How Can My Wife Be So Adorable?
How Can My Wife Be So Adorable Chapter 165 – Future Father-In-Law?

“What’s wrong, San’er?” Chen Xing’s mood still hadn’t relaxed.

Little Zero was looking confused: What happened?

【Chu Jiu! It’s the one I mentioned to you before, the weapon system!】

“Oh! I remember now.”

【Right… it’s her…】 San’er was about to say more but was interrupted by Chen Xing.

“The one you said was a perverted old lady?”

San’er: !?

Then Chen Xing continued: “The one you said was poisonous and killed all nine hosts midway!?”

San’er was nearly driven mad by Chen Xing: 【Hold on a second! Don’t you make up things! I never said those words! You’re making this up, not me!】

Chen Xing: “If you didn’t tell me, how would I know all that?”

San’er was on the verge of tears: You’re really my good brother…

Chu Jiu sneered: (This is Chu Jiu’s exclusive dialogue box.)

This cold laugh sent a shiver down San’er’s spine…

He quickly explained: 【Someone else told me! Really, Number Seven said it! Do you know Number Seven?】

【That guy ranked seventh! He’s the one who said it!】

While saying this, he was silently praying in his heart: Number Seven, I’m sorry! Please help me carry this blame! From now on, we’re brothers!

Without a hint, he didn’t even know Number Seven, he just knew there was such a system. He figured he wouldn’t run into him anyway, the perfect way to shift the blame!

Chu Jiu:

San’er didn’t dare to speak anymore, he quickly turned to Chen Xing: 【Can you explain for me! At least I helped you and Zero back then!】

【Is this how you treat me!】

Chen Xing:”…”

“Don’t worry, the person is right here, she can’t escape. Let’s talk it out slowly, no need to rush.”

【…Makes sense.】

“Right, isn’t Brother Xing already married? He wouldn’t lie to you.”

San’er: 【…Why do I feel insulted?】

Chen Xing: “Illusion.”

Then, he stopped bickering with San’er, and directly asked Chu Jiu: “Why are you in Zero’s Spirit System? What’s your purpose?”

As he finished speaking, the atmosphere instantly turned cold. Chen Xing’s gaze had changed, becoming quite cold and indifferent.

Chu Jiu didn’t speak, and Chen Xing waited.

Zero dared not speak, and San’er even less so.

Finally, Chu Jiu’s voice sounded again:


All three of them were left speechless.

Chen Xing’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he said coldly: “Do you think I’ll believe that?”

Chu Jiu said calmly: Her voice was still that calm and unruffled tone.

Before Chen Xing could say anything else, San’er suddenly spoke up:

【 Wait a moment, let me take a look inside. 】 With that, he entered the Spirit System once again.

After a short while, he returned to his own system: 【 She indeed doesn’t remember anything. Her memory data is limited to this world and the system’s plane. Her memories from previous planes have all disappeared. 】

【 It’s clear that someone wiped them out. 】

Chen Xing nodded in understanding and continued to ask: “Do you remember how you parasitized inside Zero?”

Chu Jiu didn’t bother to speak a lot:

With that, a panel appeared in front of Chen Xing and Zero.

However, San’er couldn’t see it! 【 Wait! What about me!? Did you forget about me? 】

Chu Jiu remained silent.

In frustration, San’er entered Chu Jiu’s… system again. In just a few minutes, he entered three times.

Chu Jiu directly scolded:

San’er: 【I won’t!】

Upon entering the Spirit System, San’er could finally see the scene. In the scene, there was a sky full of large snowflakes falling.

A man stood in this cold, snowy weather, wearing only a thin short-sleeved shirt and summer sports pants. However, he didn’t seem cold at all!

He held a baby in his arms, a very small baby wrapped in swaddling clothes, as if just born not long ago. The baby slept soundly in his arms, like a little angel. Tranquil and beautiful.

As soon as Chen Xing clearly saw the baby’s face, he exclaimed: “Zero!”

San’er: 【You can recognize her from this!?】

“My wife, how could I not recognize her?”

San’er took another careful look and felt something odd: 【 This newborn looks so different from her current appearance, how could you recognize her!? 】

Zero was also puzzled: “Hmm…? Wait… is the man me!?”

San’er: ???

As expected, you’re the most outrageous!

Chen Xing chuckled lightly, amused by her reaction: “Silly girl, I said the baby in his arms is you!”

“Hmm…” Little Zero squinted her beautiful eyes and took a closer look, asking in confusion: “How could you tell!?!”

Chen Xing proudly said: “Of course, I could tell. A baby this cute, who else could it be besides you?”

Upon hearing this, a small gap between little Zero’s teeth showed as she smiled: “Hehe… Cute?” (●ˇ?ˇ●)

Chen Xing nodded: “Definitely! The cutest in the world!”

Zero blushed and happily hugged him: “Hehe~ Love you~”

【Sweetness Points +1000!】

Chen Xing smiled, but his mind was filled with questions: Who is this man? Zero’s father!?

The scene continued.

The man held Zero and walked slowly in the snow. With each step, he left a footprint that formed a depression in the snow.

It was early morning, just breaking dawn, and there wasn’t a soul on the street amidst the heavy snowfall. Only his row of footprints remained, creating a sense of loneliness.


Suddenly, Zero burst into tears. The baby’s crying blended perfectly with the snowy landscape and the lonely footprints, creating a haunting image. It was as if the winter scene in the painting grew even colder.

The sound of the baby’s cries softened Chen Xing’s heart. He quickly patted Zero’s back gently.

Zero: ???

“Why are you… I’m not the one crying…”

Chen Xing finally realized: “Oh… my apologies, I got carried away!”

Zero giggled: “Hehehe… silly… hehe…”

Chen Xing chuckled and kissed her on the cheek.

【Sweetness Points +1000】


Zero looked at the scene again and suddenly exclaimed! She raised her small hand and pointed at a door in the painting: “That’s… our orphanage!”

Chen Xing squinted his eyes upon hearing that and looked at the man in the painting.

At that moment, the man in the painting had carried Zero to the entrance of the orphanage. He gently placed her on the ground.

Then, he remained motionless for a long time. After a while, he finally spoke slowly: “Child, my lifelong efforts are all entrusted to you.”

His voice was somewhat hoarse, but there was no trace of sadness.

Most people shed a few tears during such a parting, right? But he didn’t shed a tear; in fact, his face even showed excitement!


Zero’s crying intensified.

However, the man’s expression remained unchanged, devoid of any sympathy.

Chen Xing felt a pang of heartache. He wished he could jump in, scoop up Zero, and run away!

He was worried that little Zero might feel uncomfortable, so he lowered his head and glanced at her. He noticed that she was leaning against his chest, showing no particular expression.

Indeed, she wasn’t feeling uncomfortable. The children in the orphanage, like her, had no parents. Moreover, meeting Su Su at a young age had given her a strong sense of dependence and security. Now that she had Chen Xing, looking back on this memory felt like observing someone else’s past. It was a bit uncomfortable, but not overwhelmingly so.

Suddenly, the man in the painting pulled out something red.

Chen Xing immediately furrowed his brows. Wait a minute… Isn’t that… firecrackers?

The man then took out a lighter.


A small flame shot out, quickly igniting the red object. In the next moment, he threw it with force, directly over the wall!

“Crackle, pop~”

Then, he turned and ran!

Chen Xing: (°ー°〃) ???

San’er: =.= ???

Zero: o_o…

Chen Xing: Is this person… my future father-in-law?

Is something wrong with him? Throwing a child and setting off firecrackers in celebration?

Even though he might have been trying to get the attention of those inside the building, this was seriously… baffling behavior.

As expected, people from the orphanage soon came out, grumbling and complaining: “Who’s that?! Such a heartless person! Early in the morning, don’t they let people sleep!?”

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