I am Busy Farming In the Cold Palace
I am Busy Farming In the Cold Palace Chapter 168

Chapter 168: 闲言碎语


The Duke of State had also begun to get drunk. Who cared where the wine came from? He only knew that it was strong enough and he liked it!

“Come, come, come on, we’ll not stop until we get drunk today!”

Therefore, three old friends who had not seen each other for a long time began to drink, one cup and another one cup as they chatted about the past.

When Lu Yunluo came back, she heard the subordinate say that the Duke of State and the two guests he had invited were drunk as the Lord in the Duke of State’s courtyard. She rushed over and in her heart, she still thought it was strange, how could this wine be so strong?

As soon as she entered the room, she smelled the strong smell of wine coming from her nose.

When her eyes fell on the wine jar on the ground, she immediately didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry. 

This is not grape wine, it is clearly a high concentration of white wine.

It should be that she was in a hurry when she left the house in the morning and took the wrong wine.

Looking at this situation, these three people probably drank all of the wine from a small altar.

With this kind of pure white wine, if it was someone who was not a good drinker, it was estimated that they would fall down in one cup.

No wonder they were all drunk in this kind of state.

The other two unopened jars of white wine were all put away.

Grandfather’s illness has not been long, drinking grape wine can still nourish the body, but this white wine, forget it.

Let the subordinate help bring these people to the room to rest. It is estimated that if it is not until tomorrow, these people will not wake up.

Back to the courtyard, seeing her uncle sitting in the garden, staring blankly at the calm  and frozen pool, his thin ‘waste away’ figure and handsome face, between the eyebrows, there is the faint sadness that he was unable to solve. 

The personal guards standing beside Lu Yunluo hurriedly came over and said, “Your Highness, you’d better persuade the young master ba. It won’t do anything good for him to go on like this ah.”

The young master had only made one trip out of the door today, and there were countless people pointing fingers behind his back.

The young master was once the capital’s most fortunate son of heaven, becoming famous on the battlefield and sweeping away the enemy troops. 

But for all the honors that were once bestowed upon him, there were now many disgraces and mockings. 

Look, the former Dingguo Gongfu’s young master and famous generals,who can fight in the war side by side with the crown prince or emperor, are now just a waste man only.

Not to mention the battlefield, now to continue the family line is difficult.

Ding Guo Gongfu’s direct line ah, to him is considered stopped in him. 

No matter where you go, you can hear such gossip.

If it wasn’t for the Duke’s illness this time, the young master wouldn’t have come back at all.

He was truly afraid that after Niang Niang returned to the palace, the young master would not be able to withstand these shames and choose to leave the house once again.

This guard had grown up with her uncle since he was a child, and he had been by her uncle’s side for the five years since her uncle’s disappearance.

Having seen that high spirited and ambitious young man in the past, and then seeing this devastated, disillusioned and lost all interest in front of him, naturally made the people around him heartbroken.

Lu Yunluo felt that, 

Can’t let this uncle of hers go on thinking nonsense.

Have to find something for him to do.

Going forward, she said with a smile, ”Uncle, why do you still have the leisure to enjoy the scenery here? Have you gone through the accounts of the mansion? You’ve been away from the mansion for five years, so this time when you come back, don’t ever think about being lazy.”

Su Mo Ran was amused by Lu Yun Luo’s words. Can this girl talk, how is he lazy?

“Come on people, notify uncle Wang. Let him sort out all the accounts of the mansion for these five years for the eldest young master to see.” Lu Yunluo ordered.

Five years of book accounts should be able to keep him busy for a few days, right?

“Remember to get all the accounts from the shops and farms outside, and also the subordinates list in the mansion that have been replaced by the second great uncle, okay? Submit the roster of all the subordinates in the mansion, and give them all to my uncle for him to check.”


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