God-level Lucky Star
God-level Lucky Star Chapter 6

  Wang Hao’s eyes widened.

  Ascending to the Supreme? The most powerful god on Feng Chinese now seemed to be that Wen Dao, right? He didn’t know how good this guy was, but his tone was very arrogant…

  ”En, then we really have to do it well.” Manager Liu looked completely different from when he was with Wang Hao.” Are you free this afternoon?” he asked with a smile. Let’s eat together? Our company values your book very much. It would be best if we could cooperate and adapt it.”

  Heaven Xiao’s eyes lit up when he heard Manager Liu mention this. He nodded immediately.” Sure, no problem. My treat.”

  ”Haha, I’m sorry to ask you to spend so much money.” “Shall we set off now?” Manager Liu immediately packed his things.

  ”Alright.” Heaven Xiao stood up and suddenly looked at Wang Hao, who was sitting on the chair.

  ” Oh, the interviewer. I forgot about him.” Manager Liu handed Wang Hao a notebook and said,” Leave your phone number and wait for news.”

  Are you ignoring me just like that? What happened to good luck?

  Wang Hao shrugged and took the notebook. There was a long list of names and phone numbers on it. It seemed that the competition for this position was fierce.

  However, it doesn’t matter. If you don’t leave me here, there will be a place for me to stay! At most, he would go elsewhere to take a look!

  Wang Hao wrote down his phone number and left. Heaven Xiao and Manager Liu walked out with their arms around each other’s shoulders. As they walked, Heaven Xiao asked,” What position did that person apply for?”

  Manager Liu replied,” Game planning assistant. Hehe. A person with no education or experience. He didn’t even bring his resume.”

  ”You graduated from a wild chicken university? No wonder.” Heaven Xiao didn’t even bother to look at Wang Hao. He smiled and said,” This is what happens when universities recruit students without restrictions. It’s the same as using fertilizers and ripening agents without restrictions. The quality is poor, but the quantity is huge. There’s a huge overstock.”

  ”Exactly.” Manager Liu nodded his head.

  Wang Hao, who wasn’t far from them, frowned.

  So what if it was a wild chicken university? Is it bothering you that we rely on our own hands to make a living?

  ” You’re so arrogant. Be careful not to get beaten up when you go out!” Wang Hao spat on his face. He was lucky today. Be careful of unexpected disasters!

  When it came to good luck, bad things didn’t work, but good things worked. Just as Wang Hao was thinking about this, he heard a thunderous roar not far away.” That kid is here!” Brothers, get him for me!”

  What the hell, what’s going on?

  Wang Hao turned around and saw four or five gangsters surrounding God Xiao Tian.

  The leader of the group was 1.82 meters tall. He had a buzz cut and a pair of earrings on his ears. He had a wolf head on his neck. He stood in front of Heaven Xiao and pushed him away. He scolded,” F * ck you! You seduced my wife! Huh?!”

  With such a good show on, a large group of people gathered around, and Wang Hao hurried over to watch.

  Speaking of which, am I that lucky today? He didn’t even need to do it himself?

  Who’s your wife?” Heaven Xiao was obviously a little confused. After all, although he was a god, he was just an otaku. He had never seen such a scene before. He said anxiously,” Brother, let’s talk this out. I haven’t been in contact with any woman recently!”

  ”You’re still f * cking pretending.” The leader went up and slapped him.” Blue T-shirt, black shorts, slippers, and a bag. It’s you!” brother, kill him!” After saying that, he didn’t even have time to react and went up to punch and kick.

  Wang Hao’s hair stood on end just by listening to the sound!

  Every punch hit the flesh! Aiyaya, look at this mess…

  Continue, don’t stop!

  After hitting and kicking a few more times, one of them suddenly looked at a place not far away. Then, he whispered,” Aiyo, f * ck, brother Wolf, we seem to have hit the wrong person. I just saw someone dressed like this over there…”

  ”Ah?” When brother Wolf heard this, he immediately rolled his eyes and patted Heaven Xiao’s shoulder with a smile.” I’m sorry. We’re filming an entertainment show. I thought you were pleasing to the eye, so I came over. brother, withdraw the film!”

  In the blink of an eye, they had all run away…

  Wang Hao’s jaw dropped.” What the f * ck? That works?!”

  Heaven Xiao sat on the ground in a daze. He was stunned for a while. When he came back to his senses, the other party had already run away. It was too late to call the police…

  ”How f * cking unlucky.” Heaven Xiao’s face was still swollen from the slap. He struggled to get up and patted the dust off his body.” What’s going on?” he asked gloomily.

  Wang Hao covered his mouth and left. When he reached a quiet place, he burst into laughter!

  Wahahahaha! Awesome!

  Looks like brother luck is invincible today!

  Aiya, he was in a good mood! Wang Hao hummed a song and continued to look for a suitable job. People were always in high spirits when they were happy. After looking for a few more booths, a booth named Bohuan Group Entertainment Co., Ltd. suddenly appeared in front of him. Wang Hao’s eyes lit up. This was it!

  brother’m invincible today, go! ” Hello,” Wang Hao said.” Is your company still hiring?”

  ”Hello,” The receptionist was a middle-aged man in his forties. He was dressed formally in a suit and tie. After hearing Wang Hao’s question, he looked Wang Hao up and down and said,” I’ve filled all the basic positions. There’s only one position left.”

  Only one position left? Hehe, luck has indeed come!

  ” What position?” Wang Hao asked quickly. Are the requirements high?”

  ”The requirements are not high. However, the salary is relatively low.” The middle-aged man wasn’t very friendly, but his face wasn’t cold either.” One of the lighting assistants in our company resigned because the salary was too low.” At present, this production team has already reached the final stage, so it will only take two months.”

  Lighting assistant sounded like a high-class position, but in fact, this position was just a temporary job.

  It was a useless position for others, but it was different for Wang Hao!

  Doing odd jobs! Temporary workers! Only two months!

  I am indeed invincible today! This job might be of little value to others, with low pay and short working hours, but this is simply tailor-made for me!


Thank you very much for reading my translations.

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