I am Busy Farming In the Cold Palace
I am Busy Farming In the Cold Palace Chapter 138

Chapter 138: 全押了

Chapter 138: All In

It shouldn’t be ah.

He obviously shook out the big one, how come it became the small one who came out?

Can’t it be that his level of dice rolling has dropped?

The man himself began to doubt.

Normally, if a newbie came in to bet, according to the rules of the gambling house, the first few hands, the player would be given some sweeteners to allow them to win a few hands, but somehow, for two consecutive hands, he didn’t shake out the number of points he himself wanted it to be. 

At that moment, he glanced at Lu Yunluo with some nervousness, fearing that he would not want to play if he lost two games in a row.

Since, every time he could bet a hundred taels at once with a calm face, he should have brought a lot of silver with him. If he could make this rich young master stay, he might be able to exceed his mission’s goal today.

Although she lost two games in a row, Lu Yunluo didn’t seem to be very concerned, and lightly threw another hundred taels of chips onto the betting table.

The crowd didn’t try to persuade them either, they all waited to see Lu Yunluo’s good play.

As expected. 

After playing ten games in a row, this Gongzi lost every game!

His face changed from not caring at the beginning to gradually becoming gloomy.

And the face of the person shaking the dice on the stage was also getting stranger and stranger.

It was as if the dice were against him today, and every time he shook it out, it wasn’t what he wanted.

Another round of betting began.

On the betting table, that Gongzi seemed to be a bit annoyed because he kept losing, and threw out all of his chips in a desperate bid.

“All in!”

Everyone looked sideways, having lost ten games in a row, this young master had an air of impatience in him.

A total of four thousand taels of chips were all thrown onto the “big” on the betting table.

The people around could see the pattern.

This kid, today’s luck is not good, follow her to bet the other way round, they could definitely win.

Therefore, the surrounding people all bet on ‘small’. 

The person who shook the dice on the stage saw Lu Yunluo four thousand taels all up, his heart was immediately happy.

In the casino, the person who can directly bet four thousand taels is still very few.

After all, people who often come to the gambling house were only some ordinary people, dozens of hundreds of taels to play are considered big.

Although there were also rich young masters, after all, there were only a few. 

This hand, if he can help the gambling house to win the four thousand taels of silver, then his task today can be considered overfulfilled.

This time, he absolutely could not let this Gongzi win.

According to the pattern of the previous ten consecutive hands, it seemed that the number of points opened were all opposite to the number of points he wanted to shake, so this time, he would do the opposite. 

Since this young master had bet on big, he would shake the dice according to the points of big, and in the end it would definitely come out small. Like this, the gambling house would win the four thousand taels.

So the dice shaker confidently shook the dice.

Then, under everyone’s watchful eyes, the dice cup was unveiled.

Three sixes, a total of eighteen points, big!

The person who shook the dice was stunned.

This time, the number of points was the number that he wanted to shake out just now?

But in the previous ten hands, every time he wanted to shake big, the result was small, he wanted to shake small, the result was big.

How come this time he wanted to shake big, and the result was really big, shouldn’t it be small?

The person who shook the dice had fallen into deep doubt about his level.

It couldn’t be that his level of dice shaking had seriously declined now?

“Why is it big? Lost again.”

The surrounding people secretly cursed.

On the contrary, Lu Yunluo smiled brightly and took back eight thousand taels of chips from the dealer’s hand, “You let me win, thanks for letting me win!”


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