu Zi didn’t stop in time and almost bumped into him.

“What are you looking at?” Yu Zi saw him peeking to the left and followed his gaze.

In the center of the mall was a huge showroom with a jet-black motorcycle parked in the middle.

Sharp in design, it looked like a beautiful mech.

Xie Dongcheng was somewhat stunned, standing still for half a minute without moving.

“Do you like this?”

Xie Dongcheng nodded suddenly, “It’s so cool. When I have money in the future, I want to buy one.”

Yu Zi knew some rich kids in the past who played with motorcycles. But he wasn’t interested. The thing was made of metal, and if you hit something, you’d disintegrate. It just didn’t feel safe enough.

But he still asked, “How much does one of these cost?”

“This one is about thirty to forty thousand.” Xie Dongcheng kept walking forward, but his eyes were still drawn to the black motorcycle.

Thirty to forty thousand. Yu Zi thought it wasn’t expensive. It’s just that he couldn’t afford it right now.

Finally reaching the main road, Xie Dongcheng straddled the bike and turned to ask Yu Zi, who was standing behind him, “Where are we going now?”

The store provided two helmets with the bike. Xie Dongcheng put on the blue one and handed the red one to Yu Zi.

“To look for business,” Yu Zi mounted the back seat, grabbed the hem of Xie Dongcheng’s hoodie, “Let’s go!”

The Hello Kitty car maneuvered through the streets and alleys.

Half an hour later, Xie Dongcheng parked the bike in the parking lot of the imported supermarket.

Taking off his helmet, Xie Dongcheng looked at the bustling entrance ahead, still puzzled.

As they walked forward, he asked, “I still don’t understand, where does our profit come from?”

Yu Zi didn’t beat around the bush, “I’ve worked with their family before. Their family has major customer channels and can issue business memberships. As long as we meet his monthly spending quota, we can get a 30% discount on each transaction. The remaining 30% is our profit. And the business member’s points are double that of regular members, and points can be redeemed for cash. In other words, we can get a discount of 65 to 68% at the lowest.”

Xie Dongcheng suddenly realized, no wonder Yu Zi seemed so confident. “But, what about this business membership?”

Yu Zi opened his phone and found a contact from the address book, “This is the manager of their channel department. Originally, I… was a supplier for that hotel. I contacted him last night, and if things go smoothly today, we can get this membership qualification.”

At that moment, Xie Dongcheng felt like the man in front of him was two meters tall and shining brightly.

He finally understood why this morning, before they left, Yu Zi specifically reminded him to dress more decently.

It turns out they really came out to do business.

He glanced back. If they weren’t riding that Hello Kitty electric tricycle, it would be even better…

The two of them walked through the commercial building, taking several turns, and finally stopped at the door of a copper gate at the end of the corridor.

Knock, knock, knock—

Xie Dongcheng stood behind Yu Zi, watching him knock on the office door.

Soon, someone came to the door.

The one who opened the door was a middle-aged man about forty years old.

“Manager Tang, good morning,” Yu Zi extended his right hand courteously.

Manager Tang first glanced at Yu Zi, then shook hands with him.

“So, Master Yu, are you starting your own business now?” He didn’t beat around the bush and asked directly.

“It’s not exactly starting a business. Just busy with some small ventures, integrating some community resources.”

“Oh, it seems that the Yu family is indeed influential, and now you’re starting to get things moving.” Manager Tang pushed his thick glasses and revealed a somewhat ambiguous smile.

“Not really, not really. Just messing around on my own.” Yu Zi casually responded to his words.

Xie Dongcheng was bewildered by their conversation, as if he understood every word, but when they were put together, he didn’t know what they were talking about.

“Who’s this?” Manager Tang saw the tall and sturdy Xie Dongcheng standing behind Yu Zi through his glasses.

“He’s my assistant.” Yu Zi quickly reached out and patted his lower back quietly.

Xie Dongcheng quickly straightened his back and got into character, “Yes, yes, Manager Tang, hello.”

“Manager Tang, let’s not beat around the bush. The reason we’re here today is to apply for a commercial membership qualification through your side.”

Cough cough. Manager Tang picked up the teapot and took a sip of strong tea.

Yu Zi looked at his large yellow teeth, feeling a bit uncomfortable. He couldn’t help but rub his brow.

After Manager Tang swallowed the tea, he slowly looked up at him, “I see. Master Yu, the slots for commercial memberships released here this year are limited.”

Yu Zi cleared his throat, “Of course, we won’t waste your time. We’ll pay the regular membership fee and won’t cause you any trouble.”

Yu Zi made a Tai Chi move and ignored his challenge.

Manager Tang remained silent for a few seconds before saying, “However, our commercial members here have a monthly spending limit. If the minimum spending amount is not met, the membership qualification will be revoked next month.”

“That’s not a problem.” Yu Zi immediately continued, “We have over five hundred regular customers, so the limit is not an issue.”

Xie Dongcheng’s jaw almost dropped to the ground.

This guy can really talk. Where did they get over five hundred customers from? They only have a Hello Kitty following them now.

Yu Zi shot him a fierce look, and Xie Dongcheng quickly cleared his throat, controlling his expression.

Manager Tang calmly pulled out a business card from his desk, “Since you have said so, I can’t refuse your face. However, as I said earlier, if the spending limit is not met, the qualification will be revoked according to the rules. This is headquarters’ policy, and I can’t bend the rules for you.”

Yu Zi nodded and quickly took the business card, “Rest assured.”

Manager Tang pointed to the name on the card, “Just contact this person directly, follow the system process, and it will be done.”

Yu Zi’s expression remained tense until the moment they left. As the bronze door closed with a muffled sound, he suddenly punched Xie Dongcheng’s arm.

“It’s done.” Yu Zi breathed a sigh of relief, “Acting like a suck-up is really uncomfortable. When I was the client before, he didn’t have this attitude.”

It was Xie Dongcheng who wore a worried expression, “But, how do we deal with the minimum spending? I just looked at it, and we need to provide at least thirty thousand yuan worth of goods per month. We don’t have that much money, do we?”

Yu Zi pinched his cheek, “You’re so young, why are you so clueless? Don’t we have customers?”

Xie Dongcheng hurriedly touched his own face, “But, where did you get over five hundred customers? We don’t even have one now, do we?”

Yu Zi pushed Xie Dongcheng to the glass window at the end of the corridor.

The window faced the parking lot downstairs, with rows of cars lined up densely. People kept coming in and out, and the gate’s barrier kept moving up and down.

He pointed downstairs, “Customers, aren’t they all here?”

Xie Dongcheng was shocked, “But, do we just find them now?”

Xie Dongcheng didn’t expect this guy to not only have a flair for drama in life but also be so audacious when it comes to making money.

He walked back to the parking lot unsteadily and found the Hello Kitty electric scooter, ready to get on it. Then he saw Yu Zi take out a thin piece of paper from his pocket.

He tore off the adhesive from the back and stuck it on the front of the electric scooter with a snap.

Xie Dongcheng bent down to take a look, and there was a big letter “B” written on it.

He didn’t know when Yu Zi bought this sticker.

“What does this mean?” He looked up and asked Yu Zi.

“It’s for you, Bentley.”

Ceekay Kieran[Translator]

"I'm the ambiverted bookworm who's fluent in the language of books and borderline obsessed with translating the steamy secrets of BL tales 📚💕 You'll find me flipping pages faster than a pancake chef on a Sunday morning, all while I decode and dish out those steamy romantic escapades from one language to another. Call me the BL Babelfish or the Love Linguist—you pick! Just don't disturb my translation trance unless you're armed with snacks and witty banter. ✨" Let’s say I'm on a mission to spread the love—literally and literarily! 🌈✨"

1 comment
  1. Cocole has spoken 6 months ago

    I’m excited for them !!


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