Folding Moon
Folding Moon Chapter 12

Chapter 12

After not being home for several days, Yun Li opened the windows for some fresh air and started tidying up the house. When she checked the fridge, she found a few mangos left over from making Swiss rolls had gone bad after sitting there for so long.

The decision to visit Deng Chuqi’s home had been made in such a hurry that, even though they later went back to her place for a change of clothes, she hadn’t thought of checking the fridge at that time.

She took all the mangos out and placed them on the kitchen counter, staring at them. Just earlier, Fu Shizhe had inquired where she bought those Swiss rolls. Thinking about it, could it be that his sudden patience in offering advice was because of the Swiss rolls she made?

Originally, her main intention was to ask for his thoughts on her working at EAW.

However, no matter the reason, Yun Li’s once uneasy heart had finally found peace.

This incident at least proved that he didn’t dislike her, nor was he put off by the possibility of them working at the same company.

Every time she encountered Fu Shizhe, Yun Li’s emotions were a rollercoaster, yet not entirely in a negative sense.

She could be knocked down by one of his actions, feeling completely despondent.

Yet, she could be revived by a single word from him, regaining her spirit.

Like a can of soda that had lost its fizz, vigorously shaken to bring back thousands of bubbles, bursting forth with a fizz.

She found herself lost in thought, her expression blank for a long time before she suddenly smiled.

Snapping back to reality, she planned to throw away the mangos, grabbing a trash bag. Remembering Fu Shizhe’s last words, she paused, muttering “Suitable…” with each mango she tossed.

Suitable. Unsuitable. Suitable. And one more.

Dropping it into the bag without a blink, she repeated, “Suitable.”

Waiting for Xia Congsheng to send EAW’s HR contact via WeChat, Yun Li found to her surprise that the contact was already on her list – it was He Jiameng, to whom she had handed over work recently.

Opening her Moments, Yun Li saw that He Jiameng had indeed posted a few job ads recently, exactly matching Xia Congsheng’s info and fitting her technical field in R&D. Not being in the habit of checking Moments meant she hadn’t noticed before.

After much hesitation, Yun Li messaged her, “Jiameng, are you EAW’s HR?”

He Jiameng quickly replied, “No.”

He Jiameng added, “I’m the general manager’s secretary. HR has been rather busy lately, so I’ve been temporarily brought over to assist. However, my role is just sorting resumes and arranging interviews.”

He Jiameng asked, “What’s up?”

Switching gears, Yun Li was unsure how to proceed. She went back and forth before explaining herself simply.

Despite He Jiameng’s surprise, the reaction wasn’t too strong. After having Yun Li send her resume and asking a few questions, she soon informed Yun Li about her official interview time.

After getting through the process, He Jiameng left her with a mystery: “You might run into someone you are familiar with.”

He Jiameng concluded with, “See you then!”

Yun Li was a bit puzzled but didn’t inquire further.

Thinking back, she indeed had seen many staff members during her previous visit to EAW, so encountering someone she knew seemed logical. However, “someone familiar”, I don’t think there are any.

After interviewing with several companies, it wasn’t until the day of her EAW interview that Yun Li understood what that meant.

The “familiar person” referred not to “someone she knew well,” It means “fellow traveler.” Besides her, two other interviewees arrived during the same time slot, a man and a woman.

The woman was Du GeFei, who had unsuccessfully requested Fu Shizhe’s WeChat at a KTV before.

They were all placed in an office room to wait.

Recognizing Yun Li, Du GeFei initiated a greeting, “Hi, are you here for an interview too?”

Yun Li nodded uneasily.

Seeing this, the curious man asked, “Do you know each other?”

Du GeFei didn’t tell the truth; instead, she made up an excuse to pass over the situation.

Then, the two of them started chatting back and forth. The man tried to include Yun Li a few times, aiming to draw her into the conversation. Noticing her lack of interest, he eventually gave up.

Later, Du GeFei jokingly said, “The other person doesn’t want to bother with you, leave her alone.”


From the day she confirmed her interview time, Yun Li scoured the internet daily for potential interview questions and sought advice from Deng Chuqi, which left her in a state of persistent anxiety.

Every time she faced such a situation, Yun Li reacted the same way.

After accepting an invite to check out EAW, she had been through a similar period of nervousness.

Yun Li was never great with impromptu reactions, and under the scrutiny of strangers, it was even worse. Often, she couldn’t think on her feet, forgetting answers to very simple questions at the moment.

She ranked at the bottom during her postgraduate reexamination, which is why many people found her difficult to deal with upon first meeting her.

She wasn’t good at small talk with strangers and coupled with her sharp features, she could come across as unapproachable when she’s calm. Her curt and seemingly dismissive replies made her seem aloof.

Yun Li bowed her head, not offering any explanations.

But discouraged by this remark, the courage she mustered deflated a little more.

She began to retreat, seemingly without cause.

Assigned as the last candidate, Yun Li faced the interviewer, a woman in her thirties named Fang Yuning. With her neat bob haircut and thin-rimmed glasses, and a natural down-turned mouth, she looked efficient and aura of unspoken authority.

However, the fact that only one person was interviewing her lessened Yun Li’s nervousness.

When she went for her reexamination at Nanwu Institute of Technology University, five or six professors were seated before her. The sight alone had emptied her thoughts, leaving her with the sole impression that the trip had been in vain.

The interview lasted roughly twenty minutes.

Fang Yuning nodded and organized her documents. “That’ll be all, do you have any questions for me?”

Yun Li recalled researching this moment—advice stated she shouldn’t say “no questions” or ask something too complex for the interviewer.

Yun Li pretended to ponder, then asked a few straightforward and official questions.

After the interview concluded, Fang Yuning said the results of the second round would be announced within three days and asked Yun Li to await notification.

Despite this, Yun Li did not relax; she still felt burdened, murmuring her thanks before leaving.

Outside, she walked down the hallway and saw He Jiameng laughing and talking with colleagues. Noticing Yun Li’s departure, He Jiameng called out, “Done already?”

Yun Li nodded.

He Jiameng was curious, “I see from your resume you’ve just started your graduate studies, what brings you to work at EAW so suddenly?”

Yun Li deliberated before answering slowly, “Well… our supervisor is hands-off with us. We don’t have as many classes as postgrads.”

Days before starting school, her senior classmates warned her about their lab’s lax environment, hinting that survival depended on seeking guidance from other mentors or attending other group meetings.

Yun Li felt having passed the reexamination to enter Nanwu University had exhausted her luck. The thought of having to network with other supervisors and shamelessly participate in other groups was daunting.

She told herself to do it, but in action, it was always delays and repeated emails to her supervisor, hoping to awaken the conscience and professional ethics within him.

More than a month after the term began, she had seen her supervisor Zhang Tianqi—who once shook the academic and industrial worlds—only once, and that was two weeks into the term.

After sending unanswered emails to Zhang Tianqi, he invited her to his lab to discuss her progress.

Yun Li thought her persistence had paid off and prepared a research proposal to present to him.

But Zhang Tianqi’s office, labeled as a lab, had been turned into a lounge for relaxation and entertainment.

Immaculately clean, the shelves were stocked with pens, ink, papers, and inkstones, and the desk displayed various calligraphy and paintings. Only a small corner housed a laptop to maintain outside communication.

Zhang Tianqi took just five seconds to glance at Yun Li’s research proposal before praising it and then cutting to the chase, “You’re quite a capable young lady. I have a friend in Cambridge; perhaps you could stay at his lab?”

Yun Li was surprised by this opportunity, knowing some postgraduates spent half a year abroad before returning. She showed a grateful smile but fretted over Zhang Tianqi finding half a year too lengthy.

“Professor, I’ll apply for an exchange with the department. I’ve heard we can go for six months, not sure if you would agree…”

“Half a year?” Zhang Tianqi interrupted, confused, “Why not stay for the full three years?”

Three years?

Yun Li’s mind went blank, leaving only her lips moving, “Oh, then what about my thesis here…”

Zhang Tianqi interrupted, “You’ll write papers there. Translate them into Chinese, that’s your thesis here.”

Yun Li’s smile froze, “What about my research topic then?”

Zhang Tianqi replied nonchalantly, “Oh, just discuss it with Cambridge, no need to let me know.”

Yun Li was left speechless.

It all seemed so unreliable. Zhang Tianqi himself seemed to have forgotten about it as he never reached out to her again.

When she enrolled, seeing the supervisor’s pleasant demeanor, Yun Li hadn’t expected such a pitfall. While her classmates settled into their routines, she was left adrift, fretting daily.

Left with no choice but to heed her seniors’ advice, she decided to start an internship earlier.

Snapping back from her memories, Yun Li added a reason she had thought of beforehand, “Also, my self-discipline isn’t great. My schedule gets all mixed up when making videos. Finding an internship could help make my life more structured.”

“Oh,” He Jiameng said, understanding, and then started to gossip, “Did Du GeFei say anything to you just now inside?”

“No,” Yun Li replied.

“Some time ago, she somehow found out that Fu Shizhe works here and directly approached my boss, wanting to interview,” He Jiameng complained, “Her interviewing had ulterior motives, so my boss dumped the problem on me. But I couldn’t just refuse her an interview.”

Yun Li exclaimed in surprise.

“She asked where Fu Shizhe was as she was leaving. I said I didn’t know,” He Jiameng continued, “Then she asked if he didn’t come to work today? I said he did. And then she left.”

Yun Li glanced around, indeed not seeing Fu Shizhe. Feeling awkward not saying anything, she forced out, “Sounds like she came here to supervise work.”

He Jiameng laughed, “Now that you mention it, it does seem like it.”

Not wanting to stay longer, Yun Li used work as an excuse to leave and bid farewell. Just as she stepped out and took out her phone, it rang.

It was a call from her mom, Yang Fang.

In a secluded corner on the basement floor, Yun Li answered, “Mom.”

A few days ago, when Yun Li mentioned her interview today during a call home, it was expected that Yang Fang would call to ask how it went.

Yun Li sounded despondent, “It didn’t seem to go well, I’m not sure.”

“It’s alright, these are all experiences you accumulate in society. No matter the outcome, it’s beneficial for you,” Yang Fang consoled.

Before Yun Li could respond, Yun YongChang’s voice suddenly came through, “This kid has always been introverted, can’t even speak properly to strangers, and insisted on going so far to Nanwu alone for fun, right? Regretting it now?”

Yun Li was stung by those words.

A surge of anger rose within her.

Somewhere along the line, being introverted had become pejorative.

A perfectly normal trait, yet when others mentioned it, it seemed to imply she was unsociable, inarticulate, aloof, and an outcast. Yun Li resisted this label, unable to peacefully accept it as just a perceived flaw.

Yun YongChang’s attitude was his usual approach. He was stubborn to a fault, admitting his mistakes was harder than scaling the heavens, whether to his wife or children. His words, seemingly a reprimand for Yun Li, were a way to make her back down.

Usually, Yun Li wouldn’t argue for long and would relent.

But not this time.

Yun Li tried to remain calm, “Well, it’s not a big deal. If this company doesn’t want me, I’ll just apply to the next one.”

Yun YongChang’s tone became harsher, “What are you saying? Think you’re too good for Xifeng now?”

Yun Li replied, “I didn’t say that.”

Yun YongChang demanded, “Then book a ticket back here now!”

Yun Li refused, “I don’t want to.”

An impasse ensued.

After a moment, Yun YongChang said coldly, “Fine, if you don’t come back now, don’t bother coming back ever.”

Yun Li’s anger flared, “What’s wrong with studying and working in another city?”

Yun YongChang remained silent.

“I didn’t say I’d never go back. Every time I try to discuss it with you, when have you ever actually listened?” Yun Li’s voice trembled with emotion, tears welling, “What else can you say besides this?”

Then, Yang Fang’s voice came in, trying to mediate, “Why do you two always start arguing…”

Yun Li covered her eyes with the back of her hand, hastily said, “I’m going to eat,” and hung up.

After calming down, Yun Li took out a compact powder from her bag to touch up her makeup and then put on a face mask. Only when she was certain her emotions weren’t visible did she return to the ground floor via the fire exit?

Directly outside this door was the entrance to EAW.

Casting a casual glance in that direction, Yun Li saw Fu Shizhe and Du GeFei standing by, talking about something. With her mood at its nadir, she did not incline to worry about anything else and turned to head towards the exit.

At that moment, Du GeFei suddenly called out, “Yun Li! Where are you going? Why don’t you come over?”

Yun Li was puzzled, “What?”

“Didn’t you just ask me to get this guy’s WeChat for you?” Du GeFei came over, arm in arm, feigning intimacy, “He thought I was the one interested, which was quite embarrassing.”


Yun Li understood.

Being unable to get his WeChat herself made Du GeFei want to shift the embarrassment onto her.

Before Yun Li could speak up, Fu Shizhe asked quietly, “You want it?”

Yun Li looked at him following the question.

Today, Fu Shizhe was wearing a light-colored shirt and black dress pants, a work card dangling from his chest. He seemed to have just finished fixing something, his hands dusted with a bit of dirt and carrying a toolbox.

He stood there quietly, waiting for her answer.

Du GeFei hurriedly spoke for her, “Yeah, she’s just too embarrassed to say it.”

Fu Shizhe glanced down, pondering without further action. After a few seconds, he met her eyes again, casually asking, “Didn’t I give it to you already?”


Thank you very much for reading my translations.

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