How Can My Wife Be So Adorable?
How Can My Wife Be So Adorable Chapter 208 – They’re Both Cheating

During the descent, Chen Xing felt like he was participating in a parade.

After the demons finished kneeling, they immediately stood up and started running, shouting and cheering as they descended dozens of layers down. The noise was even louder than the million-person arena from earlier, shaking the cliffs and causing bits of debris to fall.

Chen Xing was somewhat concerned that their collective running might shatter the seemingly fragile cliff.

Fortunately, that catastrophic event didn’t happen throughout the descent.

“Demon King! Welcome to the Abyssal City!”

The grand swordsman, Gurtoto, exclaimed excitedly. His voice, usually raspy, was loud and clear at that moment.

“In honor of the arrival of the Demon King!”

A million voices thundered in unison, causing Chen Xing and Zero to feel a tingling sensation on their scalps.

At the bottom of the Abyssal City was a massive space with oil lamps hanging from the cliffs. This area served as the training grounds for the entire city. There were many simple houses built from straw and wood, giving it a primitive tribal look.

By this time, nearly five million demons from the city had gathered at the bottom, crowding around Chen Xing. They were ecstatic, and tears filled their eyes.

Five million people formed a dense, unending mass that extended as far as the eye could see. Even those at the back couldn’t see Chen Xing and Zero due to the distance. However, compared to the nearly one billion people in Thousand Moonflower City, this number was far less.

Chen Xing had been holding Zero and standing on top of the bus so that everyone could see him. The sight of hundreds of thousands of people staring at her made Zero feel extremely uncomfortable, “Um… Chen Xing, could you please put me down…”

In a crowd this large, she didn’t feel comfortable addressing him as her husband.

Chen Xing chuckled and didn’t make it difficult for her. He gently placed her down.

“Um…” Zero looked around and noticed that hundreds of thousands of people were also watching her. She felt at a loss as to where to hide, with demons surrounding her on all sides. Their fervent gazes made her feel extremely uneasy.

“Waaah… maybe… maybe hold me again! Waaah…” (X﹏X)

Chen Xing laughed and lifted her up once more.

“Um… Sob…” Once back in his embrace, Zero buried her head in his chest, “I can’t see… I can’t see…”

This scene melted the hearts of the surrounding demons.

Thoughts: Where can I find such an adorable wife!?

【Ding! Congratulations, host. Your wife, Zero, has successfully purified twenty thousand demons! Reward: Spirit Points: 30 billion, crystal coins: 30 billion!】



Even San’er couldn’t help but exclaim in astonishment!

Zero also lifted her head in bewilderment, looking at Chen Xing in disbelief.

What did I do? What’s happening?

I must have misheard… It should be thirty million, right…

【Is this really thirty billion!? Unbelievable!】

Chen Xing was also speechless with shock!

He looked at Zero, who was equally astonished in his arms, and playfully pinched her cheek, saying, “You’re really amazing.”

“Um…” Zero looked bewildered, still not understanding what was happening.

【But I feel like the main company’s sanctions are coming… This is obviously unbalanced! It’s practically a bug!】

“I think so too…”

Chen Xing had been subjected to sanctions many times. His profits were halved, and there were even instances when they were completely removed.

At that moment, San’er suddenly said, 【 Quick! While Sanjiu Zero hasn’t realized yet, get more rewards! 】

【 The projects in the later stages of the future factory cost trillions! Take advantage of this moment to max out the rewards! 】

Chen Xing couldn’t help but smile and sigh. He looked tenderly at Zero in his arms and gently pinched her cheek again, asking, “Want to try again?”

“Um… I won’t mess up this time!”


Zero looked at the demons, unsure of what to do.

Just as Chen Xing was about to do something, San’er suddenly exclaimed in pain, 【What! It’s actually happening! 】

As soon as he finished speaking, a panel appeared in front of them.

【Message from Sanjiu Zero Corporation: Dear user, our company has detected that your task completion is too simplistic. We apologize for any negative experience this may have caused you.】

Chen Xing rolled his eyes and muttered to himself, “Apologize my foot! My experience was just fine! You’re the one causing trouble!”

【To ensure your satisfactory experience, our company has decided to decrease task rewards. Original reward: Purifying one demon awards 1.5 million Spirit Points and 1.5 million crystal coins. Adjusted reward: 15,000 Spirit Points and 15,000 crystal coins.】

“Damn! It’s been decreased by a hundred times!”

【As compensation, our company has decided the following: Acquired property will not be confiscated. We are also providing you with a user complaints channel. If you wish to complain about the system or have any feedback, please click on the complaints button within the system. Our company will punish the corresponding system based on the actual situation.】

San’er: 【 Why am I the one getting punished !?】

Chen Xing felt helpless. He had just earned thirty billion, and his happiness was short-lived.


Although the demon realm was vast, the population wasn’t that large and was still scattered. When you added them all up, there were only a few billion. In contrast, there were even more demon beasts.

But demon beasts don’t give out tasks!

Even though there were a few billion people, if Chen Xing purified one hundred million of them, he would have 1.5 trillion.

However, it still felt like a loss. He should have had one hundred and fifty trillion in total!

Moreover, purifying one hundred million people would take a long time. Who knows when it would be done!



Very frustrating.

【Well, next time I go back to the Elf Dimension, if there’s a task like this, I’ll exploit the bug. I’ll take more rewards all at once!】

“Well…” Chen Xing nodded. He was thinking the same thing.

Can’t blame me for being heartless when you’re being ruthless!

Meanwhile, in the Sanjiu Zero Corporation’s task program department in the system dimension, everyone’s faces showed helplessness.

They had just been scolded mercilessly.

It was about the purification task in the demon plane. The department head’s original words were: “Are you all a bunch of idiots!? You set up so many rewards for a purification task?”

All the subordinate program editors were speechless!

Many of them had visited the demon plane before. That purification task was not easy at all!

While others struggled to purify a single demon, the girl in the picture accomplished it with a cute pose.

Wasn’t that ridiculous!

The first reaction from everyone was that she was exploiting a bug! They tested it over and over again, and the result proved that the program was fine. The task settings were also fine.

So, the conclusion was: this girl was “cheating”!

“Sigh… It’s him again! Why is it him every day!?”

One of them looked at Chen Xing’s information on the screen and was speechless.

Chen Xing was a familiar face. Back when he was on the Assassin Star, these programmers would often write sanctions programs for him when they had nothing to do.

They would get scolded every day!

Another person shook their head and sighed, “He’s okay. His strength has improved too quickly; the system program can’t keep up.”

“And the girlfriend he found is just outrageous! Completely unreasonable!”

“They’re both cheating.”


Returning to the present, Chen Xing stood on top of the bus and looked at the demons around him. In this city beneath the abyss, the total population was around five million.

People capable of fighting were about four and a half million!

Chen Xing had asked Gurtoto about it before. Most of the people in this treacherous area were capable of combat.

In the abyss a few hundred kilometers away next door, there are still five million people living!

In the abyss next to that one, there are another five million people!

And in the abyss next to that…

Those closer to the frontlines are mostly highly skilled fighters. Combined, there’s a total of fifty million combat forces!

As for those further back, they’re mostly ordinary demons with low combat values.

Ordinary demons make up the majority, about 150-200 million.

Over the past hundred years, many died, and the elderly became older. The number of people capable of fighting has been decreasing, and the total population has been decreasing as well.

After a hundred years, the male demon population of nearly 800 million has drastically reduced to 200 million.

It’s outrageous!

Most of them died in the struggle against the Thousand Moonflower Queen!

Chen Xing had already sent someone to call those tens of millions of combatants. As soon as they arrived, he planned to lead them into battle directly!

While waiting, Chen Xing didn’t know what to say.

Actually, he didn’t need to say much.

Whatever he did, everyone would unquestioningly follow him!

However, Chen Xing knew that these demons were living on barely enough to eat every day. So, he thought about arranging a luxurious breakfast for them first.

A good meal before work!

Thus, he calmly said: “Let me treat you to breakfast.”

Demon crowd: ???

What does he mean?

Chen Xing waved his hand.

Two billion crystal coins disappeared into thin air!

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