Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight
Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 33

Never mind the crisis looming beneath the prosperous surface of Gold Dragon City, the northern lands were already on edge preparing for the incoming tribe of cannibals.

The spring planting season had not yet ended, and with the Flying Bear Army already swelling to nearly two thousand men, the quality of the system-soldiers had also seen a significant boost. Richard did not mobilize any more peasant soldiers.

Large-scale mobilization of the young and able-bodied from the territories to fight wars was akin to fighting with seven broken bones, as it greatly impacted the normal operation of the territories’ production. Unless as a last resort, Richard would never mobilize the peasant soldiers during the planting season.

At present, the Flying Bear Army, nearing two thousand strong, had long since made preparations to depart. Richard shared Lint’s idea: if the cannibals attacked, they would defend their territory from beyond its borders; they would not allow the cannibals to ravage their lands unchecked.

“Report, Master Richard, an urgent letter from Flooding Snow City.”

It seemed as though Corin had been waiting for Richard at Tie Mu Fort this whole time.

As soon as he finished inspecting the camp and returned to Tie Mu Fort, Richard received a letter from Yusi.

When Richard opened the envelope, he found two letters inside. The first was a report from Yusi Du, containing good news: thanks to her efforts, Richard’s father, Viscount Souter, had successfully been appointed commander of the Sixth War Zone. The official decree was on its way, and Viscount Souter would soon be the undisputed master of several territories in the region.

The second letter was quite interesting indeed. It contained only one line: “You owe me a favor.” Lint’s signature appeared at the bottom. The appointment of his father as commander had come through smoothly, and this was undoubtedly thanks to Lint’s intervention.

Richard smiled faintly. In these times, those who owed money were the true masters; only someone valuable could owe him a favor. He had chosen the right person to align himself with.

“Corin, once the official decree arrives, invite Viscount Naide and the three other barons to Tie Mu Fort to discuss matters in the name of the newly appointed commander of the Sixth War Zone.”

“Yes, sir.”

If Richard couldn’t use this flimsy command arrow like a gold-plated token of authority, he might as well reverse his name and start spelling it backwards. Exploiting this position for all it was worth was more in line with Richard’s character.

Aside from the strongest faction, the Hunter family, the Sixth War Zone included three baronies and one viscount’s estate. The three baronies were of relatively average strength, each relying on a single knight and a handful of quasi-knights to maintain order within their territories. The Viscount Nade estate, however, was somewhat stronger; the Nade family boasted two knights, over fifty quasi-knights, and overall strength slightly greater than that of the former House of Wil.

The Nade family had been a strong competitor for the position of Sixth War Zone commander, but before they could make any moves, Lint’s devastating blow struck, leaving them reeling.

The four noble estates all bordered the Wilderness, situated in the transitional zone between the ironwood forest and the wilderness proper. It was unlikely that the area would become the primary target of a demonic invasion, but it was necessary to guard against demonic tribes launching raids and causing havoc as part of a secondary force.

Thus, a Sixth War Zone was established to coordinate and direct military operations. Of course, Richard’s ambitions extended far beyond mere coordination.

The next day, the heralds sent from Flooding Snow City arrived at Tie Mu City to formally announce Richard’s appointment, and the other noble families received the news as well.

In the first days of the new arrangement, Sixth War Zone Commander Richard issued invitations to the other noble families, requesting their presence at Tie Mu City for a meeting.

In Nade Castle, Viscount Nade gathered his clan to discuss the matter of Richard’s promotion to commander of the Sixth War Zone and the invitation extended by the Hunter family to visit Tie Mu City.

The bright and spacious great hall was filled with disgruntled members of the Nade family.

“Our Nade family has a legacy spanning centuries. When we were driving away the cannibals, the Hunter family were still hunters in the ironwood forest. How can they claim this title?”

“That’s right, our family’s legacy is far greater than theirs. The Hunter family aren’t even fit to shine our shoes.”

“We don’t know what underhanded means the Hunter family employed, but Flooding Snow City’s decision is unacceptable.”

In the battle of the Little Ling River, the Hunter family had annihilated the House of Wil, demonstrating their formidable strength. They had at least three knights, and their capabilities were undoubtedly at the highest level for viscount families.

No one from the Nade family dared question the Hunter family’s strength, so they could only make a fuss about tradition.

Viscount Nade, sitting in the head seat, slammed his hands on the table. “Enough. Whichever commander Flooding Snow City decides upon is their decision, not ours, and we mustn’t give them the impression that we’re dissatisfied with them.”

“Now, let’s get back to the matter at hand. The Hunter family invited us to send delegates to Tie Mu City. What are everyone’s thoughts?”

“We can send a representative. Why does Dage need to go?”

The speaker was a quasi-knight of a lesser branch of the Nade family. By suggesting that Viscount Nade personally attend, he meant to convey that sending a representative would suffice both to give face to Flooding Snow City’s command and to show the Hunter family the Nade family’s stance.

“No, I think this time, my brother and I should go together. We should bring the clan’s elite forces and fight for a greater voice in the negotiations. Otherwise, we’ll be too passive.”

“Mm, the youngest has a point. The Hunter family wants me to go personally, so this time, my brother and I will go together, and we’ll bring a group of quasi-knight trainees as well, and give them plenty of face.”

Viscount Nade’s words were also filled with indignation, but he didn’t dare express his discontent with Flooding Snow City directly, only venting his frustrations on the Hunter family.

The Hunter family may have three knights, but two knights are no decoration for my clan. If we’re talking about quasi-knight trainees, the Nade family has no shortage of them either. Don’t think you can bully me with Flooding Snow City’s prestige.

“All right, notify everyone to get ready. We depart at first light tomorrow.”

The Nade family only had two knights, Viscount Nade and the youngest son of the house. When these two reached an agreement, the decision was made.

Compared to the Nade family’s considerations, the other three noble families’ intentions were much simpler. After receiving the letter, they entertained the messenger well, then prepared to depart for Tie Mu City with their retinues.

Inside Tie Mu Fort, the territory’s lord, Viscount Souter, was unusually absent from his hunting party. Instead, he dressed formally in his finest attire, pacing back and forth before the mirror. 

Today, Richard had summoned several noble families for a meeting, and as Sott had become the Sixth War Zone’s de facto commander, he was obligated to make an appearance.

Richard had already received the lords of three noble families within the city, and only the Nade family had yet to arrive. The appointed time was quickly approaching, and although the three barons in the assembly maintained their smiles, their expressions were subtly shifting.

No one was a fool; the Nade family’s intentions were easily guessed.

Richard was well aware that the Nade family intended to make a show of force, but he would ensure that they understood how laughable such childish behavior appeared before absolute power.


Thank you very much for reading my translations.

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