I am Busy Farming In the Cold Palace
I am Busy Farming In the Cold Palace Chapter 163

Chapter 163: 空间成精了

The space has become highly perfected.

The Duke of State paused slightly, although he said, he was poisoned this time, Luo’er often helped him to apply needles to regulate his body, but that didn’t mean that Lu Yunluo was proficient in medicine, or even so skilled that she was able to cure Mo Ran’s leg.

But he also didn’t want to discourage his granddaughter’s enthusiam so he slapped his palm onto Su Mo Ran’s head, “You even don’t believe in our Luo’er’s medical skills. If she says it can be cured, then it definitely can be cured, right Luo’er?”

Lu Yunluo had a bit of a headache. It seems that these father and son didn’t take her words to their heart. 

Forget it, they would know once she already cured her uncle’s leg.

“By the way, uncle, Grandpa isn’t sick this time, but has been poisoned by a chronic poison.”

This matter, she hadn’t spoken to her Grandfather yet. 

“You said that my father was poisoned?” Su Mo Ran’s tone suddenly changed.

Even the Duke of State’s face changed slightly.

He had been nourishing his body for the past few days and had always thought it was just him being sick, but he had never thought of being poisoning.

Lu Yunluo nodded, “I originally caught Zhang Da Niang and the broker who were sold in the middle of the night, but it’s a pity that they all bit the poison and killed themselves.”

She later went to check on the two young male servants who sold Zhang Da Niang at night, and both of them had also magically disappeared. 

It was obvious that the person behind this act was extremely cautious.

Su Mo Ran had a ponder look on his face.

Somehow, he suddenly thought of Su Yunzhe.

A year ago, he once returned from the field to the capital to secretly visit his father. At that time, he inadvertently saw Su Yunzhe and the third prince have secret dealings. At that time, he did not think much about it but now it seems, this matter is not that simple.

Maybe it will also involve the Prime Minister’s case.

Lu Yunluo is now the imperial concubine in the palace, so she could not be involved again.

“Yun Luo, this matter, you should not interfere anymore.” Su Mo Ran’s expression was extremely serious.

Under only Su Mo Ran’s threatened gaze, Lu Yunluo had no choice but to nod her head.

She couldn’t stay outside the palace for long, so she could only leave this matter for her uncle to investigate.

In the evening, Lu Yunluo went back to her room to rest and went into the warehouse in space to take a look, fearing that when she went to bed at night, the warehouse was full again and sent out an ear-piercing alarm in the middle of the night.

Pacing to a place where the upgraded fruit was, Lu Yunluo found that the notice board above had changed again.

“Dear, the upgraded herb garden covers an area of 500 square meters. There are all sorts of treasures (you can have everything you need) in the garden oh. You can also unlock the ice sky and snow mountains, and the weather forecast can be upgraded to five kingdoms and 180 cities; there are also a variety of vegetables and plants that are not available in this era, so it’s better to act now, don’t wait any longer, come and upgrade it!”

After she read this notice, she didn’t know why, she always felt that this space had become highly perfected.

As if it knew that she was unwilling to upgrade and deliberately wrote in detail to tempt her.

See, the previous introduction of the third level fruit’s description above would also write, ‘the side effects are not clear yet, use with caution.’

Now the side effects have disappeared.

The more this happens, the more Lu Yunluo doesn’t dare to upgrade.

Originally, she had already made up her mind before.

Who knew that she would see such a weird scene today.

She felt that this was a set up (a pattern).

She resolutely must not fall for it (not to be fooled). 

No big deal, she would make a trip into space every day, check the warehouse frequently, and if it was almost full, she would smash the alarm, since it would last for a while anyway.

Thinking it like this, she left the space without any attachment and went to sleep.

The next day, early in the morning, the news of the first son of the Ding Guo Gongfu returning to the house spread throughout the entire capital.


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