Folding Moon
Folding Moon Chapter 35

Chapter 35

After work, Yun Li arrived home to find everything as she left it, yet it all seemed different. She tossed her bag onto the sofa, where the cardboard drone she had assembled a few days ago still sat on the coffee table.

It probably wouldn’t be given away now.

Made of cardboard, it was too fragile for a box and took up too much space on the table. Yun Li weighed it in her hands for a long time.

She couldn’t bring herself to throw it away.

She found a higher shelf, cleared a spot, and placed it there. Out of sight, out of mind.

Sitting in front of the computer with swollen eyes, Yun Li scrolled through the comments on today’s released EAW promotional clip. Most were about booking a visit to the EAW experience hall.

The purpose of the dynamic promo had been achieved, but Yun Li felt terrible.

Reading through the love-filled comments from fans, mostly saying “Wife is so awesome” and “Wife is a tech guru,” Yun Li swiftly passed a blank avatar with a name made of a few letters that simply wrote, “Looks good.” The comment was quickly buried by new ones.

For three days, Yun Li moped and found it hard to sleep.

She attended classes as usual, often picking up her phone, but the WeChat interface she used to frequent was now inaccessible.

Fu Zhengchu even tried inviting her to play King’s Glory, planning to get Fu Shizhe to join them for a trio match. Fu Zhengchu was so eager to help, but Yun Li, lacking the courage to tell him she had already been defeated, made up an excuse to decline.

Since that encounter downstairs, she hadn’t seen Fu Shizhe.

The two of them were like parallel lines that no longer intersected. Even now, with her one-sided surrender, Fu Shizhe might still be unaware.

She felt invisible.

On Tuesday morning, Yun Li lay in bed, not wanting to get up.

She felt that going to EAW again was a challenge to overcome. One of the reasons she originally took the internship was gone, and if she saw Fu Shizhe at EAW again, Yun Li couldn’t imagine her reaction.

After struggling for a while, Yun Li got up with dark circles under her eyes and brushed her teeth. She had been mentally preparing herself for three days—not to give up on her first internship because of a failed romance.

When she got to the company, Yun Li, as usual, took her bread and milk to the break room for breakfast. She had just sat down when she heard some movement from the sofa behind her.

Yun Li tensed up, looked up, and saw Fu Shizhe approaching. How many days had it been since she last saw him? Six, seven, eight?

Yun Li couldn’t remember.

Fu Shizhe looked like he was lacking sleep too, appearing listless.

He stopped in front of the coffee machine, the sound of beans being ground filling the space, then Yun Li heard him ask.

“Do you want some coffee?”

Checking that no one else was around, Fu Shizhe could only be asking her.

Yun Li looked down, “No, thanks.”

She had imagined this scenario many times, but now that she was asked, she felt at a loss. Yun Li picked up her unfinished milk and hurriedly left.

At that moment, Yun Li acted as if Fu Shizhe was a flood or a wild beast. He turned his head, his expression puzzled.

Fu Shizhe thought back to a few days ago.

After taking Yun Li back to Qilixiang Community that night, it was three in the morning by the time he drove back to Jiangnan Garden.

Before going to bed, Fu Shizhe turned his phone’s ringtone to the loudest setting, not wanting to miss a call from Yun Li in the morning, but when he woke up, it was already Saturday noon.

He quickly thawed two sandwiches and sat on the balcony, reading the comments under each of Yun Li’s videos again.

As dusk fell, Fu Shizhe realized that Yun Li hadn’t reached out to him all day.

He took a bottle of ice water from the fridge, and glanced at the time—5:30. He drank half the bottle, the cold bringing back a bit of sanity, but it didn’t calm the restlessness in his heart.

He wanted to see her.

Before leaving the house, Fu Shizhe spotted the scarf on the sofa, picked it up, and seriously wrapped it around his neck twice in front of the mirror.

He drove to Haitian Commerce and bought some small cakes.

When he got to her building, Fu Shizhe made two calls, but Yun Li didn’t answer.

He had nothing else to do, so he waited.

In the shadows, Fu Shizhe saw Yun Li get out of the car, her light makeup on, wearing a green dress that swayed as she moved.

Yin Yucheng had driven her back.

The two were prominent figures in their respective schools and had some interactions.

Yin Yucheng made a point of getting out of the car to open the door for Yun Li. After returning to the car, there was another figure in the back seat, and Yin Yucheng only rolled down the passenger window, his gaze lingering on Yun Li for several seconds.

They were both men.

The intentions behind such actions didn’t need to be spelled out.

Fu Shizhe was momentarily confused.

He looked down at the cigarette between his fingers; the wound in his palm had already scarred over. Recalling that he hadn’t had many sober days in the past year and a half, he quickly regained his senses.

—His presence might be a violation of her.

But someone was more irrational than him.

The next day, a notification popped up for an update from Miss Lazy Cloud. The content was about making a cardboard drone, and at the end of the video, she said—she was giving it to someone important.

For some reason, he breathed a sigh of relief.

He had given up on himself, but others hadn’t given up on him.

And he realized he didn’t want her to give up either.

He had planned to stay at EAW from morning till night, but with a family elder falling ill, Fu Shizhe spent a few days by the bedside. When Xu QingSong came to visit, they chatted in the hallway.

After learning about some places to eat from Xu QingSong, before leaving, Fu Shizhe asked him, “Is there anything on my desk?”

Xu QingSong replied, “I glanced before leaving, just some books and a computer.”

Fu Shizhe fell silent.

Back in reality, Yun Li’s demeanor was resistant as she made her way to the door. Fu Shizhe, head bowed, repetitively tapped the handle of his cup with his index finger.

“That drone, wasn’t it for me?”

Yun Li paused in place, not turning around, “No, it wasn’t.”

Seeing Fu Shizhe didn’t speak further, she closed the door behind her.

Back at her desk, Yun Li placed the milk on the table, staring blankly at the text on it. She had only wanted to escape the break room, and it was only afterward that she realized her chest felt as if it was blocked by a large stone.

She closed her eyes.

Perhaps because she was the one who pursued from the beginning and then gave up, Yun Li felt as if she was performing a solo act. It sounded like Fu Shizhe had watched her video and even thought she was going to give the drone to him, just as Yun Li had imagined—

Fu Shizhe hadn’t noticed she had deleted him from WeChat.

Suddenly, Yun Li felt stifled. The whole process was about an unsuccessful confession, an unsuccessful pursuit, and even giving up was one-sided.

Yun Li wanted to message Fu Shizhe to tell him she had given up pursuing him and wished him happiness.

But she had already deleted Fu Shizhe.

At noon, Yun Li unexpectedly received a call from Yin Yucheng.

His voice was deep and gentle over the phone, “Hello, I’m Yin Yun’s brother, Yin Yucheng.”

Yun Li searched her memory for a moment before remembering he was Yun Ye’s classmate.

“Since Yin Yun is boarding at school, I’m the one who collects the mail sent to our home. I noticed she’s been sent postcards from her previous class, about two a week, for three months now.”

Yun Li didn’t quite understand, “Yin Yun seems quite popular.”

Yin Yucheng chuckled lightly, “Indeed. Although they’re all signed by Class 15 of Grade 2, I compared the handwriting and found it’s all the same.”

Yun Li, “Oh…”

Yin Yucheng, “Hmm, and it’s the same handwriting as on the gift box from before.”

Yun Li, “…”

Yin Yucheng, “We’re a bit worried about Yin Yun dating at this stage. I’m near Haitian Commerce, would it be convenient to meet and talk?”

After arranging a time with Yin Yucheng, Yun Li messaged Yun Ye, “Yun Ye, I’m utterly impressed with you!!!”

Yun Ye was in school at the time and probably couldn’t check his phone.

Yun Li couldn’t help but suspect that every time Yun Ye urged her to return home over the phone, it was to have her bring gifts to Yin Yun.

Meeting again at the same coffee shop, Yin Yucheng was already waiting when Yun Li arrived. He handed her the menu.

Yun Li, “No need, I have to return to work soon.”

Yin Yucheng closed the menu, “Which company are you interning at nearby?”

Yun Li, “EAW, the VR experience hall.”

Yin Yucheng, propping his chin, was about to ask more when Yun Li took the initiative, “Are you implying my brother and your sister are dating early?”

Apparently not expecting Yun Li to be so direct, he smiled and took out a stack of postcards from his briefcase. They were mostly simple kraft paper cards, mixed with a few commemorative postcards from XiFu Experimental High School.

“Our family is quite strict with Yin Yun. She’s only allowed to use a fitness tracker, which is probably why your brother resorted to sending postcards,” Yin Yucheng said, his tone suggesting he was watching a drama unfold, seemingly waiting for what would happen next.

“It might not be what you think…” Yun Li’s words trailed off as she saw the handwriting on the back of the postcards and fell silent.

The stack of about twenty postcards all featured familiar handwriting, but unlike his usual sloppy scribbles, the words on each postcard were neatly written.

Yun Li handed the postcards back, “What are you all thinking?”

She only glanced briefly, and Yin Yucheng seemed surprised, “Aren’t you going to read the content?”

Yun Li, “No, it seems like my brother wrote them. I don’t dare to sneak a look at his letters.”

Hearing her response, Yin Yucheng laughed, “Don’t dare?”

Yun Li was confused, not understanding what was wrong with her words.

Yin Yucheng looked at the youthful girl before him, not wanting to make things difficult, “I just came to confirm if it’s your brother’s handwriting, just to be sure.”

Yun Li, looking at the postcards with mixed feelings, asked, “Did Yin Yun agree to you bringing these out?”

“Yin Yun is quite naive; she probably just thinks these are from her original class.”

Yun Li understood his words; Yun Ye’s affection was unrequited, and now they were worried it might affect Yin Yun’s studies.

This was the first time Yun Li had to deal with such a matter for Yun Ye. She spoke apologetically, “Then I’ll talk to Yun Ye when I get back.”

After thinking for a while, Yin Yucheng added, “We haven’t decided yet. If it doesn’t affect her studies, we actually don’t plan to interfere. If there’s any news from your side, just give me a call.”

Yin Yucheng again invited Yun Li to stay for a meal, but she declined. After some thought, she couldn’t help but ask, “Can I ask you something?”

Yin Yucheng, “Go ahead.”

Yun Li, “Will Yin Yun reply to Yun Ye’s letters?”

Yin Yucheng pondered for a moment, “I don’t think so. As far as I know, she doesn’t have pocket money to buy them.”

Yun Li, “Oh…”

Recalling Yun Ye’s restless daily life, either studying or playing games, still an unrefined teenager.

Yet he persisted for three months, sending letters without any response.

Yun Li couldn’t help but feel a strong sympathy for Yun Ye, putting herself in his shoes.

Yin Yucheng put on his coat and followed her, politely saying, “Let me walk you to your company’s entrance. I can also learn about Yun Ye’s sister’s workplace.”

Yun Li was about to refuse when Yin Yucheng, voice rising in a half-joking manner, said, “Who knows, we might become family in the future.”

Yun Li, “…”

Throughout the journey, the two didn’t exchange a word. Yin Yucheng glanced at the girl beside him, who seemed not too adept at interacting with strangers, and he could distinctly sense her discomfort.

Upon reaching the entrance of EAW, Yin Yucheng didn’t go inside but smiled at her and said, “Don’t be too nervous about this. We’ll communicate further if there’s any news.”

Yun Li nodded and turned to swipe her card, and the glass door reflected Yin Yucheng’s figure; he hadn’t left yet. She pretended not to see and headed straight back to the break room, her head down.

It was now twelve forty-five, and her boxed lunch was still there. The break room was empty, the lunch box in a thermal bag on the table, with two boxes left, the soup leaking into the bag.

The door hadn’t fully closed before someone behind it stopped it. Fu Shizhe pushed the door open and stood beside her, Yun Li catching a glimpse of his shoe tips and trouser legs in her field of vision.

Yun Li just wanted to grab her lunch box and leave immediately, but the person next to her moved, gently pushing away the hand she had just stretched out.

“Don’t get your hands dirty.”

Fu Shizhe used a napkin to clean the soup on the edges of the lunch boxes, then took both out and placed them in the microwave to heat up.

The air conditioning was set to thirty degrees, making the room stuffy and hot. He opened half a window, and after the cold air mixed in, Yun Li finally felt her breathing ease a bit.

A familiar figure moved in front of her, yet her legs felt glued to the spot, unable to move.

With a ding, Fu Shizhe opened the microwave, placed two napkins underneath, and set the two lunch boxes side by side on the table, opening each one and then also unwrapping the chopsticks.

He pulled out a chair and then looked up at the person standing still.

“Sit here?”


Thank you very much for reading my translations.

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