Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight
Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 26

“Sir, the two individuals you asked me to keep an eye on are planning to depart from the city gate.”

Koren reported to Richard, who sat in his chair. After their meeting with Lint, Richard had instructed him to keep track of the two. Although the Raindrop Society had been established for only a short period of time, its tendrils had already begun to extend throughout every aspect of Tie Mu City.

“Send these books over to them.”

Richard pointed at the collection of books resting on the table. The spines were uniformly black, and upon closer inspection, the titles Code of Laws of Tie Mu CityTie Mu City’s Reward and Punishment RegulationsTie Mu City Tax CodeTie Mu City Administrative Rules, and others could be discerned.

Without exception, each title was accompanied by a larger notice written in bold: As compiled by Richard.

Richard knew his own strengths and weaknesses. There were few things in Tie Mu City that could attract such a distinguished individual, but innovative administrative methods and concepts were likely to pique the interest of a wise man like Lint.

“Never mind, I’ll go myself,” Richard called out just as Korin lifted the books, leaving the latter momentarily confused.

Ignoring the bewildered Korin, Richard packed the books into a travel bag, mounted his horse, and rushed toward the city gate.

Since he intended to kiss up, he figured he might as well do it properly and go all the way. Richard called out, “Halt, halt!”

The donkey cart carrying Lint and Sander wasn’t going particularly fast, and Richard caught up with them shortly after crossing the city gates. Sander pulled the cart to a stop, while Lint looked out from the carriage, somewhat puzzled.

Richard rode up to the cart. “Allow me to re-introduce myself: I am Richard, son of Viscount Souter, Lord of Hunter.”

“Lint Lancelot.”

After exchanging pleasantries, both men smiled, though each had already known the other’s identity long before today.

“What brings Your Excellency here?”

“You are our honored guest from afar, and we have little of value to offer save for a few books.”

Richard handed over a few volumes from his saddlebag, which Sander accepted and passed to Lint. Lint perused the books with interest, flipping through their pages.

Those who possessed wisdom shared a common characteristic: they all loved reading. Regardless of the subject, anyone who read carefully could always glean something from each book.

Richard waited patiently as Lint took his time flipping through the volumes.

“You must read these carefully; haste makes waste,” Lint said, putting the books away.

“This is quite a generous gift.”

After a moment’s consideration, Lint said, “Sander, please give the Green Qi-Attracting Technique to Richard.”

“Young master, this?”

Sander hesitated, for the Green Qi-Attracting Technique had cost Lint’s forces a great deal to obtain. It was used by Lint’s most trusted subordinates for cultivation.

The Lancelot Family possessed the top-tier White Wolf Qi-Attracting Technique, but it was strictly controlled and could only be used by members of the Lancelot Family. Anyone who secretly taught it to outsiders, regardless of who they were, would be executed, as would the unauthorized cultivators.

It wasn’t that Lint didn’t want to share; he simply had no opportunity to come into contact with the technique himself due to his inability to cultivate. For the sake of his subordinates, he had nevertheless managed to obtain this first-rate energy-refinement technique.

The value of this technique lay in its rarity: the standard energy-refinement technique, which was generally accessible, could only be used to elevate a cultivator from a quasi-knight to a knight. The Green Qi-Attracting Technique, on the other hand, was second to none in its ability to provide opportunities for advancement beyond a knight.

As Lint’s trusted subordinate, Sander understood the value of the Green Qi-Attracting Technique, and thus hesitated.

“Here, Archduke Richard, give it to him. The book we received from you is far more valuable.”

Sander begrudgingly handed the Green Qi-Attracting Technique to Richard.

“There’s no need for Archduke Richard to give us anything else, we can continue our conversation when you next visit Drifting Snow City.”

With that, Lint returned to the cart, and Sander left without a second word, even spurring the mule on with a bit of extra vigor.

Parting with the Green Qi-Attracting Technique left Sander’s heart aching, dreading the possibility that Richard might ask for more favors.

“Young master, I feel awful for giving away the Green Qi-Attracting Technique.”

Even after they’d been traveling for some time, Sander still felt pained.

“The books he gave us are no less valuable than the Green Qi-Attracting Technique, and in the hands of the right people, they could prove hundreds of times more useful.”

“What a pity…”

As Lint looked out the window at the farmers busy at work, he admired their spirit, despite their obvious poverty and shabby attire.

“If only these ideas could be implemented throughout the northern lands…”

He shook his head, knowing great ships were difficult to turn around. He dared not commit such treason.

Archduke Richard stood in place, watching the carriage carrying the two men disappear into the distance.

His decision to send these books was not a spontaneous one. These texts had been compiled by standing on the shoulders of countless scholars of Bluestar, and he understood better than anyone else the preciousness of this knowledge in an era like his.

However, with regard to these kinds of administrative texts, if someone truly wanted to understand them, they could, given enough time and effort.

Hunter’s territory was originally remote and unremarkable, but now that it had attracted the attention of people like Lint, it was only a matter of time before others sought to learn about it. Thus, it made sense to be magnanimous.

This round of flattery had been executed with grace and elegance, and it just so happened to tickle the itch of a man like Lint, who valued intellect. In exchange, Richard acquired the most advanced energy-refinement technique he had been lacking, making the effort worthwhile.

Once the carriage disappeared completely, a satisfied Richard turned his horse around and sped back toward Tie Mu City.

As soon as Richard returned to the city, he eagerly delved into this newly acquired Green Qi-Attracting Technique. With his hero template, he quickly mastered it, and a more powerful stream of warm energy coursed through his body.

The standard Intermediate Qi-Attracting Technique vanished from his character sheet, replaced by a beginner-level Green Qi-Attracting Technique, along with a slight increase in his Strength stat.

Most importantly, Richard could distinctly sense that his energy reserves had expanded, and he was no longer the five-second man who exhausted his energy after a couple of swings. His stamina had increased significantly.

Then Richard turned to the day’s work.

Recently, Tie Mu City’s Flying Bear Army had been reorganizing and training, and Richard had spared no effort overseeing every aspect of it, from iron mining to weapon forging. Only the fourth son of the Lancelot Family had merited a whole morning’s delay.

Having benefited greatly from this, Richard secretly resolved to cling firmly to this thigh.


Thank you very much for reading my translations.

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